Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

  • Prize for class that has the most students!
  • Price goes up Friday midnight!
  • Volunteer!

Join us as a Speaker

This Saturday!

Stop by OLG gym 9am-1pm

At Home Projects available!

Principal's Letter

Dear OLG, 

So many awesome things have happened and continue to happen this week! We had two field trips on Earth Day to the Botanical Gardens (2nd gr) and a trip to UW for an Indigenous Walking Tour (7th gr pictured here!) We had a special visit from NED (see Counselor’s Corner below), and saw a truly fantastic performance of Annie the Musical by our incredibly talented 8th graders today!

We hope that you will join us tonight at 7pm in the gym, as we see the second performance, and celebrate our entire 8th grade class. Of course, this production would not have been possible without the gifts and talents of Nikki Womac who is the director of the show, and the generosity of Dave Walmesley and family for the lights and sound, and our entire musical team, Ms. Savio, Mr. Santos, Mr. Casey and Natalie Trius who help out as well. Thank you to the parents, volunteers, family members, and the litany of wonderful folks who helped to champion our students and make this production what it is! Don’t wait for the Sun to Come Out Tomorrow to see this great performance, or you’ll miss it! Grab your friends and family and alumni bring your former classmates! See you tonight! 

In some other news, tomorrow our 1-4th grade classes will be visited by a group from the Archdiocese to learn about a shrine to Mary, the Mother of God, that the Archdiocese is seeking to construct here in Seattle. Our 1st-4th graders will get to learn about a program started by St. Pope John Paul II when he was our Pope in the 1990s, and about the way in which Mary is important to Catholics and Christians around the world. They will get to provide input, over the course of the month of May, about what a shrine and place to pray for Mary should look like and should include. More information will be coming home to 1st-4th grade families at the start of the month. But tomorrow, we will get to hear about the children that Mary appeared to at Fatima in 1917, and hear about the importance of the Rosary to Catholics. 

Lastly, please see some important information below about staffing changes and updates, and the other excellent news shared below. We hope to see you at Day of Service on Saturday! 

Please notice important updates to your calendar:

  • NO After School Tutoring May 1st and May 8th
  • May's All School Mass has been moved to May 23rd

Other upcoming things:

  • Talent Show sign ups (see School Happenings section)
  • Field Day and Bingo (see PO)
  • Salmon Release next week!
  • 6th Grade Camp next week!

Subscribe to our online calendar for the latest updates.

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Important Dates

Apr 25 - Annie, the musical 7:00 pm OLG gym

Apr 27 - Day of Service - Don't miss out!

Apr 29 to May 1 - 6th grade at Outdoor Environmental Camp

Apr 29 to May 24 - MAP Testing Begins for Grades 1-8 - Please avoid appointments, get plenty of rest and eat a solid breakfast.

May 1 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

  • NO After School Tutoring - Cancelled due to outdoor camp

May 2 - FCE goes home with youngest student in family

May 3 - OLG Spirit Wear Day

  • 1st and 6th Grades Release Salmon
  • NOON Dismissal - Professional Development

May 4 - Celebrate First Holy Communion Mass 5:30 pm

Coming up!

May 10 - Battle of the Books Finals

May 15 - Spring Concert 5:30 pm

May 16 - Career Day

May 17 - Bingo Night

May 19 - Multi-cultural Mass & Fair + Coffee & Donuts (1st & 5th gr)

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

Staffing Updates

Development Director - We are very sad to announce that Carla Mayuri's last day will be May 10th. She has been working part-time at a Retreat Center, and has been offered an exciting opportunity to run the Center which integrates with the Master's Degree she has been working on, in Pastoral Ministries, with an Emphasis in Restorative Justice and Chaplaincy. Carla is NOT moving to another school! Carla will continue to help OLG on a very limited basis the remainder of the year. Please note we will be making adjustments to the role before the job position is posted. Thank you, Carla for the fantastic job you have done in your time here! We are so grateful for all that you have done for the OLG community!

New 5th Grade Teacher has been hired! We are pleased to announce Ms. Sarah Niemi will be joining our community! She is joining us as a member of the PACE program out of University of Portland. We will be sharing a bio from Ms. Niemi soon!

EDC Update - We are pleased to announce that two OLG Alumni, Molly Gazewood and Samantha Scheving (both class of 2020) have stepped in and joined our current EDC staff, our EDC program three days a week, through the end of the year. A big thank you to our current staff who continue to step up to ensure this program continues to run smoothly.

School Happenings

2024 Talent Show!

  • Permission slips due May 15 to the front office
  • Tryouts: Wednesday, May 22
  • Talent show: Friday, May 31 1:00-3:00 pm

Click Here for details and form

Lots of great events coming up in our community to get volunteer hours completed before the 2023-24 deadline.

Volunteer Central

Counselor Corner

The NED Show Excitement Continues...

Grades PreK - 5th gathered for an interactive character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. During the assembly, students learned about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor, and yo-yo tricks. 

Yo-yos will be for sale on Thursday, and Friday, as well as the following Monday and Tuesday.

Parent Org

Loop the 'Lupe

YES! You can earn hours for the 23-24 school year! 

The 2023-24 commitment hour deadline has been extended to include Loop the 'Lupe (June 8th)! This event isn’t possible without the over 75 amazing volunteers needed. Log Loop the 'Lupe hours for 23-24 or 24-25.


OLG Incentive..Special prize

for the class that has the most students register!

Register here!

Help us Spread the Word! 

Follow - Like - Share!

CYO Athletics

Come Run With Us!

CYO Track and Field Registration is OPEN for grades 4-8! Practices will be Tuesday/Thursday @ 5pm with Coaches Dan Womac and Dana Elsner. Let's win another trophy! More info about meet dates

Grades 4-8: Register HERE

Questions? Contact Dan Womac

Summer Fun!

Featured OLG Summer Camp

Register Summer Camp

Summer Band Camp

Incoming Grades 6-9

July 8-12

Register Band Camp

Vacation Bible Camp

Registration is Open!

June 24-28

Welcome Campers and Crew!

Vacation Bible Camp

School Fund Drive

While there are many worthy causes, let's not forget the importance of our Annual School Fund, which serves as a vital pillar of support for our school.

Check out the 2023-2024 Annual School Fund Drive Thermometer for the most up-to-date results!

Unfortunately, no contributions for the last couple of weeks.

We are still at $32,600 for our Annual School Fund and only a 18% of school community participation.

The race continues! Let's try to reach $40,000!

How can YOU help if you have already donated or cannot donate?

Help us SPREAD THE WORD, invite friends, family or colleagues to support OLG! Thank you for your continued support!


Our prayers continue for Fr. Kevin. If you would like to send him a card, drop it off at the school or parish office and we will personally deliver them to him.

For Liz Quade and family.

Please keep the Beza family (Enrico 6th grade) in your prayers. More on Caring Bridge. You can also show support through a Go Fund Me created here and shared by request of the family.

Please pray for staff and students who are sick and those that are well, stay well.

We also keep Sandy Plummer and Fr. Jack Walmesley in our prayers.

For our community members whose family members who are fighting cancer and other ailments.

For our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We ask God to help them find shelter and comfort.

Parish News

Are you interested in Learning more about the Catholic Faith or becoming Catholic?A new RCIA inquiry group is starting on Wednesday, May 15, 6:30-8:30 pm.  RCIA is a process of initiation into the Catholic community of faith—with no strings attached! Participants can go at their own pace. For more information, please contact Helen Oesterle at 206-935-0358, x 108; You can also find more information at our parish website- www.olgseattle.org/rcia  

Altar Server Training Available based on your Schedule

Is your child(ren) interested in being an altar server? Children 3rd grade and older, and adults are invited to serve in this special ministry. It is also a great opportunity for families to serve together. Information, Helen Oesterle at 206-935-0358

Do you Have a Child In Need of Baptism?

Have you been asked to serve as a Godparent? The next Baptism Class will be offered May 8 6:30-8:30 pm via MS Teams. If you have questions or would like to register, please contact Sarah,

More on the OLG Parish Website

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