Dear Families,
Happy Easter season to each of you! This week, we continue to pray for Fr. Kevin and his recovery, and pray for our new Pastor and Vicar, introduced to you on Monday. As a community, we are embracing Partners in the Gospel with open hearts and minds. We are holding one another in prayer, and looking forward to the many possibilities and opportunities that are ahead for us as a Catholic community in West Seattle.
There are a multitude of things happening in the next few weeks, so please pay close attention to the calendar dates and all the information listed below. Things to note are the two full dress uniform days next week on Tuesday and Thursday, AND FCEs went home today (included in there is also the 24-25 calendar.)
Additionally, 8th Grade Musical Snack Shack has kicked off with an exciting new item, A FREE DRESS PASS or raffle tickets to enter into a drawing to win one! All proceeds for the musical snack shack and initiatives go to support the production of the show, and the time and talent that goes into making it happen! Thank you for your support. This year, the musical is Annie! See info above AND below!
On a completely different note, I wanted to share two exciting personal/professional news with you as a community, that I shared with our staff and School Commission last night.
The first is that the Office for Catholic Schools and Archdiocese of Seattle Missions Office, asked me personally to represent them, and scout a possible Family Mission Trip through Maryknoll, to see if it may be something we’d want to encourage our families and community members to partake in, in the future. This is a wonderful honor to be asked, and great opportunity for the Archdiocese and for our community. I will be joining Maryknoll Missionaries for a week in May, to Jamaica, spending time at a hospice center for children and adults, at a facilities for children with physical and mental disabilities, and with teen/ young mothers and their babies, among many other things. We will also be exploring the vast history of Jamaica, especially the impact that the slave trade had on their country, and the effects that are still seen and felt today. I look forward to sharing this experience with you all upon my return. You will all be on my mind as I consider what this could hold as an opportunity for each of your families.
The second is that beginning this summer, I will be starting a very intensive 25-month long Masters in Educational Leadership, through the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program, at the University of Notre Dame! This highly rigorous and competitive program is specifically designed for current Catholic school principals and active Catholic school leaders. It is in-person at Notre Dame for three summers and online/remote during the next two school years. I will still very much be at OLG, and will be gathering amazing new tools, resources, experiences and knowledge to enrich our wonderful community. I am excited for this incredible opportunity to learn, study and grow at Notre Dame, and I thank you for your prayers and support along the way! Go Irish!
Have a nice remainder of your week!