Lakehurst sand is a familiar type of soil series underfoot in Ocean County. "Soil series" are the most homogenous classes in the soil system of taxonomy. A soil series is the common reference term used to name soil map units. Think of a soil series as being akin to a plant or animal "species".
Lakehurst sand is a moderately well-draining soil formed from sandy coastal plain sediments, and is quite beautiful. Its top soil layer, horizon A, is dark gray in color, and sits atop an E horizon - an "eluvial" layer. This layer has been leached of any silicate clay, iron, aluminum and organic matter, making it appear light gray, nearly white. The yellowish brown sand in the B horizon lies below the E horizon, followed by the C horizon consisting of pale brown sand. Overall, this series is very strongly acidic throughout the profile. Lakehurst sand is formed under woodlands consisting of pitch pine, shortleaf pine, black and white oak, with an understory of low bush blueberry and scrub oak.
Visit OCSCD's Resources page to learn more about our soils, their properties and processes, and how to create and maintain healthy soil in your yard.