February 22, 2021
“The Power of Nursing Education to Move Beyond 2020”

November 18-21 – Austin, TX (Tentative)

Deadline to submit podium and abstracts: March 21, 2021
(Poster abstracts due May 31)
The Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (OADN) invites nursing educators, nursing administrators, practitioners, and those interested in nursing education to submit abstracts for the OADN annual convention, which is tentatively planned for November 18 - 21 in Austin, Texas. The call is for workshops (4 hours), concurrent sessions (50 minutes), and posters.

The year 2020, the Year of the Nurse, changed the world and nursing as we know it. Although the Covid-19 pandemic and social inequities that came to light are not behind us, this year’s OADN convention theme is The Power of Nursing Education to Move Beyond 2020. The convention will focus on the work of nursing educators to address the issues and strategies to lead the change for a healthier, more equitable future. This is your opportunity to tell the story of how your programs and classes met the unprecedented challenges of last year, learned, and grew from the experience.

Top consideration will be given to abstracts that present well-designed demonstration projects, particularly those that are evidence-based or include data. Abstracts that include theoretical frameworks and meta-analysis are strongly encouraged to include a robust component that demonstrates application in ADN education and/or other settings.
All submissions should indicate how faculty or administrators have demonstrated strategies to address one or more of the following objectives:
  • Identify existing barriers and propose strategies to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in nursing education
  • Foster healthy working environments and nurse well-being
  • Identify Innovative approaches to clinical learning experiences
  • Share technology advances and applications in simulation and virtual simulation
  • Discuss strategies to build inclusive learning communities
  • Identify new methods of curriculum redesign
  • Expand access to education through creative academic progression and other strategies
  • Promote strategies to generate and support nurse leaders who will contribute to a changing health care system regionally, nationally, and globally.
  • Demonstrate advocacy as a leadership strategy, including advocating within your program, college, with regulatory bodies, and political leaders.
A maximum of 3 presenters, will be considered with your abstract submission. Accepted abstracts wishing to submit more than three presenters, may petition OADN for additional presenter inclusion upon acceptance. All presenters are required to register as an attendee for the convention.

We encourage all those submitting a podium abstract to additionally submit your abstract as poster abstract, as well. This will allow your abstract to be considered as a poster if it is not selected for podium presentation. The submissions may be identical.
To submit an abstract, complete the appropriate form via the links below.

Podium Submission Link (50-minute presentation)
Workshop Submission Link (Workshops are four hours in length)

If you need assistance with your submission, please contact the OADN National Office at oadn@oadn.org

Deadline to submit podium and abstracts: March 21, 2021
(Poster abstracts due May 31)
Organization for Associate Degree Nursing