Nutrition Action Alert February 8, 2018

New Release: Farm Bill and CalFresh Fact Sheets by Congressional District

With the Farm Bill set to expire this year, CFPA and our partners are calling on California's congressional delegation to fight for #Food4All and protect CalFresh from cuts or structural changes.

Through these Congressional District fact sheets, CFPA seeks to highlight the importance of preserving and strengthening CalFresh, which has wide-ranging positive impacts for children, families, seniors and the economies in every corner of our state.

Access the Farm Bill Fact Sheets. link

Find your congressional district and Representative. link

Sign up to receive Farm Bill updates. link

Contact: Kevin Lee at 213.482.8200 ext 202

Call to CA's Congressional Delegation: Talking Points for the 2018 Farm Bill

The Farm Bill is the nation's most important piece of food and farming legislation and includes our state's largest anti-hunger investment, CalFresh.  As Congress drafts the next Farm Bill, it is critical that CalFresh is protected from structural changes, benefit cuts, or eligibility restrictions. CFPA has prepared talking points for use in educating policymakers about the importance of protecting and strengthening CalFresh in the next Farm Bill.

Access CFPA's 2018 Farm Bill Talking Points. PDF

Contact: Melissa Cannon at 510.433.1122 ext 102

2018 Freshy Award Voting Now Open!

The 2018 Freshy Award nominations are now in and voting has begun! The winners, which will be selected based on your votes, will be announced at the CalFresh Forum on March 14. The Freshy Awards honor the actions of individual Californians and organizations from across the state that have worked diligently in the last year to improve CalFresh.

Before casting your vote learn more about the nominees.  PDF

Vote Today!  link

All votes must be submitted by 5pm on Friday, February 23.

Questions? Contact
2018 Sarah Samuels Policy Fellowship 

The 2018 Sarah Samuels Fellowship is now open. 

Learn more and apply. PDF

Learn more about career opportunities with CFPA. link

Contact: Tia Shimada  at 510.433.1122 ext 109
CFPA in the News!

CFPA Senior Advocate Elyse Homel Vitale was recently featured in a Huffington Post piece highlighting the need for improved nutrition in the earliest years of a child's life, particularly for families facing poverty and food insecurity.

Read the full article,

Interested in learning more on this topic? Read CFPA's report, " BETTER TOGETHER: Optimizing Nutrition Access During the Earliest Yearssetting forth a vision and policy recommendations for increasing young families' access to nutrition resources. 

Contact: Elyse Homel Vitale at 510.433.1122 ext 206