Special Edition
 The Volunteer Voice
May 8, 2020

National Nurses Week , May 6 to 12, 2020, was made official by the American Nurses Association in 1993. It kicks off with National Nurses Day on May 6, and there's never been a more appropriate time to honor nurses.
Dear Nurses,

Volunteers in Medicine has been blessed to have amazing and dedicated nurses offer their time and expertise to ensure our low income patients are provided the utmost quality and compassionate care . It isn't just your time and expertise that you provide but you give your heart !

The volunteer nurses are led by Chris Gaughan, Nursing Director at VIM since the clinic's inception 12 years ago. For all those that know Chris, you understand the meaning of compassion and kindness . Many patients call Chris their "friend". The staff and volunteers call her "family".

All nurses play a critical role at the clinic. Oftentimes, you might be the first interaction a patient has in discussing not only their medical issues but also mental health issues. You handle every patient situation with the utmost agility, grace and professionalism . Every patient no matter of their socio-economic status is cared for with absolute respect .

Some busy days may seem physically exhausting and emotionally draining, but you let these difficulties be outweighed by the satisfaction of knowing that you play a pivotal role in the healing process . Nurses go through some of the most intimate moments with people from all walks of life, and it is from these experiences that one develops an altruism towards humankind.

Nursing is a passion for those filled with compassion .

Thank you for all you do for VIM and our low income neighbors that need a helping hand and a caring heart.

Warmest Regards,

Kelly Ranieli
Executive Director

We love our nurses!

Volunteers  in  Medicine 
 190 North Pennsylvania Avenue
Wilkes-Barre PA 18702
Phone: 570-970-2864 | Fax: 570-970-2868
email: vimwb@hotmail.com
website www.vimwb.org