Ending Nuclear Threats Requires Bold Leadership

Dear Friends,

Beginning August 1, 2022, at the United Nations, the 191 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty’s states parties will meet to review progress on fulfilling the legal duties contained in the Treaty. It is, in our opinion, the third most important international legal instrument of the 20th Century. The United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights alone are more important. 


Numerous commitments have been made by the five nuclear weapons states in the Treaty – US, UK, China, Russia, and France – and they have not been fulfilled. This failure has presented a crisis in trust and credibility, which has only been amplified by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

We believe the Ukraine war presents unacceptable dangers of escalation and urge negotiations to terminate the conflict as soon as possible.


This moment in history will require leadership and boldness. The capacity to address many critical global challenges depends upon rebuilding confidence and cooperation. In a paper ("Context for Needed Nuclear Policy Change") I presented to the Global Alliance of Leaders at its meeting of the Astana Club, I argued this point and believe it must be repeated forcefully until it is realized.


There are several websites that will be helpful in understanding the NPT conference better. GSI will have the privilege of addressing the conference on August 5th.

Arms Control Association 

Reaching Critical Will

Unfold Zero


Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

United Nations Office Disarmament Affairs 


Jonathan Granoff,

President, Global Security Institute

Nuclear Strategy and Ending the War in Ukraine

By Oscar Arias, Nobel Peace Laureate, former President of Costa Rica, and Advisory Board Member of the Global Security Institute, and Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute.

It is time for bolder efforts to make peace in Ukraine. War, like fire, can spread out of control, and as President Putin keeps reminding us, this particular conflagration has the potential to start a nuclear war. President Arias has previously emphasized the fact that good faith negotiations will have to take place because the alternative of extended conflict will inflict terrible suffering and contains the inherent danger of escalation

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Should NATO Consider Withdrawing Nuclear Weapons From Europe in Exchange for Peace in Ukraine?

By Paul Ingram Senior Research Associate at Cambridge University’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, and formerly an Executive Director of the British American Security Information Council 

A review of the above story at The Hill  by Oscar Arias and Jonathan Granoff has appeared at NATO Watch. Paul Ingram says the proposal seemed to have been ignored by most analysts and commentators until Harvard professor of psychology Steven Pinker tweeted his support a week later on 25 July, describing it as a “bold idea” to bring the conflict to an end. Since then, others have joined in the fray. Nuclear Information Project Director at the Federation of American Scientists, Hans Kristensen, agreed that this would be “bold indeed.”

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Proposal for a UN General Assembly Resolution on the Threat of Nuclear-Weapons-Use Arising From the Ukraine Conflict

Any use of nuclear weapons, arising from the Ukraine conflict, or from any other conflict, would create catastrophic humanitarian, economic, military and political consequences. A primary concern of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) should be to prevent such a catastrophe from occurring. A UNGA resolution addressing the increased nuclear risks arising from the Ukraine conflict could play an important role. 

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An Open Letter to the States Parties of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT)

The Open Letter, entitled “Fulfill the NPT: From nuclear threats to human security,” is organized by NoFirstUse Global, a global network of organizations, academics, policymakers and civil society advocates.

With regard to article VI of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, in which disarmament duties are expressed, we draw your attention to the Open Letter to States Parties to the NPT entitled: "Fulfill the NPT: From Nuclear Threats to Human Security," which calls on the States Parties to commit at the 10th Review conference to cease the manufacture of nuclear weapons no later than 2025, achieve the total elimination of nuclear weapons no later than the 2045, and agree to adopt a concrete plan to implement this commitment - including through the systematic and progressive reduction of nuclear arsenals- at the Conference on Disarmament or the 11th NPT Review Conference.

We invite you to endorse the letter prior to its presentation to the NPT Review Conference on August 5. It is already endorsed by more than 1,400 individuals including the President of the 2010 NPT Review conference, the Head of the US Delegation to the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference, the former Commander of the French Air Force, a former UK Nuclear Submarine Commander, former Foreign Ministers and Ambassadors from nuclear reliant countries, Nobel Laureates, religious leaders, legislators, scientists/academics, leaders of civil society organizations and other influential people.

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Senator Doug Roche, former disarmament ambassador for Canada and an Advisory Board Member of the Global Security Institute, is one of the world's foremost experts on the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and his recent comments are worthy of our serious attention.

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Join Voices For a Nuclear Free World

on Nuclear Prayer Day

Join a special Facebook live event presented by Voices for a Nuclear Free World. It will include the Third Voices Gorbachev/Shultz Legacy Youth Award presentation and the inspiring nuclear prayer video with the original founding Voices members: Former Secretary of State George Shultz, Secy. of Defense William Perry, Amb. Thomas Graham Jr., Bishop Bill Swing, international lawyer Jonathan Granoff, physicist Sidney Drell, URI UN Representative Monica Willard and Amb. James Goodby. The entire program will be approximately half an hour.

More Information
Register on Facebook

Friday, August 5

Saturday, August 6

Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons: 

Nuclear Prayer Day 2022 (Facebook) / RSVP

There are numerous related, inspiring, and educational prayer events this year centered around ending the nuclear threat. Click on the button below to find out more.

For More Nuclear Prayer Day Events Click Here


Global Security Institute, a leader in the international quest to abolish nuclear weapons, was founded more than 20 years ago by Senator Alan Cranston. Since its founding it has relied on support from donors like you for its work and expansion. Please consider taking a moment to assist us in keeping the message and momentum for nuclear disarmament alive. Thank you.