Building a world where everyone is Known, Valued, & Included

What's Going On at The IC?

Please enjoy this month's snapshot of the events and news happening here at The Independence Center as well as the broader conversation about disability!

If you have questions or want more information about anything you see here, please email us at or call us at 719-471-8181.

[Image description: A green block with white text that says "We're here to help." To the block's right is a white background with the words "Connect for Health Colorado." To the right, a logo consisting of five overlapping and differently-colored leaf shapes reach out from one point."]

Connect For Health Colorado's open enrollment period has started,

and The IC can help!

The Independence Center is thrilled to continue our work as an official community partner with Connect for Health Colorado, the official health insurance marketplace in the state.

Staff from The IC have been certified to provide health insurance literacy, assist in filling out applications, help navigate complex situations, and answer questions related to health insurance and Medicaid.

Open enrollment began November 1 and runs until January 15, 2024. The IC's staff are eager to help the people we work with in a new way, ensuring everyone has access to health insurance and care. For more information about the program, or to schedule an appointment, please contact The IC at (719) 471-8181, or email

[ID: In front of a blueish background, a white woman with brown hair wearing a black shirt signs in American Sign Language.]

[Image description: A pair of hands hold cans above emergency supplies such as a first aid kit, water bottles, and batteries.]

Disability and Disaster Relief

Disasters can happen anywhere and to anybody, which is why it's important to be prepared. People with disabilities, however, often have additional considerations for what it means to be prepared for an emergency.

A recent article from Next City, a news outlet dedicated to questions of urban development and city life, details how a group of first responders with disabilities have been working to make disaster relief more accessible in Florida and Puerto Rico:

People with disabilities are often slower to receive aid and assistance in the case of emergency, and often emergency preparation planning does not include the needs of people with disabilities. As a result, people with disabilities, and the people around them, can be harder hit by emergencies such as storms or blackouts. By involving people with disabilities in the planning and execution of disaster response and relief, we can make sure that everyone in our community, including the most vulnerable, are known, valued, and included, especially in situations where that could be a matter of life or death.

[ID: In front of a blueish background, a white woman with brown hair wearing a black shirt signs in American Sign Language.]

The IC has created a free Personal Emergency Preparedness Guide that has checklists, suggestions, and useful local resources for emergencies and disasters, regardless of whether or not you have a disability. You can pick up a copy from our office or download it at this link:

The IC hosts delegates from

Central and South America

Working in partnership with the Colorado Springs World Affairs Council, The IC recently hosted a group of delegates from countries all over Central and South America! This group was in the U.S. as part of a tour dedicated to "exploring human rights across the Americas," and The IC's work promoting and advocating for the rights of people with disabilities was a perfect fit. Indy Frazee, CEO of The IC, presented on the work that we do, and hosted a discussion about how disability is a key part of any discussion about human rights. Thanks to the WAC and all of the delegates!

[ID: In front of a blueish background, a white woman with brown hair wearing a black shirt signs in American Sign Language.]

Help out Centers for Independent Living in Colorado!

The Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is an organization that works with the Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in Colorado to conduct research, advocate for policy, and help guide the Independent Living movement.

SILC has asked for help distributing a short (eight question) survey. The goal of the survey is to hear from the community what is important to them and how they believe resources should be used. Your answers will help the CILs in Colorado to continue our mission of making sure everyone in our community is Known, Valued, and Included.

Survey (in English)

Survey (in Spanish)

[ID: In front of a blueish background, a white woman with brown hair wearing a black shirt signs in American Sign Language.]

Closed for the Holidays

The IC's offices will be closed for the week of December 25 through December 29 to ensure our staff has the opportunity to relax and enjoy the holiday break with friends and family.

Please take a moment to make sure you've taken care of any important IC-related needs or concerns before the closure!

We'll see you again in person on January 2, 2024!

[ID: In front of a blue-ish background, a white woman with brown hair wearing a black shirt signs in American Sign Language.]

[Image description: Several tables with black tablecloths sit in a lobby area. Artwork of various sizes is propped up on the tables. Behind, a series of tall windows show Pikes Peak off in the distance through a haze.]

Art of Accessibility

New this year: Our annual Art of Accessibility event featured a partnership with the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience and UCCS.

This year's Art of Accessibility event took place from October 26-28 at the Ent Center for the Arts, and was part of the first annual Arts & Resiliency Gathering. The event featured art from several of The IC's consumers as well as others within our disability community.

The event was sponsored by the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience, and UCCS.

The Arts & Resiliency Gathering was a series of three evening performances and eighteen workshops focused on art-making for resiliency and community well-being. The nightly performances included contemporary New York dance company David Dorfman Dance, cellist Stephanie Winters, multi-instrumentalist Katie Down and workshops featuring Poet Laureate Ashley Cornelius and photographer Robert Gray.

Creating and enjoying art is a fundamental part of the human experience. The IC helps facilitate the annual Art of Accessibility event as part of our ongoing work to ensure everyone in our community is Known, Valued, and Included!

[ID: In front of a blueish background, a white woman with brown hair wearing a black shirt signs in American Sign Language.]

[Image description: In front of an arrangement of dozens of small gold-colored plaques on a light blue wall, four people stand and smile at the camera. The left two have long dark hair. The third, with shoulder-length brown hair is The IC's CEO Indy Frazee. The fourth is much taller than the other three and has short curly black hair.]

UCCS Business Students Come to

The IC for Expertise

Over the last several weeks, several students from a business writing class at UCCS came to our offices to speak with Indy Frazee about The IC's mission and vision. Their assignment is to speak with the head of a nonprofit organization in our community and then create a proposal for why that organization should be supported. We are always excited to share our enthusiasm for our work in our community, and we hope the class goes well for all of these students!

[ID: In front of a blueish background, a white woman with brown hair wearing a black shirt signs in American Sign Language.]

Peer Support Calendar

Upcoming Community Workshops, Special Events, Recreation Events, and Support Groups

Classes and events at The IC provide opportunities to learn new skills, meet new people, and try new things in a supportive environment! Up to date classes and events can always be found on our website's event calendar.

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