November 2020
More than 100 SGP Community Members participated in the first virtual SGP Community Day. Held on Nov. 17, 2020, attendees listed to three presentations and were engaged in an interactive brainstorming session to develop numerous sustainability tips.

The three presenters spoke on different aspects of sustainability. Jodi Sawyer, market development manager of SGP Patron FLEXcon and SGP board member, talked about her company's focus on its employees as part of an overall sustainability program. FLEXcon has a Healthy U center onsite and programs that are part of its overall mission to keep employees going home safe and well. Kristin Spanier, sales development and sustainability chair of SGP Printer Shawmut Communications Group, went back to the founding of the company by her grandparents and how sustainability, family and company can all be harmonized. David Murphy, founder and CEO of Nvent Marketing, challenged SGP certified printers to be more proactive and strategic in promoting their sustainability leadership. He demonstrated how SGP printers can make sure their websites are optimize for people to find them via the internet. 

Each panelists offered all kinds of quick tips to improved a company's sustainability performance. Tips included everything from not letting your car leak oil to starting a lending library where employees could deposit and pick up books. Moderator Theresa Vanna, print market specialist of SGP Patron Primex Plastics, challenged community members to be more physically active and dance. “We spend too much time sitting in front a monitor so get up and dance”. Attendees were asked to join in and the list of tips grew!

These tips along with the presentations will be made available on SGP's website.
Virtual events can be a challenge!
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