November 2015 News 
RSVP Now to Our Featured Event
Cultural Facilities: The Impact of Investment 
November 10th from 9:15 to 11:00 am in Waterford

Proactive approaches to facilities management and deferred maintenance
Special Guests: CT Director of Culture, Kristina Newman-Scott and 
CDR Jeffrey Barta, USN, Naval History and Heritage Command, which oversees ten Navy museums nationwide. 
FREE, rsvp required, click here .
Articles of Interest
IRS Gift Substantiation Proposal Could Burden Nonprofits
The Internal Revenue Service has published proposed regulations regarding the "contemporaneous written acknowledgement" requirement for contributions of $250 or more. Among other things, the return would require the nonprofit to collect the donor's Social Security number, an action which would impose other legal requirements on nonprofits to retain and protect those Social Security numbers from identify theft. 
For more information and to provide comment by 12/16/2015, click here.

Judge Overturns IRS On Artist Tax Deductions
New York Times- A ruling by the United States Tax Court last week held that an artist employed as a professor could still claim tax deductions on independent output. To read more, click here.

2015 Unmasking Business Success: Executive Perceptions of Arts Engagement and Workforce Skills
Theatre Forward- An important new study exploring the role of arts education in workforce development, as perceived by those who hire and develop staff, has been released by Theatre ForwardTo read the report, click here.

Investments in Art Fertilize Growth in Rural Towns
Nonprofit Quarterly"Artists are key players in how regions grow and attract people who have choices." 
"Our main streets are changing and they'll never return to what they once were as retail centers. They're beginning to become our entertainment districts. Any community that is not exciting in some way-they're dead, because they will never be able to attract or keep talent."   To read more, click here .

Developing a Narrative to Advance an Issue: The Case for Creative Placemaking in Small Towns
Nonprofit Quarterly- Anne Katz, Arts Wisconsin's executive director, is clearly on a mission to draw attention to a development that's gaining traction in small towns across the state. "Now that we are in a new economy and not a recession anymore, the whole issue of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, imagination, all of those attributes are important to the economy and civic life," Katz said. "And that's where the arts come in." To read more, click here.

Residents of Fishers Island Seek Artists For Neighbors
New York Times- Nate Malinowski developed the Lighthouse Works as a way to attract artists to the serene island. The six-week residency provides artists, writers and composers with communal housing, meals and studio space. 
The organization quickly gained popularity. Last year, 800 applications were submitted for 20 spots. To read more, click here.
Professional Development Opportunites
New England 

New England Museum Association 
NEMA 97th Annual Conference: The Language of Museums    
November 4 - 6 in Portland, ME. 
A 3-day adventure of learning, growing, and professional friendships in beautiful Portland, Maine for the 97th Annual NEMA conference. 
Click HERE to register. 
News from New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA)
14th Annual Idea Swap
November 10, 2015
The Idea Swap is an annual event for New England-based nonprofit presenting organizations to network and share project ideas that may qualify for funding from  NEFA's Expeditions  grant program. 
Click  HERE  for more info.
Mass MoCA's  Assets for Artists
The Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition is proud to announce that we are one of three regions in the state partnering with  Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art's (Mass MoCA)  Assets for Artists to bring their Matched Savings Program to CT. 

Only 10 spots available in CT! Applications will be posted soon and due in December.   Click HERE to learn more or  contact Wendy Bury, Executive Director, Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition at (860) 448-5135.
2015 Connecticut Preservation Action Conference
Connecticut Preservation Action (CPA), the statewide preservation advocate, will focus its 2015 half-day conference on changes and opportunities for grant funding from the state of Connecticut. The program will include a legislative update and review of the past legislative session with regard to  CIA funding.
For more information, click here.
Connecticut's Submarine Century
Gov. Malloy Designates Year-Long Celebration to Commemorate 100 Years of Connecticut's Submarine Heritage ( October 2015 to October 2016) 

Connecticut's Submarine Century is reaching out to all types of community organizations across the state.  If you want to join us and have your organization or event promoted as part of this year-long celebration, click  HERE for more information and to submit your event. 

Museums, Galleries, and History Organizations: Need some advice or nurturing of your idea to develop it fully? Want to partner with another business or organization?  We want to help!  Please contact Wendy Bury of Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition at (860) 448-5135 or

Connecticut Association of Nonprofits
13th Annual Conference: Innovate & Elevate
November 18th at the Hartford Convention Center
Keynote Speaker: Dan Pallotta 
Pallotta is a visionary philanthropist, builder of movements & best selling author. His iconic 2013  TED Talk: 'The way we think about charity is dead wrong', has been viewed more than 3.5 million times. It is one of the 100 most-viewed TED Talks of all time. Click HERE for more info.
Southeastern Connecticut 
Nonprofit Resource Center's 2015 Workshop Series for Nonprofits 
Board Roles and Responsibilities in Challenging Economic Times
Friday, November 6, 2015  
For details, click HERE

Community Foundation of Eastern CT/ Chamber of Commerce Eastern CT
Meaningful & Manageable Outcome Measurement Conference
Friday, November 20, 2015
For more information and to register ($50), click HERE .

Historic Houses of Southeastern CT 
Stephanie Lantiere of Avery Memorial Association and Julie Soto of the Denison Homestead are leading a collaborative effort to unite historic houses in New London County and develop a brochure. 14 organizations (and counting) are participating! The Southeastern CT Cultural Coalition is proud to be a part of this regional initiative.
For more information, contact Stephanie at
Our Rising Tide Series 
A series of  Cultural Conversations  and  Cultural Summits 
to provide opportunities for:
Collaboration · Capacity Building · Information Sharing 
Addressing Common Challenges · Stakeholder Discussions
Cultural Summit
Cultural Facilities: The Impact of Investment
November 10, 2015 from 9:15 to 11:00 am,  Waterford

Why is investment in cultural facilities vital to our communities, region, and state? How does the quality of our cultural facilities affect programs, operations, visitor experiences, tourism, and our economy? Proactive approaches to deferred maintenance? What are the resources needed and the resources available? 

From facilities planning to facility standards and sharing of referrals/experience, our panel of experts will share insight and professional knowledge about topics ranging from property management, cultural facilities standards, planning & budgeting, and the value of investment in facilities on the arts & cultural sector and, by extension, our economy.

Come Meet our Director of Culture for CT, Kristina Newman-Scott!

Special Guest: CDR Jeffrey Barta, USN, Naval History and Heritage Command, which oversees ten Navy museums nationwide

Attention Registered Partners 
Registered Partners of the Coalition will soon be asked to upload an image (logo, photo, etc.) to create our media library and promote you. If you are a registered Partner of the Coalition, look for an email this month with more information and instructions for how to submit an image. 

For a list of registered Partners, click here.
To become a Parnter (it's FREE and easy), click here.
We're Hiring! 
The Southeastern Connecticut Cultural Coalition is searching for an entrepreneurial, business-focused Assistant Director who has experience with arts/cultural/heritage organizations and nonprofit management and understands the sector's role as an economic driver. This Assistant Director will provide a strong community presence, promote partnerships with other organizations, and advance the Coalition's mission.
Click HERE to read more.
Assistant Director *NEW (posted 11/1)
Part-time Curator *NEW (posted 10/25)
La Grua Center (posted 9/8)
Must be a registered Partner to post opportunities (Become a Partner, it's FREE and easy!)
Become a Partner TODAY!
Connect. Collaborate. Communicate.   It's FREE and easy!

Click HERE
Southeastern Connecticut Cultural Coalition
860-448-5135 | PO Box 95 | New London, CT 06320
with support from the Connecticut Office of the Arts