Note: All Succeed Scholarship applications have been accepted for the Spring 2020 semester. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date for the next application opportunity!
A Magnolia High School student earned a perfect score of a 36 on the ACT test. Parker Williams is the behind behind the brains. He earned the score on the September test. Read more here .

November School Board Elections are November 5th from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For election details or polling locations, visit
"Everyone should be supportive of each other, but at the end of the day, look at how it impacts the kids and if it's the best for the children." 
At The Reform Alliance, we believe every child has the right to an education that is focused on their needs, allowing them to succeed. We are proud of other states joining us in the fight for educational freedom and school choice!
California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a bill regulating charter schools in the state with the seemingly unlikely support of both the California Teachers Association and the California Charter School Association. This is the kind of support our Arkansas schools need!
Over 4,500 students in Mississippi this year have what’s known as school choice or the ability to use the tax dollars allocated for their education in a setting they and their families have chosen. Just as Mississippi students have access to a quality education, so should Arkansas students!
The Governor and Commissioner of Education announced that Florida’s new scholarship program has reached its first-year enrollment cap of 18,000 students. With Florida leading the way in school choice scholarships, we hope that Arkansas will be close behind.
Antione Green is working to open a second charter school in Richmond, Virginia . The school, called Richmond Urban Collective, would serve at-risk boys in grades six through eight. All Arkansans have the same opportunity to make a difference like Green is.
Hearing from Miss Virginia
The Reform Alliance was proud to attend the premiere of Miss Virginia!

Virginia Walden Ford was featured in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette Opinion's on October 14, 2019.

"If you don't have time to read this whole piece, let me get the good stuff out of the way upfront: All children deserve to find the schooling option that works best for them. Doesn't matter where they live. Doesn't matter how much money their family makes. Everyone should have a choice."

We definitely recommend taking the time to read the whole piece HERE . See her story come to life by checking out the Miss Virginia movie.

This film follows Ms. Walden as she comes to learn that the task of funding education is mired in conflicting ideologies, making something as simple as finding a safe way to improve her son’s learning capabilities into a war with Congress.Virginia Walden has the might, courage, and selfless dedication that all of us long for. All of us at The Reform Alliance will continue to follow her inspiring example in our fight for school choice.
Arkansas School Grades
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My School Info allows the parents and other member of the community to search and compare public schools and districts from across the State of Arkansas. The data presented by the Division of Primary and Secondary Education is periodically updated and submitted by schools and districts to the Arkansas Department of Education.