Stimulation - Knowledge - Interaction - Fun

Lincoln Millstein

Friday, November 19th at Noon

Virtual presentation via Zoom
Lincoln Millstein will share confessions of a muck-raking local news blogger on Mount Desert Island, and lessons learned for a stronger community. This event is free and open to the public.

Winter Classes Announced!
The Winter 2022 course brochure is now available online. Click the button below to view the course descriptions, schedule, and other important information.
Online Registration Opens
Wednesday, December 1st at 10:00 a.m.

Please take a moment to log in before registration starts to make sure your membership is current so you can register on December 1st!
Not a member yet? Sign up online or contact us.

Members of other senior colleges or instructors using a course credit - contact us before registration opens.
(207) 288-9500
NOTE: We plan to feature regular reports from ASC committees in this newsletter throughout the year. Below is the first committee report from Ann Caswell.

Report from the Advancement Committee

Did you know that only two-thirds of ASC's expenses are covered by your membership dues and course fees? The rest is up to the Advancement Committee to raise. We do this primarily by soliciting donations from our members and friends each fall and spring. We also apply for grants that are available to nonprofits such as ours. Lastly, we meet with local bank representatives to ask for gifts from their community funds.

Our committee has not been meeting as a whole group in person since the pandemic, but we have been busy with Advancement work nevertheless. This fall, Sheila Kirby, our grant application expert, worked with others on the committee to produce an excellent grant application package for the Lynam Trust. Lynam has been very supportive of our work in the past and we hope that will continue. Sheila also plans to research other funding opportunities through the database that Jesup Library has made available to nonprofit organizations.

ASC Treasurer Andy Cline and I have been working with several others on the committee to organize and update our bank solicitation process. This involved drafting letters, confirming contact people, and spreading out the work so that each ASC representative is responsible for one bank. This fall, we will be sending representatives to meet with contacts at The First, Camden National, Machias Savings, Bar Harbor Savings and Loan, and Bar Harbor Bank and Trust. All these local banks have supported us in the past.

Peggy DeWolf and I are currently working on the Fall Appeal letter, which will go out to members and friends later in November. Most of the funding ASC requires to supplement our income from dues and course fees comes from response to this appeal. So we thank you all for that!

The Advancement Committee helps to promote the presence of ASC in our community. Useful and fun items, such as our ASC bookmarks, hats, and vests, help display our logo and advertise our programs.

If you would be interested in joining this committee and working with us on these important matters, please let us know!

Ann Caswell for the Advancement Committee

Reminders from the Curriculum Committee

The deadline to submit course proposals for the
Spring 2022 term is Friday, November 12th.
Yes, really!

Why so early you ask? Spring term starts March 14th so we need time to finalize the schedule, arrange class sites, add classes to the website, create the course brochure, and order books. Add in the two week registration period and the upcoming holidays and it all adds up. Now you know!

Spring term runs from March 14 to May 27.

If you took a class this fall, don't forget to fill out your course evaluation! You can submit your evaluation online. You must be logged in to get to the form.
Thank you Fall 2021 Instructors!
Duane Braun
Ruth Braun
Greg Bush
Rick Cohen
Robert Gallon
David Dawson

Joanne Harris
Ellie Pancoe
Harald Paumgarten
Seth Singleton
Mary Vekasi
Steve Valleau

Video Presentation Links
Racial Equity, Health, and Justice - Last week's Food for Thought presentation with Fatimah Loren Dreier was superb! If you didn't hear it, Fatimah's message is worth your attention and we urge you to watch the recording. Please feel free to share with others.
As a reminder, you can see video recordings of other presentations and the slide show from our 20th anniversary party on our website.
Class Photos
Below are a couple of photos from Joanne Harris and Ellie Pancoe's "Are You Ready for Some Football?" class. Looks like a ton of fun!
In time for the holidays!
We have a selection of Acadia Senior College hats ($20) and vests ($50) in several sizes for purchase. The hats are great and the vests are super nice, windproof, fleece-lined, and warm.

Contact Janice at ASC if interested.
Follow ASC on Facebook!