For the Child Agency Needs Our Help
Deadline: Wednesday, November 18
Due to COVID 19, in lieu of an in-person Thanksgiving Tea for the For The Child agency, NCJW is sponsoring a donation drive. Instead of asking for canned foods for Thanksgiving as we have done for years, we invite you to make a financial contribution to NCJW that we will turn into food gift cards for the agency's client families.

For The Child’s mission for over 40 years in our community is to build healthy lives for children and families, free of abuse, neglect and violence. To help these struggling children and their families have a less stressful holiday, please …

First, either
--mail a check made out to NCJW and designated for For the Child in the memo area to NCJW, 6216 E. PCH, #239, Long Beach, CA 90803; or
--fill out the donation form online HERE. Be sure to designate the General Fund. Once you hit submit, you will be redirected to PayPal in order to complete your donation.

Then, email to let us know about your donation and which method you’ve chosen.

The deadline for receipt of your check or online donation is Wednesday, November 18. If you have any questions, contact Linda Fox (562-453-6755 or We are grateful for your help in this season of Thanksgiving and in this difficult time of family need.
To Register for the Evening Chat,
Nov 18, 7 pm:
To Register for the Afternoon Chat,
Nov 23, 4 pm:
How do our fight for racial justice and our work combating antisemitism intersect?

Join National Council of Jewish Women on Thursday, November 19, at 3:30 pm PST for a conversation with Executive Director of the Western States Center Eric Ward and CEO of Dimensions Educational Consulting Yavilah McCoy to discuss how we show up and stay in this critical work, and to affirm the crucial truth that Black lives matter.
Please Zoom to Our Chanukah Party!
Sunday, December 13, 4:00 - 5:30 PM, Zoom
In lieu of our annual Chanukah brunch, let's zoom together for a virtual Chanukah Happy Hour (and a half)! Come dressed festively in blue and white if possible! We'll enjoy candlelighting and great music with our own Pattie Davidson and her husband Marc, professional musicians in the band Second Wind. We'll also play some virtual games and share our Chanukah memories and cherished Chanukah items. Be ready to tell us about a good book or movie you've enjoyed in the last six months, and have with you a cherished Chanukah item you'd like to share with the group as well as your menorah, candles, and lighter.

Since we can't collect toy donations for For the Child at an in-person event, please consider ordering a toy online so that it will arrive no earlier than mid-December and ship it directly to For the Child, 4565 California Ave., Long Beach 90807.

For more information email or call (657) 235-2511.
Third Thursday Discussion:
The Election Results
Thursday, December 17, 7:00 PM, Zoom
Our discussion topic this month will be

"The Election Results: What Happened?
What Happens Next? What Do We Do Next?"

Weblinks will be available on our website before the event to review other groups' discussions on these issues.
Participation in the zoom discussion is free. For more information email or call (657) 235-2511.
Chanukah Begins December 10!
Looking for a meaningful gift this year?

Don't miss the opportunity to gift a beautiful one-of-a-kind "Breaking the Glass Ceiling" piece of fusion glass art jewelry. Pins and pendants are available for $36 and $50. Purchases can be made via our local NCJW website.

Or, give the gift of membership to National Council of Jewish Women Greater Long Beach and West Orange County. Cost is $36, one-third off the regular membership rate! Information available on our local NCJW website (scroll to bottom of page).
Orange County's Covid-19 Vaccination Survey
The Orange County Health Care Agency has asked for our help in conducting a survey of attitudes toward vaccination for COVID-19, which will be of great assistance to them in planning for distribution of the vaccine when it becomes available. We want them to listen to your opinion and we’re asking you to take less than five minutes to fill out a simple questionnaire concerning how you feel about being vaccinated against COVID-19. Just click on the link below to reach the survey, and it will automatically be submitted when you complete it. You do not need to give your name or any other identifying information. All responses are anonymous and confidential. If you receive this request more than once, please only complete the survey once.

Thank you for performing this valuable service to your community and your fellow citizens.

Click Here to take the survey.
Mark Your Calendars ... Save the Date!
January 7: Board meeting, 7 pm. RSVP for Zoom link.

January 28: 4th Thursday Movie Night, 7 pm. Discussing "The Women's Balcony."

February 4: Board meeting, 7 pm. RSVP for Zoom link.
How to Reach Us
You can reach us by emailing, calling (657) 235-2511, or sending mail to NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County, 6216 E. Pacific Coast Highway, #239, Long Beach, CA 90803. Please add this contact information to your contacts list.