November 2023

Family, Youth, & Children's Newsletter

Everything is okay. – Everyone is all right. – Everyone is safe.

Have you ever gotten those calls that start out with a disclaimer? When school calls, sometimes they lead with one of the above statements, and sometimes they don’t. Either way, when I see certain phone numbers on my caller ID, I respond physically. Sudden headache, heart racing, hands shaking, and I brace myself for what comes next. Sometimes, it’s a simple question, and sometimes it is a serious discussion about the safety and success of someone in my household.

Everyone is okay is how I am going to begin this story. It’s 8:30 on a weeknight and I am upstairs in our home when I hear a horrific sound, followed by a bang, and then the lights go out. I look outside as I reach for my cell phone and immediately dial 911 to report an accident on my front lawn. The 911 operator answers, they ask me if everyone is okay, and then the call drops. I don’t yet know the answer to this question.

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Life Under Construction

Where youth and

young adults

affected by

mental health challenges can find information and support.

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Share Your Story to help:

  • Expand access to mental health coverage
  • Ensure that effective mental health services are available
  • Increase support and save lives

Magnify Voices Artwork Roadshow

The 2023 art submissions for the Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest are on the road. We heard there were many teens and college age youth who stopped by the exhibit in Concord at the New Hampshire State Library. Please check out the NAMI NH write up!

Magnify Voices in Concord!

NAMI NH Information & Resource Line (I&R)

To connect with free mental health resources and support in the Granite State, contact or 1-800-242-6264 (press 4) to leave a confidential message.

Every effort is made to return calls received during normal business hours (Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5 pm) on the same day. Calls received after 4 pm, or on holidays or weekends, will be returned on the next business day.

New Support Group Alert

1st & 3rd Tuesday, 6:00-7:30 pm

Meets Virtually on Zoom

NAMI NH Volunteers Pam and Cindi have recently come together to launch a new support group for family members and friends of adults with mental illness and substance use concerns. The Co-Occurring Caregivers Support Group is led by trained volunteers with lived experience and is free to attend!

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Sign up for Public Policy Alerts

Public Policy Alerts

Sign up now to be on the list for Public Policy Alerts to prepare for the next legislative session!


I was thinking about the self-care section for this newsletter, and I realized how important it is to be kind to ourselves. Maybe you have seen messages about glimmers pop up on your feed lately?

Glimmers are those random moments, or mindful moments, when you stop to essentially smell the roses. It may be the monarch butterfly that flitters by, a flower in bloom, the color of the sky, or the sounds of music floating through the air. All worthy of your notice and an opportunity to take that deep breath. Even better if you take that moment to say something kind to yourself!

-Deb Jurkoic

Keep in Touch!

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NAMI NH Website
NH Family Network Webpage