November 2021
November Festivities
11/01 Mark Hall
11/12 Steve Rhoads
11/15 Julia Fraser
11/19 Dolly Rozycki
11/22 Jamie Paglia
11/27 John Gibbon
11/27 Menno Jager
11/07 Dale & Jessie Lewis
11/08 Tom & Pam Ambrass
11/23 Woody & Kathleen Lamp
11/23 Erik & Patti Bardy
Congratulations to all boats who participated in our Causeway Challenge this year! Special recognition goes to all new members who made the 6.25 mile trip (12.5 mile round trip!) to the bridge for the first time!

The rules are that you must sail from PCC all the way to the Causeway, round the pin while trying to not run into the bridge or rocks, and sail all the way back home. This year we made a total of 43 trips as a club, which is not bad considering some of the crazy weather we've had this summer! Congratulations to Patty and Jerre Patterson and Semper Fi II as the winners of this year's challenge with 12 trips!
Fall Work Party
October 31
~Thank you~
I'd like to thank everyone for another successful work day! What a fantastic turnout! And the food was delicious, as always! I'd also like to thank everyone for your Building and Grounds support the last few years. I really appreciate the help folks have provided both physically and monetarily with improvements to the clubhouse and grounds. The time and money spent will help keep the club viable for years to come!
While I won't be sitting on the board any longer, I'll be still be responsible for buildings and grounds. Improvement plans moving forward include facelifts for the shared bathroom and men's room, landscaping for the permanent dock sidewalk, installing the dock bubbler system, and eventually the roof. We already have the materials needed to update the shared bathroom and that project will finish by the end of the year, along with the bubblers. Hopefully we can get to the men's room over the winter as well, but we'll see!

Thanks again!
Ron Gallagher
Dave Porter elected to the Board of Directors!
Please join us as we welcome Dave back to the Board of Directors! Dave and Sue Porter have been members of PCC for over 20 years! Dave previously served as VP so we welcome his experience back to the Board of Directors.
Thank you to Ron Gallagher!
The Pymatuning Century Club would like to extend a sincere thank you to Ron Gallagher for his service on the Board as Building and Grounds Chairman. No doubt we all have benefited from one or more of Ron's many projects. Don't worry though, we all know Ron can't sit still and put his tools down so he will still be active with club projects and will work closely with Dave Porter on the many club building and grounds needs.
PCC Sailing School is growing... again!
We are so excited to welcome Flying Scot #53 to our PCC Sailing School fleet! This girl will need a little bit of TLC this winter but we’ll have her ready for lessons by the spring!

Flying Scot is a fantastic teaching sailboat - it has the responsiveness of a small boat but is stable and comfortable for kids or adults. With its large cockpit it easily accommodates several adults leaving plenty of space to maneuver.

We will soon begin planning next year's teaching schedule and with our expanded instructor base we are looking forward to see what 2022 will bring! Visit our website (PCC Sailing School) to learn more!
November hors d'oeuvre party
Join us on Saturday, November 6 at 5:00 PM (please note new time for the winter months!) for our monthly hors d'oeuvre party!

Come and enjoy the camaraderie of the evening. Bring your favorite dish to share. It's BYOB or donate to the fridge. Friends and new members are welcome. No RSVP's necessary, just show up. See you all there!
PCC Racers end the season with Steak Fry
Please see the attached article for a great recap of the 2021 Racing Season submitted by Bob Doyle. Congratulations to all boats participating!
Pymatuning State Park visit
On October 22, members of our Board of Directors met with the Pymatuning State Park officials to discuss status of PCC's membership, buildings & grounds, on-going projects and future plans, as well as, an update on park projects. We are happy to report that the officials were pleased with the club's growth and initiatives and had no concerns.
Input to our monthly newsletter is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please email articles and photos to Breeze Editor in Chief, Lidia Gray at by the 25th of each month.
Board of Directors
Bill Gray
Pam Ambrass
VP/Social Chair
Michelle Johnson
Bill Boros
Harbor Master
Ross Cummings
Racing Liaison
Dave Porter
Board Member
Gene Soriano
Ex-Officio Board Members
Brian Bish
Michelle Bish
Lidia Gray
Breeze/PR/Sailing School