November 9, 2022

Click to view the November ReMARKS Newsletter

Death Shall Be No More

In the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life,

we commend to almighty God

Marian Young Bradley

On November 6, 2022 Marian Young Bradley went to her heavenly home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Marian leaves behind a legacy of kindness, faith, grace and love which she eagerly shared with her beloved family and friends. She was a devoted daughter, wife, mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend and neighbor. She found great joy in each of these roles. Marian's full obituary can be found here.

Marian's Celebration of Life will be held in the St. Mark's Sanctuary on Saturday, November 19th beginning at 11am and will be followed by a reception for family and friends.

Thanksgiving Dinner - November 20th

Join your St. Mark's family for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner on November 20 after the 11am service! 

What's Provided??

  • Turkey, ham, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and drinks provided.

What can I bring??

  • Please bring a side or dessert to share.  

Thanksgiving Helpers needed!

We are looking forward to being able to have our Thanksgiving Dinner again, but need your help to make it happen!

Volunteers are needed to help set up decorate (Saturday 11/19, 2pm), and to clean up and help with dishes (Sunday 11/20)

Please contact Deacon Katie if you are available to help

Out of the Blue

This year we will use Barn Geese Worship's Out of the Blue materials for our Ecumenical Midweek Advent Services, Small Groups, and Christmas Pageant.

Contact Deacon Katie for ways to get involved!

The Christmas Pageant will be an intergenerational Christmas Pageant on December 18 and Deacon Katie needs YOU to make it happen! Sign up as an individual, family, or team- with only 2 full group rehearsals it won't be a huge time commitment. There are parts large and small for people of all ages as we share an engaging story of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus. 

Small Groups are underway and will meet until December 11th! This is a wonderful way to grow in faith and build stronger relationships!

Ecumenical Church Mid Week Advent Services

Soup Dinner @ 6pm with the Service beginning @ 7pm


This year, we will be gathering with our Ecumenical Church Partners for our Wednesday Advent Worship, each of them leading a mid-week Advent worship service. We will have a time of fellowship before worship where we will share a meal of soup together. Worship, in person, will follow beginning at 7pm.

Below are the dates and locations for each mid-week Dinner and Advent Service:

  • November 30th - St. Paul’s United Methodist
  • December 7th - St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
  • December 14th - St. Eugene’s Catholic Church
  • December 21st - St. Mark’s Lutheran Church

The offering will each week will be divided equally to support Catholic Charities and LSC Refugee Program.

Church Announcements

Special Blessing

November 13, 2022

The Yarn Angels are a group of faithful servants at St. Mark's who knit and crochet hats, scarves, pocket crosses, prayer shawls, and other items to share God's love with members and friends of the congregation and the community. Their hat and scarf sets are sent to ABCCM, Homeward Bound, Community High School, and Elida Home to share warmth and hope with people in need. Join us this Sunday as we bless the work of their hands and send these items out into the world. 

Ministry Team Announcements

Keeping the Community Warm

Church of the Advocate Blanket Collection

 As you are getting out your winter blankets, and see you have one to spare or one that has been well loved, think about donating it! Brother John Huebner, a Franciscan Missionary Friar, from Church of the Advocate is organizing a collection of blankets for the local homeless community. You can bring the donation to church and put it in the marked donation bin near the playground doors.

Altar Guild - Get Ready to Shine

Saturday November 12th @ 10am

In anticipation of Advent (the advent of Advent?) it is time to shine the silver, polish the brass and generally put a sparkle on all the accessories that we use to celebrate during the season. Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 12, at 10 AM. St. Mark's has the supplies, we just need your hands and smiling faces to make short work of the shine and polish. Questions? Contact Amy Zellers (279-1203)

LMM Monthly Meeting

Saturday November 12th @ 11:30am

The Lutheran Men in Mission will continue to meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at French Fryz off of Hendersonville Rd beginning at 11:30am. Want to know more about this group?? Contact Bob Mihara.

LMM Spouse Christmas Dinner

Saturday, December 9th @ 6pm

The Lutheran Men in Mission are having their 2022 LMM Spouses Dinner at 6PM on Friday, December 9th at the Fireplace Restaurant. Be on the lookout for a sign up sheet mid November to RSVP!

CAT - ABCCM Pantry Cupboard

Our volunteers at the ABCCM Crisis Ministry report that certain food items are desperately needed for the pantry. Between now and Thanksgiving, add a few items to your grocery bags when you go shopping for yourself!

  • Pasta and sauce
  • Peanut Butter (small size jars)
  • cans of tuna and chicken
  • boxes of mac and cheese
  • boxes of cereal (family size)
  • bags of rice (small size)
  • oatmeal
  • canned fruits and veggies
  • flour, sugar, and oil

Please buy smaller sized items. ABCCM is no longer able to split items into smaller containers due to new sanitation codes. Canned items with pop-tops are especially appreciated.

Place your contribution in the bins by the children's courtyard.

NOTE: ABCCM is needing volunteers too! Please pray about spending some of your time there serving those who need you. There are many folks at St. Mark's who can explain what a day as a volunteer entails.


I am sending a sincere thank you to everyone that contributed baby items for the LWR baby care kits. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to complete 23 kits, which will be shipped to LWR sites all over the world. The kits have been boxed and will accompany the quilts to Hendersonville on Wednesday. From there, they will travel to the LWR warehouse in Maryland.

A special thank you goes to Eileen Cram, Trudy Streilein, Nancy Larson, and Sue Monson for their beautiful hand made blankets, baby caps, and sweaters and for serging some items of clothing. The recipients of these kits will be truly grateful for the love expressed by St. Mark's. -Donna Turnbaugh

Lutheran Services Carolinas


LSC alerted late last week that Ukranian refugees recently arriving here, together with those that have been in the area awhile, are requesting our help to fill a container they are shipping back to Ukraine with winter goods scheduled to arrive before Christmas. The needs can be found here.

The deadline for delivery to their church in Emma has been changed to this Saturday, November 12. Pam Stein has offered to either meet you at St Mark’s, or come to your home, to load them up and deliver donated items to the church in Emma.

Contact Pam at 334-324-2279, or email her at for questions

Afghan Women's Craft Collective

November 17th @ St.Mark's 12-6pm

Weekly Schedule Click here to see the full St. Mark's Calendar 

Faith and Fellowship

Monday, November 14th @ 10am Click here for Zoom Link Password: stmarks

Council Meeting

Monday, November 14th @ 6pm Click here for Zoom Link Password: stmarks

Thursday, November 10th

-6pm -Handbell

Saturday, November 12th

-11:30am - Lutheran Men in Mission

Sunday, November 13th

-8:30am - Worship

-9:45am- Faith Formation

-11am - Worship

Monday, November 14th

-10am - Faith and Fellowship (Zoom)

-6pm - Council Meeting (Zoom)

Tuesday, November 15th

-9am - Quilters

-10pm - Staff Meeting

Wednesday, November 16th

-9am - Property Day

Worship Assistant Information
If you are a worship assistant, please take a few moments and refresh yourself on the routines of your position either by watching these videos or by reading the linked text within the titles. If you would like to know more about these positions or any others on Sunday morning, please reach out to Danielle.

November 13th @ 8:30am


Cat Slater

J.D. Slater


Ken Lane

Deborah Lane

Altar Guild

Sharon Herrmann


Eleonor Schreck

Assisting Minister

Carolyn Bradley


Connie Chaplin

Communion Assistant

Isa Slater

November 13th @ 11am


Alice Silver

Bob Mihara


Dave Schuetze

Ali Schuetze

Altar Guild

Donna Turnbaugh


Anne Blackwell

Assisting Minister

Steve Doane


Eileen Cram

Communion Assistant

Donna Turnbaugh

Live Stream

Gloria Sainio

Contact Information
Parish Administrator
Our Mission:
Making disciples by loving Christ,
growing in faith, serving all people
Our Vision:
Experiencing and sharing God's grace as an inclusive, intergenerational congregation through Worship, Outreach, Learning and Fellowship  