From the Desk of Mrs. Tiezzi
Dear St. Rita Parents/Guardians,
This past Monday, our largest fundraiser of the year began - The Apex Fun Run. All students participate and all families are asked to share the details of the fundraisers with their family members, neighbors, co-workers, and friends via the QR code supplied to your child. Last year was the first time we worked with Apex and our students had a blast and learned many important leadership skills and positive character traits. This year’s theme is POWER—Apex will charge our power and master five habits - proactive, optimistic, work it out, effort and reality check - that will unleash your child’s power of leadership. This fundraiser runs from November 6-20. The culminating event is the 36 lap fun run. Please read the emails and messages that will be sent home to you by your child’s teacher and the HSA for additional details. Thank you in advance from your support.
Tomorrow, Thursday, November 9, is an early dismissal day for our students. Aftercare is not available. From 1:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. tomorrow, St. Rita School will be hosting an open house for prospective students and their families. Since our current families are the best ambassadors for our school, please invite your friends, neighbors and family members to take advantage of this opportunity to tour St. Rita School. Individualized tours by our Crusader Club members and the opportunity to speak directly with our dedicated and supportive faculty will allow our visitors to hear about our strong academic programs and extracurricular offerings offered at St. Rita.
This Friday, November 10, school will be closed for Veteran’s Day as we honor those who have so bravely served this country. Our country is founded on the principles of freedom, justice, and liberty for all. Our nation's soldiers serve every day to protect our country and its ideals. As a way of honoring our veterans, please have your child take some time on Veteran's Day to remember and thank those who sacrifice their lives to achieve peace and democracy in our country. Have your child make a phone call or pay a visit to someone they know (grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, neighbor, or friend) who is currently serving or has served in the armed forces. All they need to do is say thank you.
On Friday, December 15, our new coadjutor Archbishop of Hartford, Christopher J. Coyne, will celebrate 9:00 A.M. Mass for our students and staff. The Mass will be offered in remembrance of his mother, Rita Coyne. How fitting it is that he would celebrate it with the students, faculty and families of St. Rita School at St. Rita Church. Following Mass, Archbishop Coyne and our superintendent, Mrs. Val Mara, will tour the school, learn from our wonderful students, and meet our dedicated faculty. Parents and grandparents are encouraged to join us at Mass, which will welcome Archbishop Coyne to Hamden and our school family at St. Rita.
For the Catholic Church, November is the traditional month for remembering those who have died. Praying for the dead is one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy, so during November we pray in a particular way for those we love and to whom we owe so much – the deceased members of our families, our benefactors, and our alumni. Thank you for joining together with us in prayer now and throughout the year.
Thank you for entrusting your child/ren to our care. Enjoy the beautiful colors of fall and bundle up, winter is coming!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Tiezzi