Monthly news & updates
Date: November 30, 2023 | Issue: November
Here's Your Look Ahead!
DeStress Festival in the Student Center Dec. 4-7 and Dec. 11-14
Unlock Your Unique Beauty (ROADS Special Event) Dec. 7
Holiday Party Dec. 8
Final Exams Dec. 11-16
ROADS Self-Care Talk by Pam Zimmer Dec. 14
Higher Education In Prison Program Commencement Dec. 15
Fall Semester Ends Dec. 16
Winter Session 5- and 3-week classes start Dec. 18 and Jan. 2
Christmas holiday (college closed) Dec. 25
New Year's holiday (college closed) Jan. 1
Spring Semester begins Jan. 22
Many Reasons for Students to Attend Leadership Summit in the Spring
Western Nevada College students are encouraged to attend the 2024 Student Leadership Summit on Friday, April 12. The summit will be a great opportunity for students to participate in a student panel discussion, learn leadership skills from breakout presentations and notable speakers, win raffle prizes and receive free swag. A catered lunch will also be provided.
Luau Theme for WNC Holiday Party
There will be a luau for WNC employees on Friday, Dec. 8, to celebrate the holiday season. The holiday party is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Carson Nugget Hall. Employees are advised to RSVP and sign up for potluck dishes.
Tremendous Fall Enrollment Growth Highlighted in Quick Facts Brochure
As reported throughout fall semester, the college experienced a huge enrollment increase. With 4,377 students enrolled in fall semester (more than a 17 percent increase compared to last fall), WNC has seen some of its student demographics change — most notably in dual enrollment high school students increasing 7 percent and job placement rising from 79 to 90 percent.
Child Development Center Welcomes New Playground Equipment
There is an extra boost of excitement and enthusiasm emanating from children at the Child Development Center this fall. Western Nevada College’s early childhood preschool is breaking in new playground equipment located behind the CDC. Through the generosity of the E.L. Cord Foundation and WNC Foundation, the CDC was able to replace an outdated and worn playground set in October. It’s designed for children ages 2 to 5.
Professor Profile Project Launched on Website
Have you ever wondered what academic path a professor at Western Nevada College took? What about their previous teaching experience? How about one of their “secret” interests or hobbies? This information is now being shared on the new Professor Profile page on the website at, highlighting the dedication of faculty members.
Veterans BBQ Brings Together Staff, Community and Students with Veterans
Veterans Day came early to the Western Nevada College campus on Nov. 9 (two days early to be exact).
In honor of veterans on campus and across the community, WNC's Wildcat Veterans Club hosted a BBQ lunch. Attendees enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs, raffle prizes, games, and conversation.
Spring 2024 Registration Underway
Spring 2024 semester will arrive at Western Nevada College before you know it. That’s why it’s important for new, continuing and returning students to register for classes as soon as they can. Spring semester starts on Monday, Jan. 22.
Apply Now for William N. Pennington CTE, Foundation Scholarships
WNC Foundation and the Financial Aid Office are encouraging students to apply for the William N. Pennington Career and Technical Education and Foundation Scholarships for 2023-24. Apply at
Dini Library Extends Hours of Operation for Week Before Finals, Week of Finals
Joe Dini Library on the Carson City campus has extended its hours for students to prepare for their final exams for the weeks of Dec. 4-7 and Dec. 11-13. On each of these days the library will be open until 10 p.m.
ROADS Students, Staff and Community Attend Zimmer's Second Self-Care Talk
Pam Zimmer presented a self-care talk to WNC's Realizing Opportunities for the American Dream to Succeed (ROADS) students, community members and staff on Nov. 16 in the Dini Building. Zimmer will conclude her three-presentation series on Dec. 14 at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided.
Continuing Ed Offers Self-Improvement, Self-Interest Classes for 2024
Western Nevada College’s community-oriented education courses in early 2024 are all about self-improvement and self-interest. Continuing Education’s classes range from Intro to the Swiss Alphorn, to Screenwriting 101, to Women’s Self-Defense, LinkedIn 101, Ukulele for Beginners, and more. Check out all of the classes and register at
Observatory 20th Anniversary Silver Coin Makes an Ideal Holiday Gift
In honor of 20 celestial years, WNC’s Jack C. Davis Observatory is presenting a limited edition .999 fine silver coin, showcasing a stunning portrayal of JCDO under the star-strewn night sky. Consider this silver coin when choosing gifts this holiday season. All proceeds from sales of the coin support the sustainability of the observatory.
Women Learn Self-Defense Strategies, Techniques in Class by Police Services
Students and staff participated in a free women's self-defense class presented by Western Nevada College and University Police Services (UPS). In two one-hour training sessions, attendees learned awareness, verbal confrontation, safety strategies and physical techniques that enable someone to escape, resist and survive violent attacks successfully.
Advising Uses Explosive Plays to Repeat as Turkey Bowl Champions
Advising repeated as Turkey Bowl champions on Nov. 16 at John L. Harvey Field. In the 7-on-7 flag football tournament presented by WNC's First-Year Experience, Advising suppressed the Veterans Resource Center, 48-19, in the championship. The VRC squad scored first, but Advising wore down the challengers with an opportunistic defense and big offensive plays.
WNC Embraces Spirit of Dia de los Muertos with Traditional Celebration
WNC's Latino Leadership Academy and Student Life brought the magic of Dia de los Muertos to life by hosting a traditional celebration that honors and welcomes the spirits of deceased loved ones. Latino Leadership Academy stole the show with their stunning altar display! From hauntingly beautiful photographs to ghostly figures, favorite foods, candles, and crosses, they truly wowed us all.
Professors Conkey, Stiff Exhibit Work at McKinley Art Center in Reno
Western Nevada College faculty members Jayna Conkey and Rachel Stiff presented separate exhibitions at the McKinley Art Center in Reno this fall. Conkey's "Grounded" book focuses on photography of historical plumb bobs from her collection. Stiff's "Indefinite State" exhibit stems from her artist residency with the Friends of Black Rock-High Rock and the Nevada Bureau of Land Management.
Public Benefits from Free Roadside and Preventative Auto Maintenance Event
Community members took advantage of a free Roadside and Preventative Auto Maintenance Workshop at WNC's E.L. Cord Automotive Technology Center on Nov. 17. They brought in their Fords, Chevys, Hondas and Kias for hands-on learning to complete an oil change and received other automobile tips. WNC Automotive Technology Instructors Sunshine Haupt and Alex Street led the workshop.
Prison Education Director Represents WNC at Conference in Seattle
Deb Conrad, Prison Education & Apprenticeship program director, represented WNC on a panel at the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities' annual conference in Seattle, Wash., on Nov. 9. The panel discussed the "Transformational Impact of Higher Education in Prisons."
WNC Contingent Participates in Celebrating Nevada's 159th Birthday
Students, faculty and staff enthusiastically celebrated Nevada's 159th birthday by walking in the Nevada Day Parade on Oct. 28, three days before the state's official statehood anniversary. WNC showcased the mobile manufacturing lab, and candy, lanyards, hats and koozies were handed out to the crowd lining the parade route on Carson Street on a frigid fall day.
WNC Hosts Still Better Together
Early Childhood Fall Conference
The importance, interest and enthusiasm for early childhood education resonated at a conference hosted by Western Nevada College in late October. Nearly 100 people attended the Still Better Together Early Childhood Fall Conference presented by the Carson Douglas Early Childhood Advisory Council and WNC.
Precious Pumpkin Parade Captivates Carson City Campus on Halloween
Children discovered something better than a new playground setup at the Child Development Center (CDC) at Western Nevada College: trick or treating. The CDC’s traditional Pumpkin Parade gave nearly 100 children the opportunity to practice their trick-or-treating skills before the big Halloween event later in the day.
Children dressed up as superheroes, police officers, princesses, dinosaurs and more.
ASWN Provides College Community with Sweet Halloween Celebration
Going to school was pretty darn sweet for WNC students on Halloween. Between classes, they enjoyed pizza, candy and refreshments. They also participated in pumpkin decorating, a costume contest and learned more about the programs and services provided by the college. Student government group ASWN (Associated Students of Western Nevada) presented all of the fun.
Lucky Double Rainbow Behind College
Although this double rainbow, which appeared on the morning of Nov. 6 behind WNC, is not rare, it sure was pleasing to the eyes. A second rainbow forms when light doesn't escape a raindrop after the first reflection.