Technology in Support of National Security


November Newsletter from the Technology Ventures Office at MIT LL

Latest in Tech/Capabilities

High-Assurance Cryptography

Lincoln Laboratory is developing technologies to meet the highest standards for information security at the tactical edge.

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Combining Neural Networks and Histogram Layers for Underwater Target Classification

New machine learning methods capture statistical features within sonar data to distinguish between sound sources.

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Technology Highlight

Lincoln Laboratory has developed a swab for improved trace detection of inorganic chlorate and perchlorate salts used in two-component (fuel and oxidizer) explosive mixtures. This new chemically treated swab allows security personnel to quickly screen items such as baggage, packages, clothing, and automobiles for trace residue left by people who have handled these types of explosives.

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Newsletter Highlights


ILLUMA-T launches to the International Space Station

On November 9, a Lincoln Laboratory-developed laser communications terminal integrated on a NASA-built payload was launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle.

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Military Programs

Lincoln Laboratory is proud to be recognized by U.S. Department of Labor as a 2023 #HIREVetsMedallion Award recipient! Learn more about our commitment to hiring veterans and ensuring they have a long-term career and growth plan using the diverse skills they acquired through military service. We’re proud to support veterans and their career goals!

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70 YEARS AGO, Lincoln Laboratory investigated high-frequency (HF) ionospheric scatter techniques to improve long-range communications. The work on HF ionospheric scatter showed that, in the frequency range of 20 to 50 MHz, ionospheric-scatter transmissions could be useful for point-to-point narrowband communication of up to 1000 miles. At distances of less than 350 miles, differential time delays due to interference limited the useful bandwidth. High-frequency ionospheric scatter communications never became widely used except for the DEW Line rearward link. Fading and low channel capacity remained problems. The Laboratory ended study of HF scatter in 1955.

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MIT Lincoln Laboratory

244 Wood Street, Lexington, MA 02421

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