November 2022
We Don't Talk About Bruno
This month's song is by Michael Silva. He's bringing his arrangement of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" from the 2021 animated film Encanto.

The free tab and sheet music are available in the video description on YouTube.
Winter Concert & YAS
Save the date for our annual winter community concert & Young Artists Showcase. Merchandise will be on hand for purchase. A $10 donation or more is encouraged to help the SGS continue to bring these important events to our community. 

The Young Artist Showcase will feature solo guitar performances by Miran Velagic, Kaytlin Lebar-Triepke, Andrew Barbuta, and Sydney Goodall.

The concert will be held at The Clara on Sunday, December 18 at 3:15pm. Doors will open at 3:00pm.
Davis Winter Concert
The Davis Guitar Orchestra, conducted by Michael Silva, will be performing their annual Winter Concert at Watermelon Music on Sunday, December 11 at 3:00pm. Stop by for some classic tunes and clever arrangements.

Admission is free, but donations are always appreciated.
Keep the Music Going
Have you been enjoying watching or participating in the Guitar Orchestras and their concerts? The Sacramento Guitar Society's Community Guitar Orchestras are funded by the generosity of our members. Please donate whatever you are able to keep the music going! Your donations are tax-deductible.
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Sacramento Guitar Society | (916) 545-5491