LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
Opening Message
The 2021 season is starting to wind down. November was a busy month with Las Vegas Triathlon Club members racing in Arizona, Cozumel, and Florida to name a few places. Although many of you are now in your ‘offseason’ – we are already planning our club 2022 season!
About mid-November, the Las Vegas Triathlon Club board and ambassadors held their annual planning meeting remotely. We talked about what elements of 2021 (and 2020) that we can carry forward and what new events we can add to our club schedule. Presently, in 2022, we are planning our regular four events that will likely be in April, June, July, and August. Stay tuned for the exact dates so you can put them in your calendar. We are also looking to do a gravel duathlon (run – mountain bike / gravel bike – run), some training events, and some other test events.
Enjoy this issue of the LVTC newsletter where you’ll read about Matt Olson tell more about the Ironman California Bomb Cyclone and other features about volunteering, gift ideas, safety, and some coaching tips. 
The Bomb Cyclone
Definition of bomb cyclone meteorology: a powerful, rapidly intensifying storm associated with a sudden and significant drop in atmospheric pressure
The beginning of 2021 was packed with races. We completed St. George 70.3, Oregon 70.3 and went back to St. George for a second time for the 70.3 World Championship all in a 5-month span. With all of the 70.3’s we were still training for our A race, Ironman California. The time flew by and before we knew it the race was here. We packed up the car and cruised up to Sacramento.

Leading up to the race, the weather was looking progressively worse. Every day the forecast for rain and wind was increasing. Rain or shine, we were prepared to race. We all frantically ordered cold weather and rain gear to try and be as prepared as possible. A bomb cyclone was on the way. The rain was supposed to start that evening and not stop. The winds were going to be a sustained 25 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.

Around 7 PM the night before the race, we were notified that the bike was being shortened to 56 miles. At that point we lost hope that the race was even going to happen. We woke up race morning, loaded up and started driving towards transition. The roads were flooded. We had to dodge bushes and tree branches that had been blown onto the road from the storm. We arrived at the ball park, where transition was, and were told by a volunteer that the race was cancelled. We waited in the car for the official announcement. Not even 10 minutes later, Ironman announced that they had cancelled the race due to the unsafe conditions. We were so bummed.
We loaded up our bikes and gear bags and tried to comprehend the situation. That mental fog lasted for days after the race.

Finally, after a couple days, we were able to process the situation. The event is only a small portion of the Ironman experience. We were able to see our close friends and family. We had a blast training and we were in the best shape of our triathlon careers. We were ready to finish and had put in the work to get there.

We were Ironmen whether we had the opportunity to cross that finish line or not. Luckily, we will get that opportunity at Ironman Texas in 2022.

~Matt Olson, Vice-President
Coaches Corner:

Few things uproot the delicate psyche of a triathlete like when their workouts are compromised. And few scenarios invoke such compromise and chaos across all neat and tidy schedules like...the HOLIDAYS.  
Like crossing a veritable landmine field of enemy hazards against personal fitness, is the plot of the endurance athlete through the holidays. We are defending attacks from all angles, at all times. All threatening to dismantle our mental health by way of holding us physically hostage. Common attack modalities include, though are not limited to the following: 
-Family. Though surely most relative/s confusion about why we 'have to run' is harmless or non-judgmental, it can still feel alienating. Explaining the need to run for a sake beyond looking better naked, is often too exhausting while proving just plain easier to nix a workout and have a mimosa with auntie instead. Not to mention family equals extra social time which subsequently kicks a workout off the schedule before all else.  
-Food and libations. Excess salt and alcohol are always fun til the alarm clock goes off morning after the party.  
-General fatigue from entertaining or orchestrating defenses for any of the above.  
So how does an endurance athlete maintain motion, family ties, sanity, and still fit the spandex? The magic lies in 'stressor flexibility'. In other words- choose wisely your holiday stressors!  
Examples of such discernment having compounding benefits might look something like: 
Choose daily workout body stressor to maintain metabolic burn, stress relief, and mobility. Choose to let go of mental stress associated with long or quality workouts til a period with more personal bandwidth. Or choose body stressors indulging in moderate food/alcohol treats if they're indeed light-hearted treats. But, choose to let go of the mental stressor associated with staying up too late with such treats. For the anxiety about falling off the morning workout wagon plus the actual potential to fall off the wagon, never seems worth the later bedtime and headache.  
An endurance athlete's holiday season is as unique as athletes themselves. No choices affect all the same. However, the 'all or nothing' disposition is sure to self-destruct across all athletic spectrums. Choose to ditch that concept over the holidays and choose to maintain forward progress all year round! 

~Nancy Jones
Safety Corner

Cold Weather Training Safety Tips
Despite reduced workloads for most, it’s still vital to maintain safety in cold weather training sessions. Here are some ways to prepare for the chill:
Stretch Those Muscles
Working out with cold muscles increases the chance of injury and lowers performance ability. Cold muscles tighten up and lose their elasticity. Take time to warm up those muscles before your workout … and remember, stretch warm muscles!
Bundle Up!
Layers are helpful. Stick to fabrics with dry-fit tech, spandex, or fleece. Consider wearing a beanie, gloves, warm socks, and neck gator. Running tights or leggings can help keep legs toasty. Neoprene bike pants can help during the bike sessions. Waterproof shoes can help keep your feet warmer when running in moist or muddy conditions.
Wear a Wetsuit
As the weather drops, a wetsuit can keep you moderately warm. Neoprene booties and head coverings are a good option if you must swim in the cold.
Stay Hydrated
Cooler temperatures may suppress your thirst and lower your sweat rates, but hydration remains important. Consider a warm sports drink.
Consider Training Indoors
Colder weather can sometimes limit visibility or be dangerous for maintaining body temperature. If it’s difficult to see outside or the windchill is very low, you can move your swim, bike, and run indoors. 
 Hope this month’s Safety Corner helps and STAY SAFE tri friends!  

~Amanda Wolpink
Prez Corner:

Want to get faster? Volunteer.
There are a lot of great resources including our local coaches, books, forums, and podcasts and so forth where you can get great advice on how to train to go faster and/or longer.
My tip will be a bit different. If you want to become a better triathlete, a better endurance athlete: Volunteer. Yes … volunteering can make you a better athlete.


When I volunteer to support a race, I don’t have the nerves leading up to the race … I sleep better, I arrive at the race relaxed … and that gives me the opportunity to take in a different side of a race. I try to ‘bottle up’ the calmness that I’ll have leading up to the race and apply that to when I’m racing. When I arrive to volunteer, I try to take in a lot of observations right from the start such as:
  • How are athletes setting up transition?
  • How are they carrying fluid/nutrition on the bike/run?
  • When are they getting into their wetsuit?

During the race, depending on where I’m volunteering, I’ll also watch run form, bike set up, how swimmers exit the water, equipment that athletes are using … I’m always looking for something that could help me.

Races and events that we put on as a club are only possible due to volunteers – and our club members have always been great at providing support for races/events. We’ll need that continued support as we head into 2022 – I know sometimes volunteering can be looked at as a lost training day. But it is important to realize that volunteering can be approached as part of your training vs. losing a day.

Volunteering is always a great opportunity to support athletes competing as well as learn how to be a better triathlete. 

~John Mercer
Past President

Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want!
Approaching the holiday season as a triathlete, can be fun. First, as a person who’s been married for over 20 years, if the gift giver isn’t a triathlete drooling over the same stuff you are, be specific. I mean SUPER specific. Add it to a shopping cart or e-mail them an item number with a picture, specific. 
It is that time of the year for deals. I have learned the hard way that sometimes that company across the country that can save you $30 on something isn’t worth it. Places like REI have incredible return policies which allow you to have and use the gear for a few months to make sure it is really what you want. 
Now is the time for day dreaming about races and even signing up for them! What can be a better gift than a race? Even better, support local companies like Triple Dare Running Company, BBSC Endurance Sports, or buy your next victim, I mean triathlon training partner, a membership to the LV Tri Club. Or if you struggle with a particular sport, a wonderful gift would be lessons with a coach of that sport.  
The biggest bang for buck I’ve ever gotten from my gear is my GPS watch. Beyond the basics of triathlon equipment, that is one splurge I highly recommend. I’m partial to the Garmin Fenix line, but there are a lot of good products out there.
Let’s talk about gifts of safety. Do you run or bike in the dark? Ask for some lights. There are light vest with fun colors that are inexpensive. “Road ID’s” with contact information on a bracelet, or shoe tag, are a must have.
Get creative: exercise gear that matches, music for your training sessions, a real swim bag, gift cards to meet up with training partners for coffee after training. Whatever gets you excited to get out there. 
Lastly, if you are shopping at Amazon, go to Select “Las Vegas Triathlon Club” and every purchase a percentage is donated to the LV Tri Club.

~Shawna Glasser

Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced ?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

  • Dr. Chad Hanson
  • Maner Puyawan
  • Ben Lee
The Evidence-Based Triathlete

  • Treadmill vs. Overground Running
  • Periodization
  • Recovery (again)
  • Swim Anxiety
  • St. George Eve
Check our website for Discount Codes 
Login to your account and look for top right account menu "My Membership" as circled below. On your dashboard page in the middle of the page you should see a link "Discount Codes". Click on that for latest discounts for members. These will appear as they come available.

We have hats, visor, Team G cycling gear and more available online. We can arrange local delivery (Las Vegas Valley) only.
Featured LVTC Sponsors
Fresh Body provides mindfully formulated hygiene products with clean ingredients derived from plant based materials & extracts.

Your financial life is complicated. Whether you are a pre-retiree, a business owner, or a Nevada government worker, you are not immune to the complexities of personal finances. Luckily, Peak Financial Solutions is specialized in helping people like you, better plan for retirement.

XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club