Table of Contents

Mayor & Council Message

Census Thanks

Election Day

Recreation Updates

Orem Veterans Day Program

North Lakeshore Area Study

HEAT Program

Founders' Circle

Resident Resources

Everyday Strong

CDBG Commission

Orem Business Alliance

Property All-Star Program

The City of Orem is Hiring

Mayor's Message
Homemade Bread

Often when I was growing up my Mom would make homemade bread that would be coming out of the oven right around the time of when I came home from school. It would be warm when she served it up on a plate with butter, jam, and a cold glass of milk. She would invite me to sit down and as I began eating this morsel of goodness she would ask me how my day went. We would talk about the classes I was taking, the friends I was associating with, and the activities I was doing at school. More importantly she asked how I was feeling and what was important to me. She sat there and was interested in me. And she listened more than she talked to me.

I always found it interesting that her bread was coming out of the oven at the same time I came home. I have since learned that it was not bread she was baking but rather it was a child she was raising. She was always interested in me, spent time with me, and she wanted to hear what I had to say.

She likewise would encourage me with love. I could feel of her love for me and her desire for me to feel wanted and included. She accepted me as I was and wanted the best for me. I remember that I had a disagreement with a friend and she reminded me how important friends were and that my friendship was more important than one disagreement. I remember some important goals I had and how she encouraged and helped me to achieve those goals.

I also remember the kindness in her heart during our talk sessions. How she would help me to understand how to look out for other people. She taught me how to love more than to judge other people . She wanted me to give to other people and help those where I could.

Yesterday I attended an event and sat next to three policemen from our city police force. I asked them what changes that they have seen in their calls during our time with Coronavirus. One officer remarked to me that their calls for domestic disagreements and mental health issues were up three to four fold during this pandemic. As I thought about the officer's comments, I thought about my wonderful mother and how she treated me. I thought about the lessons I learned from her to Listen, to Love, and to be Kind.

At this time of stress due to the pandemic in so many areas of our lives of employment, family, not being able to get out as much, financial, interpersonal relations, sickness, and physical health, it is important that we also remember our mental health as well. It is important that we care for those around us and do what we can to help relieve the burdens that they feel pressing on them.

The State of Utah offers a COVID 19 Stress Hotline with counselors who are willing to talk at 1-385-386-2289 from 7 AM to 7 PM as well as at "" . This is free counseling for those who need someone to listen and to talk to about the mounting pressures that they are facing. Counselors are available who speak Spanish or English. At this time of stress on us all, please be Kind, please Listen, and please show Love to your family, friends, and those around you. It is so important.

Mayor Brunst
Message from Councilmember Terry Peterson
We'd all be wise to heed Councilman Peterson's advice during these chaotic times:
Thanks for Taking the Census!
The City of Orem would like to thank everyone who participated in taking the Census this year. Your efforts help make Orem count!

What voters need to know:

  • Information relating to dropbox locations, ballot pick-up locations, early voting, who/what is on the ballot, etc can all be found on our website at UtahCounty.Vote

  • Our office is encouraging voters to return their voted ballot at any of the secured drop boxes located throughout the county. There are two of these drop boxes at the City Center campus. One on the south side and one on the north side that can be accessed via the library drop-off drive-thru. Ballots must be left in the dropbox by 8 PM on Election Day.

  • Ballot pick-up locations will be available on Election Day. Locations will be open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on Election Day and Utah laws permitting same-day registration via provisional ballots will be in effect on Election Day. 

  • Our office provides voters with disabilities accessible options to cast their ballot. A voter with a disability can contact our office at Elections@UtahCounty.Gov or call our office at 801-851-8128 for more information.
Additional Information:
  • Our office has taken additional steps to improve transparency, security, and efficiencies in elections administration. Candidates, legal observers, media, and members of the general public are welcome to observe the elections process. If you are interested in observing, please contact our office at 801-851-8128.

Due to COVID-19 concerns the annual Orem Veterans Day Program will be pre-recorded and released on November 11th. Although it is not ideal, we never want to miss the chance to thank and honor our veterans for their dedicated service.
North Lakeshore Area Study
This regional transportation study started in 2019, was paused due to Covid-19, and is now resuming. The study focus’ along the north shore of Utah Lake to develop a future transportation system that supports the values of the region while addressing growth demands in this pivotal transportation hub connecting Utah, Cedar, and Salt Lake valleys.

Based on feedback from the public, community leaders, and businesses in the area last winter, the study team has defined guiding principles and goals for the region as well as needs and issues to be addressed to define transportation solutions that best fit the area.

We are seeking feedback on the information gathered so far as well as more specific information regarding ideas and possible solutions to move forward. The online comment period will be in place through October 18 at
HEAT Program
Do you need help with your utility bills? The HEAT Program helps low-income individuals and families by providing one-time utility assistance each year. Help is available if you have lost your job or have reduced income due to COVID-19. Visit or call 801-229-3855 for information on how to apply.  
Resident Resources
The Utah Housing Assistance Program can help renters who are unable to pay their rent and utilities due to COVID-19. Visit for more information.

In addition, the CDC issued a federal moratorium for all renters at risk of being evicted to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Visit their website for more information.
Everyday Strong Webinar
Learn how to build resilient kids online at a one hour webinar! More information available here, and link to register below.
We've got 3 openings on our CDBG Commission. This is a very impactful committee to serve on because this group helps decide how our federal community development block grant funds are spent.
Orem Business Alliance
Do you run a business in Orem? Are you tuned in to what's happening with the Orem Business Alliance? The OBA currently holds webinars and regularly sends out informative emails about funding sources, trainings, and other important information to help Orem Businesses. Check out last month's webinar titled "Networking Amid the Pandemic." Also, sign up here to receive emails and get the inside scoop!

The City of Orem is Hiring
We are hiring for multiple full-time and part-time positions. To view a list of available job openings and to submit an application, follow the link below.
Know somebody with a great yard? Nominate them for one of our beautification awards. Just click here.