As we all prepare this week for Thanksgiving, we thought it appropriate to express our gratitude.
The annual meeting was held on Sunday, November 10, 2019. The overall report of the state of the TRA is good. We had a successful year and we are thankful for that and thankful for you, our members.
Thank you to those that volunteered their time during the Fall Clean-up Day: Dave, Denise, Jacob & Jonas Keay, Jeri Schnepel, Kim Gravett, Bob & Donna Reineke, Bryce Poland, Tracy Henke and board members Roy Gravett, Tandy Bailey, Rod Greiner, Dave Mass, Eric Plumb and Roger Schmidt.
Thank you to our board members who volunteer their time on a regular basis throughout the year. We'd like to get our board back to being the governing body to the T.R.A., spending less volunteer time fulfilling the roles of employees. As long as we can continue to be successful and profitable, we think that can happen. Your membership and patronage to our clubhouse is a big part of that and is much appreciated. If we keep and expand memberships, we should be able to hire staff to take care of the duties that are currently being handled on a volunteer basis by board members. Thank you for sharing your love of golf with others and bringing guests to our club.
2020 Membership Dues
Cost of a membership will mostly stay the same, with a few minor changes. First, the new membership discount is being discontinued. We weren't seeing longevity of memberships with this offering and we feel our rates are competitive for the area. Those that received the new member discount last year will still receive the 2nd year membership rate for 2020. Cost of senior memberships have a slight increase as does the cost of the cart lease.
Pay by December 31st and get a gift card
Those that pay their membership fees in full by the end of 2019 will receive a gift card in March after the Clubhouse opens. Membership fees over $500 will receive a $50 gift card and membership fees less than $500 will receive a $25 gift card.
Download the 2020 membership form from the home page of the
TRA Website.