The B e TER L e TTER
November, 2019
Volume 15, Issue 5
Director's Letter

As always at this time of year, we pause to give thanks for all our blessings, not the least of which is you - the reader, the member, the donor, the therapist, the patient, the researcher, the student . . . the friends and supporters of biotherapy. Thank you all for all you do, for all you are, and for all that you bring out in us.

This month's Journal Review addresses a recent study that might someday lead to engineered bacteriophage that could attack specific bacterial pathogens of our choosing.

In this month's newsletter, you will also find links to our upcoming conference schedule. Don't forget to notify us of any biotherapy-related conferences not already on our calendar. If you would like someone from the BTER Foundation to present a lecture, workshop, or other educational program at your conference or venue, just let us know.

Finally, in case you would like your holiday purchases to help fund our work, we have included links to Amazon-Smile and Giving Tuesday, below. Using the Amazon-Smile link on Black Friday, for example, Amazon will donate a portion of their profits to the BTER Foundation, without any additional cost to you. This year alone, Amazon donated nearly $100 to the BTER Foundation as a result of on-line purchases through the Amazon-Smile campaign.

This is truly the season for smiles, and thanks.

And always, best wishes.
R Sherman (signature)
Biotherapy Journal Article Review
Phage Article Review: Understanding the mechanism of host specificity of phage CBA120.

Will we soon be able to predict or even engineer phage-host matches to attack the bacteria we want to kill, now that we better understand how bacteriophage-host specificity is dependent on tail spike protein sequences?

If you are interested in the mechanisms by which bacteriophage infect only specific bacteria, check out this recent article or see the review on our website for this month's Biotherapy Journal Article Review.
Other Upcoming Biotherapy Conferences
Check out our list of 2019 & 2020 Biotherapy conferences. And, if we have missed any, feel free to contact us at !

We are booking our 2020 Lecture & Workshop schedule. Please email BTER Foundation for more information, or if you would like to to bring one of our presentations to your community.
The holidays are right around the corner! Consider shopping on Amazon Smiles to help us help others. Amazon Smiles donates to the BTER Foundation with every purchase made, at no extra cost to you!

AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of every eligible purchase made on their  site.
Purchases made through  Amazon Smile have generated over $200 last year for the BTER Foundation, and millions to other charities around the world, without costing the consumer anything additional.
December 3rd is #GivingTuesday. It's a global giving moment to support the causes you love. Like us. Donations to US nonprofits on December 3rd could be matched up to $100k by Facebook starting at 5am PST/8am EST!

100% of donations made through Facebook Payments go to the nonprofit organization; which means every dollar goes to the causes people care about.
Publication Credits

THE B e TER L e TTER is published by: 
BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation
36 Urey Court, Irvine, CA 92617
Phone: 949-246-1156 / Fax: 949-679-3001 

Ronald A. Sherman

Assistant Editors:
Brooke Medina

Contributing Writers:
Dr. Sagiv Ben-Yakir, Dr. Jose Contreras-Ruiz, Sheri Rosen,
Dr. Pascal Steenvoorde, Dr. Tarek Tantawi,
Your name could be here! 

Foundation Consultants:
Eve Iversen, Dr. Alana Jolley, Amy Mendez, Joanne Preston,
Dr. Aletha Tippett

Foundation Board:
Ronald A Sherman (Chair); Sagiv Ben-Yakir;
Chris Kleronomos; Samuel G Kohn (Treasurer); Sheri Rosen.

Past Board Members:
Donna Beales; Sharon Mendez; Pamela Mitchell; Randall Sullivan

Administrative Assistant:  
Brooke Medina