eNews from the Global Harmonization Initiative


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Dr. h.c. Huub Lelieveld
The Netherlands

Mr. Larry Keener, CFS
United States

Dr. Sangsuk Oh

Dr. Gerhard Schleining

Dr. Vishweshwaraiah Prakash

Dr. Bernd van der Meulen
The Netherlands

Irena Soljic, MSc.


Gain an influential voice in consensus with other experts that will have a real impact on reducing world hunger, improving food safety and nutrition, and supporting new technology applications.


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 Enroll online today! 



Ms. Adriana Sterian
Communications Director

Irena Soljic, MSc.
General Secretary

Dr. Alina-Ioana Gostin
Ambassador Programme Director
Dr. Aleksandra Martinovic
Meetings Coordinator

Mr. Richard F. Stier
Course Director

Nila Ghasemkhani, MSc.
Membership Director

Ms. Nicole Coutrelis
Regulatory Advisor

Dr. Bernd van der Meulen
Legal Advisor - Food

Dr. Sian Astley
Editorial Advisor

Mr. Grigor Badalyan
Newsletter Publisher

Dr. Aine Regan
Social Media Advisor

Mr. Gunter Greil



Ms. Michaela Pichler (Chair) 

ICC, Vienna, Austria 


Dr. Hans Steinhart

EuCheMS Food Chemistry Division, Hamburg, Germany


Dr. Pablo Juliano

CSIRO, Werribee, Australia


Dr. V. Balasubramaniam

The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA


Dr. Pingfan Rao

Fuzhou University and Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, Fujian, China


Dr. Jaap Hanekamp

Roosevelt Academy, Tilburg,  

The Netherlands


Dr. Sian Astley

EuroFIR, Brussels, Belgium


Dr. Maria Tapia

Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela


Dr. Kwang-Ok Kim

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea




Dr. Vladimir Kakurinov


Dr. Pablo Juliano



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President's message

Dear GHI Members and Subscribers to this Newsletter,
With my apologies for the delay, which is entirely my fault, your will find news about GHI below. Note that the early bird rate for the GHI Congress in March is expiring on 9 November!

You will find information about publications by GHI members and also about the new GHI book that has been published recently: "Nutrition and health aspects of traditional and ethnic foods in Nordic Countries". Make sure you get a discounted (electronic or printed) copy!
I hope you will find interesting information in this issue and I also like to mention that you may use GHI Matters also as a way of communicating important messages relevant to the goal and methods of GHI.
Kind regards to you all,
Huub Lelieveld, 31 October 2018.

Do no longer hesitate to register for the Congress, the "Early Bird" registration ends on 9 November and the fee is significantly different from the regular registration fee.
The Congress is taking shape as can be seen from the list of speakers and the preliminary programme on the website, www.ghiworldcongress.org. Feel free to submit your abstract!

GHI musical performance during the first GHI Congress

Marco Dalla Rosa is making progress with the preparation of a musical performance during the 1st GHI Congress. If you have been hesitating to participate in the Congress, knowing that there will be the Marco Dalla Rosa performance may tip you decision to "yes, I should be there". Marco is still interested in more musicians. If you are one, contact Prof. Marco Dalla Rosa at:

Publications of potential interest to GHI members

When we know about publications that are relevant to the intentions of GHI and therefore of potential interest to the GHI community, we announce them in the newsletter.
Recently, the following chapters by or partly by members of GHI have been published. Franco Pedreschi P. and Salomé Mariotti are GHI Ambassadors in Chile and Franco is also Co-Chair of the Working Group Chemical Food Safety. Michael Murkovic is the representative of the Food Chemistry Division of EuCheMS in GHI and also Co-Chair of the WG Chemical Food Safety.
These articles may be of interest to many GHI members:
Pedreschi F. & Murkovich, M. (2018). Chapter 7 " Potentially Toxic Food Components Formed by Excessive Heat Processing". In "Dietary AGEs and Their Role in Health and Disease " Edited by Jaime Uribarri. Taylor & Francis group. Details here
Pedreschi, F., Cortés, P. & Mariotti, M.S. (2018). Chapter " Potato Crisps and Snack Foods ". In "Reference Module in Food Science" 2018. Elsevier. Details here
Murkovic, M., Pedreschi, F. & Ciesarova, Z. (2018). Chapter " Process Contaminants: A Review ". In "Reference Module in Food Science" 2018. Elsevier. Details here
Dilip Ghosh, GHI Ambassador in Australia, published a popular, well readable article " The Science of Cannabis & Cannabinoids " in Nutraceuticals World, September 2018, pp. 54-57, that addresses question about the cannabis plant, usage, chemistry, cultivation and products and regulations. Another article by this author is about Antioxidants & Efficacy , published in Nutrition Insight, July/August 2018, 50-53.

#ZeroHunger collection of articles

To mark World Food Day on 16 October, Elsevier publishes a special #ZeroHunger collection of articles from food science journals. This new special collection focuses on research that addresses hunger and food and nutrition security, as well as studies on how reducing and valuing food waste differently can help address hunger and malnutrition.

More info here 

Global Harmonization Initiative Consensus Document on Food Irradiation

Producing a global consensus document takes time. The effort of the three authors, Tatiana Koutchma, Larry Keener and Heidi Kotilainen, who finalised the document after consultation of the global GHI membership, has not been in vain. The document (that can be downloaded from the GHI website) is perfectly in time as input to the European Commission workshop on the evaluation of the food ionisation legislation, taking place in Brussels on 12 November 2018. As a result of the study, GHI recommends that international regulatory bodies recognize and accept the finding of the Joint FAO/IAEA/WHO Expert Committee on Food Irradiation (JECFI) first published in 1981 (JECFI, 1981) and, subsequently, adopted by FAO/IAEA/WHO Joint Study Group High-Dose Irradiation in 1999 (JSGHDI, 1999).
Scientific Trends of Global Food Laws and Regulations

The publisher of Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods (QAS; see here), Wageningen Academic Publishers, is going to publish a special issue of the journal. Meanwhile 16 articles have been offered and are under review. Do, however, not hesitate if you have a wish to submit another article, if it would not fit now, it will certainly be possible in the future. The Guest Editor is Prof. Dr. Hamid Ezzatpanah and he can be contacted at hamid.ezzatpanah@globalharmonization.net.

On 24 and 25 April 2019 the 19th ICC Conference will take place at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna, Austria. This conference is certainly important with respect to food security in the world. It will cover production, processing, nutrition, analysis, new products and technologies, food safety and quality assurance, and more. For details, see http://icc2019.icc.or.at/en/?idU=1
GHI Leadership
Recently there have been some changes min the GHI Leadership. Joe Mac. Regenstein, Professor in the Department of Food Science of the Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA has been elected Board Members, in addition  to the other Board Members who have all been re-elected during the General Assembly Meeting in Mumbai, 25 October 2018.
Julie Larson Bricher needed to resign as Communications Director because of her new, very demanding position as Chief Editor of the journal "MeatingPlace". She has been succeeded by Adriana Sterian, Msc, Lecturer Food & Dairy at the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in Velp, The Netherlands.
Conferences & Meetings  

GHI regularly makes presentations and holds general and working group meetings in conjunction with scientific and food industry conferences around the globe.

Please check
our website for details and links, or   contact us via email to submit listings.

The website at  www.ghiworldcongress.org   has been and will continuously be updated. Please check for detailed information.
"Nutrition and health aspects of traditional and ethnic foods in Nordic Countries"

Edited by Veslemøy Andersen, Eirin Bar And Gun Wirtanen, is the first volume of the series of 26 books a bout the topic, covering the entire globe. This volume discusses the nutrition and health aspects of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland as well as Sápmi, also known as Lapland. It is published by Elsevier/Academic Press 2018. ISBN: 978-0-12-809456-3 (eBook) and 9780128094167 (print). Note that, as with all food science books published by Elsevier, using the code GHI30 gives you a 30% discount.

Copies of the first two GHI's books are still available:  

Ensuring Global Food Safety  - Exploring Global Harmonization.
Elsevi er/Academic Press, 2009.

ISBN: 9780123748454 (print) 9780080889306 (eBook)

Regulating Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods. 
Elsevier/Academic Press, 2015.

9780128006054 (print) 9780128006207 (eBook) 


Founded in 2004 as a joint activity of the US-based Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) International Division and the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI) is a network of scientific organizations and individual scientists working together to promote harmonization of global food safety regulations and legislation. For more information, please visit our website at

GHI has legal non-profit entity status and its charter and constitution are registered in Vienna, Austria as the GHI-Association (ZVR453446383).

GHI is an initiative of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), which is the European part of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) and the International Division of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). GHI is supported by the European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG) and many other organizations.