November 2018 Monthly Newsletter
We know dairy farmers have limited resources to spend at events; so our planning committee has designed the 2019 Georgia Dairy Conference to give you the best return on your time and money.

For almost a decade, the Georgia Milk Producers has hosted this conference in Savannah. We have grown the number of participants and sponsors attending the event year after year and work hard to bring relevant, educational and entertaining speakers to cover all types of management practices and philosophies.

The 2019 GA Dairy Conference is shaping up to be one of our best events yet. Here are 5 reasons why you should attend:

1.  Keynote speaker : Our opening keynote speaker is  H oward Wasdin , a former SEAL Team Six member. After graduating with BUD/S Class 143 he was a top sniper on SEAL Team Six. He was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart for his involvement in the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993 known as Black Hawk Down. In that conflict he was wounded three times and nearly lost a leg. Howard served in the US Navy for twelve years before retiring due to injuries sustained in Somalia. He now lives in Georgia, where he is a practicing Chiropractor and a leader in his community.

2.  Tradeshow : Network with industry representatives and learn about their new trends and products at our tradeshow. We anticipate close to 70 exhibitors to exhibit this January!
3.  Education program:  The Georgia Dairy Conference provides dairy producers and industry leaders with an invaluable opportunity to hear from top educators, industry pioneers and fellow dairymen. This year's educational programs will feature 15 speakers covering topics like, feed efficiency, heifer housing, robotic milking, and business management.

4.  Producer Engagement : Attendees always enjoy networking among each other; sharing ideas, innovations and collaboration within the dairy industry. Dairymen from Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia have attended this conference in the past.

5.  Producer discounts: Registration for Georgia dairy farm families is free. We also deduct $100/night for two nights from each Georgia dairy farm’s hotel bill at checkout. It’s our way to show our appreciation for your support and to encourage you to attend your annual dairy conference!

The best part – there is still time to register! Be one of the hundreds of people attending this conference to expand your knowledge of the dairy community and engage with your neighboring farmers. To register or learn more about the event, visit our website at .  Hope to see you all in Savannah this Jan. 21-23!
Farrah Newberry
Executive Director 
Georgia Milk Producers, Inc. 

Office: 706-310-0020 
Cell: 706-207-0168