Greetings from the Center for Irish Music!

I wish you a blessed Samhain on this chilly November day.  We are halfway through the 17-week Fall term and picking up speed as we head into our Fall Fund Drive, December performances (check them out on our blog) and early-stage preparations for Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event happening on Saturday, February 24th, 2018. 

In the office, we are hard at work searching for a Registration Coordinator and Administrative Associate.  We'll be announcing a new employee soon!

CIM is taking a year off presenting this landmark visiting artist event in 2018.  Mark your calendars now for the 11th Annual MIM on June 14-16th, 2019.
On behalf of the CIM board, staff and MIM planning team, I would like to share the news that we have decided to postpone  the 11th Annual Minnesota Irish Music Weekend until June 2019. We will not be offering the visiting artist event in June 2018.

The 10th Anniversary MIM weekend was incredibly successful and we think it's time for a little break as we take time to reflect on our successes and make strategic plans for the CIM.  That being said,  MIM event co-chairs Jeanne Morales, Jo Ann Vano and their powerhouse team are already working on plans for the next Minnesota Irish Music Weekend booked for June 14-16, 2019, so mark your calendars!

We are planning to present a smaller visiting artist event in the style of "A Harvest Home" (for those of you who remember it) in October 2018.  Stay tuned for more news about that, and for more traditional Irish music programs coming soon.

Join Mary Vanorny for our first Young Learner's Session on Saturday, November 18th from 10:00am-11:30am at the Center for Irish Music.  Click here for more information.  

Finally, ke ep an eye out for our 2016-17 Annual Report.  Thank you for being a part of the CIM family!  

Norah Rendell
CIM Executive Artistic Director
Support CIM on Give to the Max Day
Thursday, November 16th

Schedule your donation ahead of time!  
Starting today, November 1st, all gifts made via will count towards Give to the Max Day totals.
Spread the Word
Post about Give to the Max Day on social media and encourage your friends to give! Use hashtag  #gttmcim and include  this link .  

Create your own fundraiser  
Create a personalized fundraising page for CIM. Simply click on the orange "fundraise" button at
Join us for tunes on Give to the Max Day!

Celebrate Give to the Max Day with CIM at a special lunchtime session! Bring a bag lunch and your instrument and join us for tunes and hot Irish tea. 

November 16, 2017
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Celtic Junction Arts Center studio 2

Invite your friends directly through the Facebook event!

We look forward to raising funds for the Center for Irish Music with you!

Fall Recitals & Concert
Banjoes at recital
We hope you will join us for our student recitals and annual Advanced Youth Ensemble Holiday Concert!   Invite friends and families to join us as we enjoy the tunes and songs we have learned this term.

A complete list of student performances is on the GIGS & EVENTS page of our community blog.

  • Advanced Youth Ensemble Holiday Concert at the Celtic Junction Arts Center.  Tickets are $5/person or $20/family, available at the door.  All proceeds go toward the travel fund. 
  • 7pm - 9pm - Adult Student Open Mic with emcee Todd Menton - If you're an adult student and would like to perform at the Open Mic, watch your email for a link to sign up online.  
  • 1:00pm - Youth Recital 1 - for students under 12 who are taking private lessons and Irish Gaelic Singers
  • 2:30pm - Youth Recital 2 - for students in Blackbird & Swallowtail ensembles including solos & ensemble numbers, plus solo numbers for students age 12-13 (unless they are in the Starling ensemble).
  • 4:00pm - Youth Recital 3 - for students in the Starling Ensemble including solos & ensemble numbers, plus solos for students age 14 and older.
There will be a potluck following the recitals and open mic, so please bring a treat to shareCIM will provide the beverages!
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Gaela Logo - True Black large
Announcing emcee Máirtín de Cógáin 
We're excited to announce that emcee Máirtín de Cógáin will be returning for the 2018 Éigse CIM, a Gaela Event!  
Hailing from Cork, Máirtín is a singing, dancing, story-telling bodhrán player who also is a noted playwright and actor.  
Descended from a long line of storytellers and with two CCÉ All-Ireland's for Storytelling under his belt, Máirtín gets no more joy out of life than the telling of stories. If you are lucky enough to catch him spinning a few yarns, you are in for a treat!

Volunteer and be a part of Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event
If you have time and talents to share, please consider joining the Eigse planning team. One-time and ongoing volunteer opportunities are available, including kitchen and meal prep, silent auction, decor, volunteer hospitality, and more!  
Please contact Aja McCullough Beers  for more information or to sign up.   

CelticChristmasAdvanced Youth Ensemble 
at  Katie McMahon's Celtic Christmas Concert
Our Advanced Youth Ensemble will join original Riverdance soprano vocalist, Katie McMahon for her 10th anniversary Celtic Christmas show at the O'Shaughnessy Theater.

This festive concert on will celebrate the season with traditional songs, stories, and Irish dance.

 Friday, December 22nd at 7:30 pm. Tickets are available here.


Upcoming Concerts & Events

PLEASE NOTE: CIM is closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday from November 20-26th.  
Traditional Irish music concerts and events featuring CIM students and instructors are now listed on our blog !
Visit and click on "Gigs and Events" to see what's happening this month! 
T his is not an exhaustive listing of all events withi n the Twin Cities Irish community. For more listings, please visit the IMDA Event Calendar, a great resource for local events.
The Center for Irish Music is a 501c3 nonprofit, and we depend on donations to continue passing along the tradition of Irish music and song. Please consider making a gift to CIM today! 

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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the 
arts and cultural 
heritage fund.