November 2017

The 4Spot is thankful for Nick Straguzzi, our witty and tech-savvy Master Solvers Club moderator. Nick brought the MSC into the 21st century by creating online submissions when the 4Spot went digital earlier this year. Thanks, Nick!
Nick says that this month's problem is the most challenging and interesting of the year. So why not use this month to jump into MSC? You can't spend the entire season watching football. (Well, this year you probably can.) Anyway, submission is as easy as Amazon ordering and this month we're putting the problem right here for you. You don't even have to scroll down to find MSC in its usual spot at the bottom of the newsletter.   
1. Here's the current problem. 
2. Click here to read the analysis.  
3. Go to the MSC website ( for next month's problem and the online submission form. A year-long challenge starts again in January; submit regularly and you can earn glory and the respect of your peers. 

District 4 Officers  
small margin
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Dan Boye

Meyer Kotkin
Bill Bauer

Pat Civale  

Joann Glasson 
President's Message
DBoye head shot

[Before you read Dan's column this month, we're going to brag a bit. The October Bridge Bulletin raved about a hand that Dan played at the Toronto Nationals. Scroll down to "Dan's Hand" to read all about it. It's a lovely way to sing Dan's praises and reminds of his great talent as player. It also gives a chance to thank him for his stewardship of the district for these past two years; Dan relinquishes his role in Lancaster. Anyone who reads Dan's columns knows that he is -- as incoming president Meyer Kotkin might say -- a mensch. Our many thanks to Dan for contributing his thoughtfulness, kindness, and even-handed ways to managing the district during his tenure.]
I have had the privilege of serving the members of District 4 as President for the last 2 years. During that time, the ACBL and District 4 have undergone significant changes in the hopes of enhancing players' enjoyment while attending club games and tournaments. The increased awareness and support of ZT by our members allows everyone to play this great game in a competitive and friendly environment. The ACBL and District 4 are trying to effectively create a healthy and enforceable code of conduct relating to fragrance free playing areas. Your Executive committee and Board will continue to work to accomplish that goal. District 4 tournaments will strive to provide appropriate amenities for which our players can participate. To meet players' expectations with respects to between session hospitality without tremendously negatively impacting the District's treasury we have nominally increased table fees for Regionals. The feedback received thus far is favorable as players are willing to pay a little more for additional hospitality - which leads to convenience and more pleasure in between and after sessions.
Other changes within the District within the last 2 years include our new District Director (and our 2018 NABC Chair) Joann Glasson. Joann attends every session of the National Board of Directors meetings and presents a thorough accounting of all that occurred during those meetings to our District members. I offer my personal thanks for the work Joann does for D4 in that capacity as well as to Joann and Bob for their organization and preparation for D4 to host the 2018 NABC. Joann and Bob's contribution to bridge in D4 is "Fucillo" (aka HUUUGE!).
Allison Brandt accepted additional responsibilities in D4 as a representative to the Board of Governors, designer and current editor of the D4 Spot (completely on line as a result of Allison's work) and accepted her appointment to the Executive Committee where Allison's love of the game and how we can further favorably our players' experience has been invaluable.
Pat Civale has taken over Treasurer responsibilities from the previous long serving D4 Treasurer - Rick Rowland - who dedicates himself now to winning MPs and keeping Cindy happy with their travels. Thanks to Rick and Pat.
Richard Popper is currently the Chair of The Board of Governors. This reflects favorably not only on Richard but also on District 4.
The unsung "hero" of District 4 is Mr. Bill Bauer. Bill is the District's Secretary. Upon my taking over 2 years ago up until this very final tournament, I can earnestly and honestly state that the District and myself would be in complete chaos without Bill's guidance and leadership. Thank you, Bill, for all you have taught me.
These 2 years came at a very difficult time for me. However, Sue was adamant that I continue throughout as she believed we needed a bit of "normalcy" in our life. I have to thank Sue for all of her support and her ideas (yes, the President's wife does have influence) on how to handle the various situations that arose during my term - which was actually "our term." It is now time to pass the District 4 "torch" to Meyer Kotkin who has already made inroads toward continuing making District 4 the place where players come to win but to also enjoy this great game.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the table as you pursue your own bridge goals!
From the District Director 
joann glasson
With the holiday season approaching, instead of wandering through the mall trying to fine a special gift for the person that has everything, District 4 has a unique gift-giving opportunity for you to honor a special friend, bridge partner or mentor.
For only $150 you can have a one-session pair event named for someone special in your life. For $350, you can name a two-session regional pair event and for $500 you can name a four-session event (although we only have a couple of them left).
In addition to having your special person listed in the NABC schedule that will appear in the flyers to promote the tournament, the ACBL bulletin and on the ACBL and District 4 websites, you can submit a photo and an article for the Daily Bulletin at the NABC in March.
We will also send you a gift certificate for presentation.
Here's a link to the NABC schedule where you can see the special bridge players who have already been honored.
More information is available on the Philadelphia NABC website.
All of the funds collected will be used for player hospitality at the upcoming national tournament. We are hoping to make the NABC a wonderful experience for all who attend.
District 4 Schedule    
Lancaster Regional
October 30 - November 5
November 23 - December 3   
February 12-18 
March 8-18 
NAP District Qualifiers  
NAP Logo
Congratulations to all of the NAP District qualifiers and good luck at the National event in Philadelphia!
Flight A
1. Martin de Bruin - David Hoffner
2. Donna Morgen - Howard Kahlenberg
3. Thomas Weik - Dan Boye 
Flight B
1. Lynn Ackerman - Mary Miller
2. Ellen Ryan - Edythe Krauss
3. Janis Kritzer - Barbara Ann McLaren
4. Tom Aridgides - Dick Tuttle
Flight C
1. Joe Distini - Victoria Tarleton
2. John Ferranti - Kathy Myers
3. Jane Bovard - Beverly Bright
4. Stephen Mast - Holli Mast 
Dan's Hand  
[from the October 2017 Bridge Bulletin]
Glenn Eisenstein like the way his partner, Dan Boye of Farmington NY, handled this deal from the second final session of the von Zedtwitz Life Master Pairs.  
South started with the Jack of diamonds, overtaken by North with the queen. Boye ruffed the diamond continuation, played a club to dummy'd ace and ruffed another diamond. He then played the King of clubs, pickin up the suit, and ran trumps. This was the end position (the South hand is irrelevant).
When Boye cashed the Ace of hearts and played a heart to dummy's king, North had only losing options. If he discarded a spade, Boye would take three spade tricks. Discarding the Ace of diamonds, would make dummy's six of diamonds good. Plus 620 was worth 36.5 matchpoints on a top of 38.
To hold declarer to 11 tricks. South must lead a spade, which is the start needed to break up the squeeze.
It would not have helped for North to play low on the opening lead and for South to switch to a space. In that case, declarer wins the king, pulls trumps, ruffing a diamond along the way, and plays clubs to get to this point:
When Boye leads a heart to dummy's king, North can pick his poison. A spade discard allows Boye to cash the King of spades, felling the queen, and return to hand with a trump to enjoy the good ten of spades. If North pitches a diamond, Boye ruffs, establishing the six of diamonds and returns to dummy with a spade to the king.
Twelve tricks in clubs are always available with West as declarer because North cannot lead a spade without giving up a trick in the suit. 
Lou Glasthal Featured in Challenge the Champs  
Dan Boye wasn't the only District 4 player to achieve fame in print this month.
Unit 141 bridge expert Lou Glasthal and his longtime partner Mike Massimilla made a successful appearance in Challenge the Champs, one of the popular features of The Bridge World magazine. Lou qualified to play because of his high finish in the Master Solvers Club, another feature of The Bridge World. (Lou has a remarkable record of high finishes in the Master Solvers Club.)  
Each month, Challenge the Champs pits two leading pairs against each other in a bidding battle. Awards are given to the final contracts based on matchpoint expectancy. The winning pair moves on to play a new pair the following month. After successfully defeating two British stars in September, Lou and Mike faced off against David Gold and David Bakhshi, two world class players on England's national team, in October. 
When asked about his experience with Challenge the Champs, Lou said, "This was actually the second time that Mike and I have appeared in Challenge the Champs. Both times, I was thrilled to be featured in the most highly respected bridge publication in the world."
Test your bidding with a favorite partner and see how you do with this hand from the September match (Lou's selected favorite):  
Now click here to read both pairs' bidding and The Bridge World expert commentary.  
Interested in more? The Bridge World is the ne plus ultra of bridge publications. Click here for a link to The Bridge World website, where you can find:
* subscription information
* Master Solvers Club
* great books and software for sale 
* feature, feature, features
* the newly updated 2017 Bridge World Standard 
Philadelphia Nationals Arrive in March!   
Getting pysched for Nationals? Yep, it's in Philadelphia in March -- no planes, maybe a train. The dates are March 8-18, 2018. There are events for players of ALL levels, including people who have never even played before. (Tell your friends.)  
Stay tuned for more info about hospitality, schedule, parking, and more. In the meantime, there's a ton of info available already so click here for the Philadelphia Nationals website. 
Keep in mind a few points of interest: 
* The first weekend offers special opportunities for players with fewer than 300 masterpoints.
* a special "Learn Bridge in a Day" seminar for people who would like an introduction
* welcome events and great hospitality.
* corporate sponsorship and advertising opportunities
News from Around the Units 
four corners
Unit 112: Central New York
DeWitt Henricks
Unit 112 Sectional (Waterloo)
November 11-12
Bridge Club honors retiring manager Jane Fuller
The St. Anne's Bridge Therapy Club in Manlius honored outgoing club manager Jane Fuller with a "Jane Fuller Night" on Sept. 20 with members offering personal stories and presenting a plaque highlighting Jane's contributions during the past nine years.
New club manager Jay King listed some highlights, including:
  1. Teaching bridge lessons to more than 500 beginners and intermediate players as a volunteer at the Cazenovia, NY library;
  2. Directing a monthly 199er game at the Skyline for 3 years as a volunteer and as a paid teacher for 2 years;
  3. Presenting "Learn Bridge in a Day" at various locations at least 4 times;
  4. Assisted directing games at the Calvary Club in Manlius and Senior Centers in both Fayettsville and Manlius, NY
  5. Conducting mentor-mentee games at the Skyline;
  6. Constantly recruiting new players for all bridge venues.
Club treasurer Sam Mehta presented Jane with a cash gift contributed by a generous and appreciative membership.
Jane was presented a plaque that acknowledged her tireless efforts as club manager and her interest in golf.
A Tribute to Jane Fuller
Greetings to all on Jane Fuller Night
We're here to honor her, that's right!
She managed the club for many years,
For that she merits our hearty cheers.
Directing games, running tournaments, giving lessons,
Arranging the game for our weekly bridge sessions.
Now she's shedding some of her duties,
To spend more time with her grandchildren cuties.
And perhaps more time on a different course.
So Jane here is our hearty wish for you:
. May your drives be long and straight,
. May your putts be short and true,
. May your slams always be made,
. And your finesses, too.
We wish you a Fuller life,
One that fits you to a tee.
Our appreciation will never wain
For all YOU have done for us, thank you, Jane!
Sept. 20, 2017
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Fay Pacchioli

Unit 120 Sectional
March 2-4
A recent poll was taken by the BOD and has led members of the Board to decide that our newer players would appreciate a tournament just for non-life masters. For this reason, they are considering a two-day non-life master event in the near-future. If this two-day event becomes a reality in 2018, it will not replace our regular sectionals held on the weekends in March, June and October. Walter Mitchell is working with the Executive Committee in Unit 120 on this matter. e If you have an opinion on this matter, Walter would love hearing from you by return mail: or stop by and chat with him the next time you see him at a game.
We have always stressed having a separate section for newer players, and have always held a novice section in our sectionals unless there were not enough tables registered. The March sectional has been consistently lower in attendance than the sectionals held in June and October. Lower attendance means lower income and it is difficult to hold a sectional that does not pay for itself. We miss all the snowbirds at our March sectional, but there are a lot of us that don't head south and if you want to keep your life interesting with bridge in the winter you need to support your Unit and the sectionals.
In order to keep playing in our sectionals and keep them in our area, please watch the 4SPOT - we will post the dates of future sectionals as soon as they are scheduled and will also give you monthly reminders. I am listing the dates of the three sectionals for 2018 at the end of this article - block out those dates in your day timer - so when the event arrives you will have saved the days so you can attend. Many units have lost their sectionals due to attendance. Don't let Unit 120 go in that direction.
In order to keep bridge alive in your area - you need to attend club games and unit sectionals - and before you know it, you will be scheduling a date at a Regional or a National.
SECTIONAL DATES - MARCH 2,3,4 - JUNE 1,2,3 - OCTOBER 5, 6, 7, 2018.
Don't forget to mark it in your Day-Timer Calendar. Don't have a Day-Timer yet? Turn out for the Lancaster Regional at the Spooky Nook in Lancaster October 30 through November 5. They give out Day-timers every year.
We are attempting to arrange a bus trip to the Gatlinburg Regional next April. It is the largest regional I have ever attended and we had a great time last year. We'd like to have 40 people if possible. It's a 7- day trip with 5 days at the tournament. The bus will leave from Beach Lake and will pick up in Wilkes Barre and Frackville. If anyone is interested in going on this trip, please email me and I will put you on the email list for information. Email Fay at .
Congratulations are in order to Joe Distini and Victoria Tarleton for finishing first in the NAP Flight C overall finals on October 7th. Jane Bovard and Beverly Bright were third overall. Both pairs won gold points and qualify for the national event in Philadelphia next March. A most impressive win for these four as there were over 80 tables in play district wide.
Others placing in the second section were:
Arthur Kibbe/Marie Lewis 3rd & 12th overall and gold points.
Annie/Bill Menche 2nd; Fran Heim/Betty May 4th; Angie/Pat McDonough 5th; Anna Niznik /Patricia Ruddy 7th
The Architzel Memorial Game on September 25 was its usual success.
Overalls were: 1. Fran Hofherr/George Marcy
                             2. Joan Winters/John Gindhart
                             3. Jean Olcese/Bob Reed
                             4. Carole McCallum/Steve Mansour
                             5. Kathy Gilbert/Jo McNally
                             6. Mary Tragis/Jim Mazeika
In the afternoon session N/S - 3RD B Peggy O'Keeffe/Jody Sorrell
E/W - 1. Kate Shumaker/Marianne Higgins;  
2. Maureen Pesavento/Doris Mauer;
3. Diane/Stan Berkowitz;    
1. In C Beverly Bright/Linda Churla
In the evening session  
N/S - 1. Karen/Dave Wessell;  
3. Leslie Sloan/Costas Lambropoulos;
 4. Sonny Sperduto/Fay Pacchioli
E/W - 1. Arlene Andrews/Glen Wayne;  
1 / C Teri/Alan Trynz;  
2. Clara Kelly/Rob Shanker
In the afternoon Novice Game  
1st was Anne Opiekun/Ramona Barrett;  
2. Kathy Burns/Marla McNab;  
3. Barbara/Fred Krasselt;  
4. Mary Deduke/Carole Kopich
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder 
Unit 121 I/N Sectional
December 15 
The Annual Hawley Quier Memorial Unit Game was held on Tuesday October 24 at Sacred Heart Villa. The winners of the game were Alfred and Travis Crump. The game had a Halloween theme, and prizes for best costumes went to Marlene Winkleman, Louise Remley, George Arnold, and Brian Gibson. 
Our next Intermediate-Newcomer Sectional will be Friday December 15 at Sacred Heart Villa. More information can be found at the link here.  
Congratulations to the following for their masterpoint rank achievements:

Junior Master - Gilbert Deleeuw

NABC Master - Christine L. Sgro

Life Master - Philip Presby

Gold Life Master - Ellis Sokoloff
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Dave Kresge

There is no Unit 133 report this month. Check back next month for news and updates.    
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Joan Warren
November 10-12
Unit 141 STaC
December 4-10
Bala Sectional
January 5-7 

Unit 141 congratulates its New Life Masters and all those who reached new designation levels. 

New Life Masters   Robbee Perlman

Ruby Life Master   
Nick Straguzzi 
Janice Copeland

Silver Life Master    
Ed Kung 
Helen Leibowitz-Hoyer 
Judy Robbins 
Amy Ross

Bronze Life Master   
Michael Belman 
Linda DiLuco 
David Hallman 
We hope to see you at the November 10-12 sectional at Bala Country Club.
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret

November 13-19
Unit 168 Sectional
January 26-28
Unit 168 I/N Sectional
February 4
Unit 168 Sectional
March 23-25 
The Unit Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 19 at the Harrisburg Bridge Club. In conjunction with the meeting, we'll be having a two-session Swiss Team Game. The game is stratified and is a STaC game paying silver points. Entry fee is $20 per person. Please register your teams in advance by e-mail to . For more information, call 717-525-8074 and leave a message for a call back. During the annual meeting we will be voting on representatives to the Unit Board of Governors. The nominees are Malin Castronuovo from York and Rosalind Braunstein from Lancaster.
News From Harrisburg :
We will be hosting a number of special games this month, including the Birthday game on Sunday, November 12 at 1 p.m. and the monthly Brunch and Bridge on the 18th at 11 a.m. Our monthly Wine and Cheese game is scheduled on Wednesday, November 8 at 6:30 p.m. Hospitality begins one-half hour before game time for each of these special games. Monthly Swiss will take place on Wednesday, November 15. Dinner at 5:45, game at 6:30. This is a STaC game paying silver points. The Club will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.
CONGRATULATIONS to these Unit 168 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Club Master:
John Freet
Sectional Master:
Jim Ross
Silver Life Master:
David Eskin
Gold Life Master:
Nancy Pakulski
Wacky Hands & Gadgets - by Dave Bort
2/1 Slow Arrival (or Not)
In a hand from the fabulous Hagerstown Sectional this fall, one board offered a choice. With only us vulnerable, partner's and my hands were:
          North:  73  KQ9642  AT6 Q7
          South:  KQ  A7   843  AKT986
I started the bidding, which proceeded (opponents silent throughout):
North (me)          South
1H(1)         2C(2)
2H(3)         3H(4)
4N(5)         5H(6)
6H(7)         Pass
(1) It's only 11 points, but it's a 7-loser, Rule of 20 hand, with something close to two quick tricks, so I'm opening (cue the mantra: "It's only a game")
(2) 2/1 game force
(3) Showing my 6-card suit, and now thinking my Club Queen is working, after partner's bid, but still only seeing my hand as a 6-loser hand, so not worth a stronger bid
(4) Setting trump, and using slow arrival, since partner's hand may be worth 5 "cover cards" (to cover my losers), and if my hand is better than the expected 7-loser hand I showed by opening, we may have a slam
(5) Given partner has shown mild slam interest, and given that their 2C bid improved my hand to a 6-loser hand, I think I'll be safe at the 5-level, so I'm checking for keycards
(6) 2 keycards in Hearts, without the Queen
(7) We're only missing 1 keycard, and partner's Clubs may run, given my Club Queen, so I'm going for it (again cueing the mantra)!
Making 7, on the lead of the Diamond King! Since West didn't bid 2S over my partner's 2C game force (holding AJT94 in Spades), East didn't know to lead a Spade, so they "went to bed" with the Spade Ace.
At least, that's how the auction COULD have gone. Instead, in the ACTUAL auction, partner rebid 4H after my 2H bid, effectively killing the auction. Oh well. Note to self for the future: better to do one's best to bid the cards the partnership are dealt, than assume one knows what will probably happen, and settle for a sub-optimum contract.
Weak Freak, Cuebid Raise (or Not)
Another Hagerstown Sectional hand, Board 9 on Saturday morning was a load of fun! With the opponents vulnerable, partner's and my hands were:
North:  K984 KJ83 3  Q852  
South:  None  QT642  AQJ9765  3
I started the bidding, which went something like:
West             North (me)          East            South
                    Pass                       Pass            1D(1)
X(2)            1H(3)                     2H(4)          3H(5)
3S(6)           Pass(7)                  4S(8)            5H(9)
X(10)          Pass(11)                 Pass             Pass(12)    
(1) Only 9 HCP, but with a 4-loser hand, partner opened - Way to Go, Partner!
(2) With A653 A95 KT KJ97, West easily has the best hand at the table
(3) Not letting a double derail our auction, I'm showing my majors up the line
(4) Our opponent's cuebid showed a good hand in the context of the auction, with both Spades and Clubs (holding QJT72 7 842 AT64)
(5) An underbid; since I've already shown 1 trick by taking a free bid, partner could have made a cuebid raise to force us to the 3-level, showing a 5-loser hand or better. By simply bidding at the 3-level, partner's bid looks merely competitive.
(6) Thinking their Diamond King may be well-placed
(7) Given partner's underbid, and suspecting my Spade King may be poorly placed, I don't think I have anything more to say
(8) Liking their trump suit length, combined with shortness in our suit
(9) With a real weak freak hand, partner still has extras she hasn't shown, so she denies the opponents an easy try for game
(10) Thinking we've over-reached, and they've got us
(11) I also am thinking: Uh oh, now we're in for it, partner
(12) I don't think so, partner, watch this!
Making 5, doubled, on the lead of the Club 7. East-West did have a Spade game, and could have pushed to a 5SX save, down 1, but would have had to think we were making 5H to take that save.
So, whether partner meant to deceive the opponents, "slow-walking" them into doubling our making 5-level contract, or simply failed to show her strength at the opportune moment, she certainly delivered the goods when it counted. A tie for a top, well played, partner!
CORRECTON to the second hand from the October 4Spot ("Good Old Jacoby, with a Courtesy Cue-bid"), West first rebid should be 3N, rather than 3H (which would have precipitated a Director call, since it came after the opponent's 3S call). Thanks go to eagle-eyed George Laniado, who first spotted the typo.
Next month, there's certain to be more wacky hijinks. There always are!
Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day
Unit 190 Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 26-31
Unit 190 Sectional
February 9-11 
What better way to ring in the New Year than to gather with friends, and even partners, and enjoy the festivities? There will be games beginning on December 26th, ending with an end-of-year mini-party between two abbreviated sessions on New Years' Eve. This leaves you plenty of time to get home to watch the ball drop.
CLUB LIFE MASTER Shirley B. Derrickson
SECTIONAL MASTER : Patricia B. Modispaugh
SILVER MASTER : Francis A. Bizzocco
My partner and I often laugh about how competitive we are.  
But I laugh more.
Check out the November Dummy for an article entitled "Meet the Woman Who Gives Bridge Tips to Warren Buffet and Bill Gates," which was written by Washington Post reporter Thomas Heath, as well as an update from ACBL Director Sandy Cerato on making claims, along with a column by Pieter Van Bennekom on "Beating the Bots."  
Unit 217: Susquehanna  
Jim McKeown
There is no Unit 217 report this month. Check back next month for news and updates.
Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:

novices only logo
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
January , April , July, October

abc logo
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
  February, May, August, November

advancing logo
  A Spot 4 the Advancing Player by Jay Apfelbaum:
  March, June, September, December

Click here to read this month's article: The ABC of Bridge.
Click on any blue month above to read recent articles. 
Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

The 4Spot is thankful for the D4 Master Solvers Club and its moderator Nick Straguzzi. If you haven't tried it already, do. How long can spend the week enjoying the glow of another Eagles victory? Fill in the time with a bridge challenge. Remember -- we have online submission so the whole process is fun and easy.

First, click here to read the analysis of last month's problem.
Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online: 
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4Spot | November 2017 | Editor: Allison Brandt |