President's Message
My Fellow Members, 

Thank you to all who attended the Annual Fall Summit in Dana Point. The event was well attended, with a higher turnout than last year's Summit. I enjoyed interacting with my colleagues, as well as the State and local leaders we had in attendance. Secretary of State Alex Padilla's speech on Friday set the tone for an incredible learning event. I was thoroughly engaged by the dialogue with Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez, author of HR 29, legislation that directly attacks the contracting model. His presence at our event illustrates the air of collaborative public policy and engagement we have here at the California Contract Cities Association, and he left us with a commitment to support a resolution defending the contracting model. Now that's progress!

As always, Sheriff McDonnell was a great draw and delivered an informative update on issues impacting all of our communities. Stephanie Wiggins of Metro spoke about the challenges we will face with transportation if there is a failure to properly plan for the future. The entire Summit would not have been possible without the generous support of the Water Replenishment District, and their presentation on the sustainability of our water system was remarkable.

Special Events Committee Chair James Bozajian and his committee deserve a big thanks for their hard work on the program. Lastly, the mystery dinner was amazing and our staff deserves a huge pat on the back for all their hard work and dedication bringing the program to life. Thank you!

As we enter the holiday season I would like to wish each and every one of you the very best. May this time of year be filled with joy in your homes and your communities.


Gustavo Camacho
California Contract Cities Association 
Legislative Tour
Join the California Contract Cities Association on January 11-13, 2015 in Sacramento for the Annual Sacramento Legislative Orientation Tour. Contract Cities staff and Legislative Chair, Jorge Morales (Mayor, City of South Gate), have been tirelessly working to advance the organization's legislative agenda in Sacramento and ensure the contracting model is protected. Join us on this trip to prove that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Contact the Contract Cities staff at (562)622-5533 to reserve your spot. 
Stormwater Update
The first meeting of the elected officials stormwater steering committee took place on November 12, 2015. Contract Cities is playing an integral role in stormwater management in the region. Lead by Ken Farfsing, our stormwater policy group is crafting solutions that have a regional approach and help cities with implementation of effective stormwater management. Contact our staff to learn more about this important issue or to join the committee. 
All Cities Holiday Reception
The California Contract Cities Association, Los Angeles County Business Federation and the Los Angeles County Division of the California League of Cities are coming together for the fifth year in a row to host the All Cities Holiday Reception. This event will take place at the Grand in Long Beach on December 3, 2015. Click here to get more details and register. 
Associate Member Highlight

The Groundwater Reliability Improvement Project (GRIP) is WRD's most ambitious project yet. GRIP will replace 7 billion gallons (21,000 acre-feet) of expensive imported water from Northern California and the Colorado River with purified, locally-available recycled water. The groundwater basins will become completely independent of imported water for replenishment. WRD, in partnership with the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, has successfully used recycled water to replenish the region's groundwater for over 50 years. The project is supported by LA County's top public health officials and will enable WRD to create the state's first fully sustainable groundwater basins.

Groundwater from the WRD service area provides 40% of the overall water supply in southern Los Angeles County. This region includes 43 cities, serves four million residents and represents more than 10% of the population of the State of California.
Associate Members




To see a full list of our Associate Members click here
Upcoming Events
December 3, 2015 
6:00 PM 
The Grand, Long Beach 

Sacramento Legislative Orientation Tour January 11-13, 2016 Sheraton Grand Hotel 

February Board of Directors Meeting  
West Hollywood

Board Member Highlight

Liz Reilly
City of Duarte

Liz Reilly was raised and educated in Utica, New York, where her parents emigrated from Poland after World War II. 

Liz graduated from the State University of New York with a degree in Management and the University of Oklahoma with a BA in Nutrition. Shortly after, she moved to Hollywood, California, where she began her career as a Clinical Dietitian at Hollywood Community Hospital, and then as Chief Dietitian for the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage. From there, Liz held various positions including Regional Dietitian for Mannings, a food service company, Food Service Director for Alhambra Community Hospital, and manager of the Tearoom for Bullock's Pasadena before leaving the workforce to raise her family. 

Liz moved to Duarte in 1987 with her husband to raise their two daughters. After her husband, the late Edward Reilly, passed away, Liz began the position she holds today as an RSP Instructional Aide at Valley View Elementary School. 

Liz's two daughters Beth and Kate attended Valley View, Northview, and Duarte High before graduating from Northwestern University and USC, respectively. 

As a Duarte resident and mom, Liz was highly involved with local community and school groups. When her daughter, Kate, started preschool, Liz began volunteering in the classroom as a room mother and was appointed as the Head Start representative to LACOE from Andres Duarte School. Other volunteer activities included: 
·Valley View PTA, where she received the Lifetime Achievement Award ·Northview PTA, President and PTA Continuing Service Award recipient ·Community Education Council, Chairman 
·Duarte High PTSA, President and DUSD Volunteer of the Year 
Liz was, also, a MALDEF Parent School Partnership trainer at Duarte High. Currently, Liz serves as Parliamentarian for the Duarte Council of PTAs and Financial Director for the Duarte Booster Organization. 
She considers it an honor to have been elected to the Duarte City Council and to have the opportunity to serve the Duarte community. Liz wants to create an economic environment that attracts new businesses, supports existing businesses, and brings tax revenue, sales, and jobs to Duarte. 

Liz feels that the business of the city council is to be involved in all aspects of the city, and she says, "I intend to do just that." 

Currently, Liz serves as Chairman of the Cities Select Committee for California Contract Cities Association, Duarte representative on the Goldline Phase II, Joint Powers Authority Board, and Director of District 15 with the LA County Sanitation District. 

Liz feels that reading is the gateway to all learning and on the first Tuesday of the month, she reads to children at the Duarte Public Library. Monthly Liz holds "What's Happening in Duarte" at the Senior Center to learn about their needs and listen to what seniors have to say.