Colon Hydrotherapy, Certified GAPS™ Practitioner, Detox Programs, Workshops
520-325-9686 4427 E 5 St Tucson AZ 85711
Intestinal Health Newsletter November 2013
 | She simply did not see herself as a "Complex" carbohydrate. |
Check out the birthday card I received from friends. The theme today is sugar. Many MD's are writing excellent books exposing the serious metabolic problems that added sugars have created: cancer, cardiovascular, stroke, diabetes, dementia, overweight, obesity and on and on. When I got this birthday card, I really laughed. The potato did not see herself as a potato, a complex sugar. That is part of the sensory misperception that a faulty sugar metabolism creates. I am not seeing, feeling, hearing, thinking, smelling or tasting accurately. Campbell-McBride MD, neurologist and nutritionist, describes 'altered sensory perception' in autism, learning disorders and eating disorders.
"Toxicity coming from the gut blocks various centres in the brain, so they are unable to handle appropriately the sensory information coming from the eyes, ears, taste buds, tactile nerve endings and other sensory organs."
I had lots of input on sugar this month.
October 26, Saturday, I held my second GAPS™ Group. GAPS™ is a complex carbohydrate free program. We ended up preparing food first. Once again, Nancy Funke came from her farm in St David. She had samples of almond bread, goat yogurt and the bone broth. She is excellent at teaching and sharing about the GAPS™ diet and program. I made some broiled eggplant slices with a cilantro marinade, recipes I found in Nourishing Traditions. We put the food out and then I gave a PowerPoint - Lesson 2 - More on the Gut & Psychology Syndrome. Afterwards, we sat around the table eating, sharing information and taking notes. Stay tuned for our November GAPS™ Group. I'll have a date shortly.
On 4 consecutive Saturdays 2-3:30PM beginning September 28, I attended Mel Mason's excellent workshop, Sweet Release: The Art & Science of Life Beyond Sugar. Workshop goals were: understand your relationship with sugar, understand what sugar does to the body, de-program your desire for sugar, rinse and repeat! We had a great time sharing. Mel presented us with latest sugar research, we identified sugar triggers, set goals, learned the sad story of fructose and about detoxifying with leafy greens, juicing and water fasting.
Mel gave lifestyle strategies to reduce the sugar addiction: arm yourself with information like read Perlmutter's new book Grain Brain, keep your living space sugar-free and 'get your sweat on', meaning work out and reduce those blood glucose levels. She had wonderful handouts and the 4 sessions were very interactive and productive. Right on, Mel. We all need help to get off the big sugar train.
Recently, I attended another lecture on sugar! It's been a sweet month. The RD and MS in Nutrition gave this talk and one of the things she stressed was translating grams to teaspoons. When you read a label, look for the grams of sugar. 4 grams equals 1 teaspoon equals 15 calories of sugar. Translate that way. She said the AHA (American Heart Association) recommends for added sugar less than 6.5 teaspoons daily for women and less than 9.5 teaspoons for men. I say, drop the whole processed sugar trip.
So, if you are looking to detoxify your body and let go of lifetime patterns of heightened complex sugar eating, come in and have a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions and let me help you design a detoxification and rebuilding program. Now is the time to get off the rapidly accelerating train of degeneration and shift to the path of rising natural health.
Blessings, Sheila
520-325-9686 |
Upcoming Events
December 2, Monday, 5:30-7:30PM
Stayin' Alive Workshop Reunion Holiday Gathering
All those who have attended our workshops are welcome to join us for a holiday celebration, an opportunity to come together to share our stories, food, information and holiday fun. We'll have an email out to all of you on details. RSVP to Sheila 520-325-9686
February 7-8, Friday 5:30-8PM, Saturday 9-4PM
Stayin' Alive - A Mindful Eating Workshop
We've added 1.5 hours to our original 8-hour workshop. The evening and day are textured with working out, meditating, preparing and eating healthy food, learning to work with stress, demonstrating and practicing HRV Heart Rate Variability, coming to coherence. Ann and I are offering more time to practice the computer games that support heart coherence and to demonstrate food preparation.
Plant Based Nation Conference Cancelled
BOO-HOO Plant Based Nation (PNB) cancelled their day long November 10 workshop. Ann Baldwin and I designed a new hour and a half seminar for the event called Solutions for Sugar and Stress. I am making my first PowerPoint on Sugar for this workshop. So we will take our program on the road! If you know of any great venues or groups of people that would benefit, please contact us. I'm pleased that I'll use my new Sugar PowerPoint in our upcoming February workshop.
Frequency of Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions
How Many Colonics Should I Get?
People ask how often they should do colon hydrotherapy. Each person is unique in their needs however I've provided a few guidelines for you.
Some Basic Guidelines
The more chronic and serious the condition - the greater the frequency of colon hydrotherapy.
The more messed up you are, the more you need the colonics spaced closer together. Some need it daily until they clear their system, others every other day.
If you are doing metal chelation, you get your colonic with 24-48 hours after the chelating event.
If you are water or juice fasting, you can take colon hydrotherapy daily. If you are doing a 7-day, 14-day or 28-day cleanse by Arise & Shine, the idea is to clear the colon daily. Some people alternate colonics, enemas and laxatives on a cleanse. You clear toxins that come in from other parts of the body such as the tissues and organs as well as the intestines.
Come in immediately if you have a headache, migraine, flu or food poisoning. Follow up with 1-2 more daily or every other day to clear your system and hydrate with good fluids. If you are a chronic headache or migraine sufferer, then you need a deeper cleanse and a longer length of time taking colon hydrotherapy such as twice a week or weekly for a few months. That time will include bowel and liver detoxes.
Chronic constipation may take years of colonics, enemas, cleansing, right diet, exercise before you see yourself eliminating naturally daily.
If you are a binge eater and making a huge effort to change your behavior, more frequent colonics can help you stay on track. Some clients report colon therapy gives them moral support.
Those on maintenance come in every 3 - 6 weeks. That seems to be the pattern. Some notice when their gut starts to slow down again and they come in for a tune-up. Others put it on their health maintenance schedule every month.
My bottom line with frequency is that people need to do 3-5 close together as a basic minimum to get their intestines going in the right direction. When someone is messed up with weight, bingeing, dehydration, constipation and a myriad of other co-morbidities, the first sessions can be challenging physically and psychologically. It takes some work to bail out of bad habits and set up the good ones.
I hope this is helpful on frequency. It's a big issue. I've barely scratched the surface. If any colon therapists out there want to submit some frequency protocols to me I will publish them in the newsletter. Be in touch.
Sheila Shea
Special # 1
Unlimited Annual Pass for $1500
For those of you who would like to make this your 'year of intestinal health' I am offering you an unlimited number of colon hydrotherapy sessions for one year from the date of purchase. This gives you unlimited opportunity to work on GI, liver, gall bladder, kidney and parasite cleansing. Some use this to have a breakthrough with very challenging personal health issues. The Colon Hydrotherapy is a perfect adjunct for many other therapies you may be using for your health improvement program!
Consider buying an annual pass!
$1500 for an Unlimited Annual Pass
No Refunds on Pass
Please call or email Sheila to make an appointment
Special # 2
25% Off Your Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions
When You Buy Three!
Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions are now $60 each down from $80
You may purchase 3 or more.
You have 30 days from date of purchase to use them.
No refunds on series.
Offer expires November 30, 2013
Please call or email Sheila to make an appointment
Special # 3
$120 for Cranial and Colonic Sessions
Rest, Relax, Release!
Michael Pellegrino practices at my office at the Intestinal Health Institute. You go from his room after the cranial session to my room for your colon hydrotherapy session.
1 hour of Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) with Michael Pellegrino
1 session of colon hydrotherapy with Sheila Shea
Please call or email Sheila to make an appointment: 520-325-9686,
Please contact Michael for questions about CST: 520-275-4888
Expiry: November 30, 2013
Events |
December 2, Monday, 5:30-7:30PM Holiday Workshop Reunion February 8, Friday, 5:30-8PM February 9, Saturday, 9-4PM
Stayin' Alive A Mindful Eating Workshop Ann Baldwin & Sheila Shea
Services |
Colon Hydrotherapy
Certified GAPS™ Practitioner
Nutritional Counseling
Detox Programs
Diagnostic Testing
25% |
The Intestinal Health Institute is offering the 8-Hour IACT Certification Course for all those who have given 100 documented colonics and would like to be certified by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy. The Course requires membership in IACT and their test administered at my office. If you are interested, I am offering this day course for $600, 25% off the regular price of $800. IACT membership and test fees are in addition. Offer expires November 30, 2013. Call or email Sheila Shea intestines@sheilashea.com520-325-9686
| Offer Expires: November 30, 2013