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In This Issue
League Calendar

Observer Reports

Other League Newsletters

November 2015
From the President
Dear Members,
You will notice in this edition of our monthly newsletter that we are sharing information about events from many other groups.  Developing partnerships with other organizations will increase our own visibility within the community while hopefully increasing our membership. Our members are involved not only in our local League but in many other groups that advocate and work for social change.  Sharing each other's events and news is a valuable networking tool that we will continue to develop.

The Membership Committee has been hard at work establishing some new protocols in how we welcome and mentor new members.  Educating and involving members in events and leadership is critical to our continued existence.  Thanks to Marilyn Cantisano and Donalda Ellek for their skill in moving us forward.

Finally, please take the time to follow through on the Call to Action article from LWVIL.  We all need to push Governor Rauner  and our legislators to break this budget impasse now. Their job is to govern, not hold citizens hostage with politics.
Peggy Kell

Monthly Programs
Second Tuesday
Debra Shore
On Tuesday, November 10, from 9:30-11:00am, Debra Shore, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board President, will be discussing and answering questions on our water resources.  The Nineteenth Century Club is located at 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park.   Please join us for this free presentation.
Read the recap of October's Second Tuesday here:

Drinks & Dialogue
On November 18, our program will host two speakers on Criminal  and Restorative Justice at Doc Ryan's, 7432 Madison, Forest Park.  Enjoy a drink and an appetizer while we talk from 5:30-7:00pm.  This program is free and open to the public so bring a friend, neighbor or relative to join the discussion. 

Call to Action
LWV IL is calling on all members to contact Governor Rauner and their local legislators to encourage (demand!) that they work together on November 18 to break the state budget impasse.  More than 100 days of this stalemate has damaged government services to the most needy and vulnerable of our citizens, while keeping funds from non-profit agencies that work with these same people.  Please read the following letter for more information,  Time for Action!  You can use this link to contact your elected officials  Legislator Contact Info or call the Governor's Office (217-782-0244).

LWV Lake Michigan Conference Recap

The LWV Lake Michigan Annual Conference was held this year in Glenview on September 25 and 26. Over 140 attendees from all four Lake Michigan states enjoyed tours and listening to the many knowledgeable speakers. Check out the Member Resources page on their website for the wrap-up article.   LWV Lake Michigan
Redistricting Presentation
Did you miss our Drinks & Dialogue program about our involvement in the Independent Map Amendment Campaign?  There's still another opportunity to find out how this initiative will reform the redistricting process. Sponsored by the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project, Chris Butler and Jan Goldberg will speak on the issue at Dole Branch Library, 255 Augusta, Wednesday, November 11 at 7:00 pm.  The event is free and open to the public.  (You can also bring in your completed petitions to this event or get more copies, if needed.)

Movie Screening
There will be a free screening and discussion of the documentary film "Not My Life".  It's a comprehensive depiction of human trafficking and modern slavery done on a global scale.  It will be shown on Thursday, November 12, at 6:00 pm, at the Bellwood Public Library, 600 Bohland Ave., Bellwood.  RSVP information is on the attached flyer.  Not My Life Flyer

One Earth Film Festival Benefit
Join One Earth on Friday, November 6, for their first ever Fall Benefit to support their annual Film Festival. Eat, drink, mingle, and see a film preview for the March 2016 Film Festival.  See the flyer for all details. One Earth Rocks!

League of Women Voters of Oak Park & River Forest | | lwvoprf@sbcglobal.net | http://lwvoprf.org
P.O. Box 3301
Oak Park, IL 60303-3301