Tour Time!
We are excited for the 27th Annual Placer Artists Studios, happening this weekend and next! Nov 6-8 & Nov 13-15 the Tour is re-imagined, but full of fabulous works of art by amazing artists. To keep artists and art lovers safe, make appointments to visit in person or connect with them and shop on-line.

Congratulations to the 2020 Helen Phillips Founders Award Winner Patty Pieropan. Read about Patty, see her video, and view all the artist profiles in the Tour Guide in the Tour Guide:
Get a glimpse of some of the art on the 2020, in the NEW Placer Studios Art Tour 2020 video with music written and performed by Norm Follette!
Collecting Data
Californias for the Arts needs current data to show the disproportionate impact on the arts sector.

Please take the COVID-19 Impact survey today and share the links with your colleagues. Together we can make the case for funding and resources to sustain our industry and show that we can part of the solution to emerge from this public health crisis. 
Brand New CARES Grant
For arts and culture organizations serving socially vulnerable populations and communities of color in the Placer County Community, the ACPC is distributing funds from the California Arts Council's CARES grant funds.

We encourage you to apply, and let organizations know about this new support! Applications open, and details available on the ACPC website Nov 4:
Arts Council of Placer County has awarded grants to arts programs, and artists that have been hard-hit by the pandemic and associated shutdowns. We are proud to have assisted with 21 grants, and we are continuing to accept applications!

We encourage you to apply, it's easy, and the ACPC can assist you if needed. Applications submitted by this Friday, November 6, will be considered for the next round of funding, which will take place in late November.More information on our website:
New Gallery Opening Nov 7
There's a fresh new gallery tucked in between the iconic Awful Annie’s and Joe Caribé restaurants in Auburn, California.

Sixteen local artists present a lovely variety of media. You are invited to join the Grand Opening on Zoom. Get the details and links:
Special Event Nov 7
Special Event on Saturday November 7. Speaking live with Placer Artists Studios Tour Artists, every hour. Broadcasting from Awful Annie's. Learn more about the event schedule and news about SLOPE Painters and Sandhill Cranes and more:
Performing Arts Campaign
The nonprofit performing arts center in downtown Auburn, the Auburn State Theatre, needs your support. To keep the doors open amid the pandemic, you can donate. See their story at:
ACPC Mission--Arts Council of Placer County promotes and advocates for all arts across Placer County to enrich and help develop the artistic culture of this region of Northern California.
Brought to you by
Arts Council of Placer County
Please support them any way you can
Susan Cooley-Gilliom Fund for Visual Arts
We are Proud to be the Local Arts Agency and Partners for