Noticias de la Semana
April 3rd- April 10th, 2017

Compiled by the Latin American, Caribbean & Iberian Studies Program at UW-Madison

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Joaquim Nabuco Award 2016: Call for Submissions!
Education, Volunteer & Job Opportunities
Upcoming lectures

Upcoming lectures

This Week...  

Joaquim Nabuco Award 2017

Monday, April 3rd
" Falling In Ruin: Relation, Origin, and Incorporation in a Brazilian World Heritage Site"
Monday, April 3rd 3:30 p.m., Sewell Social Science Bldg. Room 8417 

Presented by John F. Collins, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Queens College and the CUNY Graduate Center

About the presentation: This paper builds on my ongoing ethnography of state-citizen relations surrounding the transformation of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil's Pelourinho neighborhood into a UNESCO World Heritage Site in order to consider a number of political effects of state attempts to package Afro-Brazilian practices as alienable goods. At its core lies a concern with the state-citizen co-production of social scientific data and interpretive frames, or those rather promiscuous communicative structures that tend to leap across social or semiotic domains as neighborhood residents' everyday lives become valued in new ways. Salient among these is tombamento, at once a technical a term employed by cultural bureaucrats to describe the landmarking process and a designation marshaled by residents to express both a suspended, preserved and yet future-oriented state of being as well as the process of destroying, smashing, and knocking down. I explore this contradictory idiom so as to provide alternatives to social scientists' facile claims about rather rational appropriations of identities around legal initiatives and processes of cultural commodification associated with cultural recognition and indigenous struggles across Latin America. I approach tombamento instead as a suggestive attempt by a marginalized population to argue-in intimate dialogue with representatives of their state-for forms of possession and identity that cannot be reduced to their relations nor claimed as enduring, metaphysical entities that are constantly present. And given the extent to which tombamento arises as an explanation for processes of racialization, commodification, and exclusion at a decidedly multiculturalist moment in Brazil, I suggest that its ambivalences reveal salient but often naturalized features of contemporary racial logics in both Brazil and the United States.
Monday, April 3rd
Humanismo, pastoreo estético y ars combinatoria
en 'Huacayñan'
Time of Event: 5pm-6:30pm
Location of Event: 104 Van Hise
Speaker(s): Carlos Jáuregui

Esta presentación examina "Huacayñán / El camino del llanto / The Way of Tears,"  la primera gran exhibición del pintor ecuatoriano Oswaldo Guayasamín, titulada originalmente en quichua, español e inglés. La colección--que incluye 103 pinturas además de un "mural móvil" --fue comisionada por el gobierno de Ecuador para representar la unidad de la nación en un momento en que el Estado ecuatoriano adelantaba un ingente proceso de modernización política, económica y cultural. "Huacayñán" esta integrada por-- y dividida en-- tres temas étnicos: indígena, mestizo y negro. Esta colección de pinturas puede ponerse en relación analógica con otros conjuntos o series como una colección político-jurídica (la constitución política) o una re-colección de información estadística (el censo), o una campaña de alfabetización o de integración cultural. Por otra parte, como veremos, en el proyecto de arte-nacional del "Estado mestizo" que es "Huacayñán" se materializan plásticamente una serie anomalías y resistencias a esa pretensión nacional.

The Spanish and Portuguese Department, Jay & Ruth Halls Visiting Scholar Fund and Anonymous Fund of the
College of Letters & Science
Monday, April 3rd
Language and Business
Monday, April 3
4:30-5:30 PM
Union South

Considering a career in the fast-growing field of translation, but wondering how to get started? Come to this workshop to learn how to gain experience, build your expertise, find work, and more! Presented by Mario Garcia Sierra, Community Services Manager, Madison Gas and Electric.
Thanks to  Ritt Deitz, Director of the Professional French Masters Program, for the title of this series.

Presented by  Mario Garcia Sierra, Community Services Manager, Madison Gas and Electric

Sponsored by the Language Institute and the College of Letters and Science Anonymous Fund
Tuesday, April 4th
"Taboos and Human Rights in Argentina" 
Presented by  Nancy Gates Madsen,  Associate Professor of Spanish at Luther College
Ingraham 206, 12pm-1pm
About the Speaker:  Nancy Gates Madsen is Associate Professor of Spanish at Luther College. She has published articles about the legacies of authoritarianism in Argentina on topics ranging from monuments and memorials to the representation of torture. Her book, "Trauma, Taboo, and Truth-Telling: Listening to Silences in Postdictatorship Argentina" (UW Press, 2016) explores how silences and taboo shape the expressive culture of politics and human rights. She is also the co-translator of "Violet Island and Other Poems", an anthology of the work of Cuban poet Reina María Rodríguez. Her latest project explores the intersections between ecological issues and human rights in Latin American cultural production. 
About the presentation: The LACIS series talk will be entitled Taboos and Human Rights in Argentina and it will address the fact that Argentina has been hailed for the pioneering steps it has taken to break the silences left in the wake of the 1976-83 military dictatorship. Truth commissions and trials aimed to voice crimes of the past in a public manner, while the memory "boom" of the mid-1990s brought to light previously suppressed narratives of torture, disappearance, or the appropriation of babies. Yet even stories that seek to expose the horrors of the dictatorship may generate uncomfortable silences. Her talk explores this fallout of the memory "boom," pockets of silence left in the wake of the explosion of memory discourse that signal uncomfortable or unpalatable legacies of the dictatorship, such as a torture victim's capacity for "betrayal" or a recovered grandchild's ambivalence toward identity restitution. Looking at tales of trauma with an eye (or ear) to silence exposes the limits that govern truth-telling about past violence, even among the very groups and individuals who demand accountability.
Copies of Gates-Madsen's UW Press book Trauma, Taboo, and Truthtelling will be available for purchase at the event for a special discounted price of $30.

Free & open to the public
Coffee & light snacks will be provided
Please contact Jesus Del Toro at with any questions.
Tuesday, April 4th

Join us for Sisters in Solidarity on Tuesday, April 4! Come meet other womyn of color at UW-Madison. Food will be provided. 

6pm to 7:30pm

MSC Classroom, Red Gym
716 Langdon St.

Sisters in Solidarity (SIS), is a support group intended for self-identified womyn of color. We welcome multiple backgrounds whether they identify as Asian, Latina, Black, Native, Middle Eastern, etc. We hope to create a space where womyn of color can fully voice their lived experiences and express their authentic selves with others who share similar stories.

For questions or to request accommodations, please contact Tito Diaz at

MSC dialogue groups are spaces for students to build relationship within community. All are welcome.

Wednesday, April 5th-Thursday, April 6th
 Poetry Reading and Workshop on Short Story
 11:00-12:30 (5th) and 1:00-3:00 (6th)
8411 Social Sciences and 1066 Van Hise
 Ana Merino, from the University of Iowa, and
Manuel Vilas, Spanish writers, will read from their poetry and conduct a 
workshop on short story writing.
Ana Merino author, poet and professor at the University of Iowa- is an award-winning poet and writer whose works include nine books of poems, a youth novel and two plays. She has also written fiction and extensive critiques on comics and graphic novels in Spanish-speaking countries. Merino is Director of the University of Iowa's MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish, the first program of its kind in the U.S.
Manuel Vilas  is a novelist and poet. His six collections of poetry have recently been compiled into a single volume. He has also published collections of essays and memoirs and has received critical acclaim and literary prizes.
 Anonymous Fund of the College of  Letters and Science and the Jay C. &  Ruth Halls Visiting Scholar Fund  
Wednesday, April 5th
Pensar el cómic: aproximaciones
críticas para entender el cómic hispano 
5:30pm @ 260 Bascom Hall
Talk By Professor Ana Merino (University of
Iowa).  Ana Merino directs the MFA program in Spanish Creative Writing at the
University of Iowa. She has published nine books of poems: Preparativos para
un viaje (winner of the Adonais Prize in 1994), Los días gemelos (1997), La
voz de los relojes (2000), Juegos de niños (winner of the Fray Luis de León
Prize in 2003/translated into English and published by Harbor Mountain Press
in 2012), Compañera de celda (2006) (translated into English and published
by Harbor Mountain Press in 2007), Hagamos caso al tigre (2010),  Curación
(Accésit Jaime Gil de Biedma Prize, 2010), El viaje del vikingo soñador
(2015) and Los buenos propósitos (2015). She is also the author of a youth
novel, El hombre de los dos corazones (2009) and two plays, Amor muy frágil
(2013), staged and travelled to several theaters in Switzerland on 2012 and
2013, and Las decepciones (Literal, 2014). 
Wednesday, April 5th
Tu Voz is a Latinx/Chicanx support and discussion group for UW-Madison students. All Latinx students are welcome to participate, listen, relax, and build community in a safe space.
Topics change each session so come whenever you can!

This weeks topic is the Latinx Heritage Month. What will it look like? What are other campuses doing? What can we change from years past? With the month happneing right when we get back from the summer lets talk about.

Free dinner provided!

For questions or accommodations, contact  
Thursday, April 6th
Lecture by Spanish writer Manuel Vilas: "Maneras
de nadar la vida"
5:30pm @ 260 Bascom Hall
Manuel Vilas is a novelist, essayist and poet. Recent novels: Wild Side
España, Imagine Ediciones, Madrid, 2015. El luminoso regalo, Editorial
Alfaguara, Madrid, 2013 (382 pages)/ Translation to Turkish by Nazh Cigdem
Sagdic Pilcz, Edit. Ayrinti Yayinlari , 2015. Los inmortales, Editorial
Alfaguara, Madrid, 2012. Aire Nuestro, Editorial Alfaguara, Madrid, 2009/ On
Air (French translation by Catherine Vasseur) Recent awards: 2015 Premio de
las Letras Aragonesas (Award for Literary/Scholar Achievements). X Premio
Llanes de Viajes 2015 for the Novel Wild Side España (Spanish International
Prize). 2014 Premio Generación del 27 for the poetry book El hundimiento.
First Place "Antonio Machado" de Poesía 2013 for the poem "Creo".
2012 Premio Ciudad de Melilla for the poetry book Gran Vilas.  2009 Premio
Libreria Cálamo for the novel Aire Nuestro. 2008 Premio Fray Luis de León
de Poesía for the poetry book Calor.  2005 Premio Jaime Gil de Biedma de
poesía for the poetry book Resurección.
Thursday, April 6th
Dinner Provided. Space intended for self-identified students of color.
This workshop will examine the experiences and challenges of living at multiple marginalized identities within communities of color. It is a space to develop strategies for coalition building, critical reflection, and deeper understanding of how oppressive behaviors can manifest in our communities.
Thursday, April 6th
Join the Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Program for their Community Gatherings!

When: noon on Thursday, April 6th 
Where: 336 Ingraham Hall  
Who: Chican@ & Latin@ Studies students, faculty and staff - please feel free to bring a friend!

Community Gatherings are weekly workshop luncheons where CLS students have the opportunity to engage in lively discussions about academic life, learn about resources available to them on the UW-Madison campus, and build a strong sense of community. Each week, representatives of a department or resources unit on campus give short presentations and hold Q&A sessions for students.

The speaker will be the Brian from the BRITE Lab. Food will be catered from El Pastor. 

*The Gatherings are funded by the OVPCDO and the CLS Program*
Friday, April 7th

Saturday, April 8th
La Mujer Latina is back and better than ever with our 19th annual conference! This year we will be having many different workshops related to making change within our communities--on the UW campus and within Madison and beyond. Our conference is an all day event, but you are more than welcome to come and go as you please. We will be serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so we ask that you please RSVP so we have enough food! Invite your friends and family!
If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to or any of our members!
Please RSVP at by clicking on the button that says *RSVP!* !

Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Friday, April 7th-Sunday, April 9th
PROMENADE HALL:  $14 - $29
Guest Artists: Acclaimed Flamenco Artist from San Fransisco, Danica Sena; her musicians, and Madison's own Flamenco Artist Tania Tandias.

Spain is not just the country of tourist postcards: Bullfights. Conquistadors and explorers of centuries past. Siestas. Spires of ancient churches. Sun soaked afternoons. It is the poetry of Lorca and Machado, the stunning paintings of Goya, Dali, and Picasso, the driving rhythms and flourishes of Flamenco, and the complex melodies Spanish music.
Celebrate Spain's legacy of language, music, culture, history and art through elegant, contemporary and experimental dance. Enjoy new works and collaborations presented and performed by Guest Artists, Kanopy Artistic Directors, and Kanopy Company dancers. The evening will feature guest artists Danica Sena - an internationally-acclaimed master flamenco and Spanish dance teacher, choreographer, and performer-and Tania Tandias, a teacher and performer who studied flamenco, Spanish classical, and escuela bolera with the top flamenco dancers in the United States today. 
Upcoming Events...
Tuesday, April 11th - Sunday, April 16th 

The 11th annual 
Line Breaks Festival takes place Tuesday, April 11 through Sunday, April 16 at the Overture Center for the Arts, with a variety of performances, lectures and discussions by the  Office of Multicultural Arts Initiatives' First Wave students,  The Studio residents and invited professional artists. This Festival brings the top new aesthetics in contemporary performance art to the UW-Madison campus and surrounding community.

Line Breaks is an exciting opportunity where some of the most talented activist artist scholars bring their voices forward from the page to the stage in order to empower themselves and others, ignite activism, deepen awareness on subjects deeply tied to their personal narratives as well as activism and academic themes. Topics vary from masculinity and revolution to relationship intersections and mass incarceration.

The talents displayed through music, poetry, dance and documentary drama represent forward movement and connect the students' academic backgrounds with their gifts to reach people and create unity, empowerment, deeper thought and show how the younger generation are actively involved in the shaping of life.

Line Breaks utilizes the power of the arts to open and channel voices on various themes to create change in the world today. Conversation is welcomed during scheduled talk backs after walking into the hearts and minds of the audience, providing a space to speak and question the journey.

All performances are free and open to the public. A full schedule is available online at
Wednesday, April 12th - Thursday, April 13th 

Thursday, April 13th 

Dr. Marc A Grimmett is an educator, activist, and documentary film maker whose work explores intersections of race, gender, and culture in relation to the prevention of gender-based violence, social justice, and mental health. He is the executive producer, co-director, and co-writer of MY MASCULINITY HELPS, an educational documentary that explores the role of African American men and boys in the prevention of sexual violence.

This event is brought to you by the Men & Masculinities Committee with co-sponsorships from PAVE (Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment) and We're Better Than That- Men Against Sexual Assault.

Dr. Grimmett's documentary, MY MASCULINITY HELPS, will be screened on campus April 3rd from 5:30-6:30 in Grainger 3180.
Thursday, April 13th - Saturday, April 15th

UW's African Cultural Studies and the African Studies Program are hosting a conference called PLEASURE AND THE PLEASURABLE in Africa and the African Diaspora on April 13-15. This conference will be a lively interrogation of an uncommon theme in the scholarly study of Africa and the African diaspora: pleasure.  
Saturday, April 15th

Join us as we celebrate community service, leadership, culture, and social change all with providing FREE dinner, yes FREE DINNER. There will also be 2 scholarship awards, one to one student org and the other to one individual who has demonstrated commitment to community service. The 9th Annual Emerald Gala will take place on Saturday, April 15 from 4:30pm-7pm. It will take place at the Virginia F. Harrison Parlor located in Lathrop Hall. This year our theme is Environmental Justice, specifically for the South Side of Madison. This event is open to all, invite family/friends and please RSVP, the link is
The 2017 Emerald Excellence Service Application is now open! 

Deadline is Friday, April 7th at midnight.

The 2017 Penguin Choice Award Application is now open!
Deadline is Friday, April 7th at midnight!

Tuesday, April 25th
Literature y Opresión: cultura y resistencia in Guinea Ecuatorial
Presented by: Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo
Location:  206 Ingraham Hall
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo was born in Niefang, continental Equatorial Guinea, in 1950. After having been educated by Catholic missionaries, he left his country for the first time in 1965, when he was only 14 years old, to pursue his studies on mainland Spain. From then on, he became a globetrotter. Today he is regarded as the leading contemporary writer of Equatorial Guinea, and a multifaceted artist: journalist, novelist, literary critic, essayist, researcher, anthologist, publisher, etc. His artistic development, like that of his contemporary Guinean writers, took a turn for the worse during the long years of Francisco Macías Nguema's dictatorship (1968-1979), when all formal education and literary production was suppressed. The few writers who managed to work wrote from their countries of exile: their writing focused on exile, problems of existentialism and loss of identity, nostalgia for the homeland, dictatorship, and national unity. This group of writers became known as "la generación perdida," the lost generation of Equatorial Guinean writers. Ndongo led this group and the era. Ndongo edited and compiled the Antología de la literatura guineana, published in 1984 in Madrid. This pioneering collection of texts included 17 poets and 12 narrators, totaling 23 different names. 

Monday, May 1st
Nomination form:
Graduation stole form:

It is that time of the year again! The nomination form for the Multicultural Leadership Awards is open and accepting nominations for the following awards:

- Emerging Leader (Freshman or sophomore)
- Established Leader (Juniors)
- Campus Legacy (Senior)
- Crossroads Initiative Leader
- Outstanding Faculty/staff member
- Outstanding Student Organization
- Excellence in Social Justice
- Outstanding program

Please take the time to nominate students, organizations, and faculty/staff who are striving to make this campus more inclusive and open. Nominations will be accepted until April 7th. The awards celebration will take place on Monday, May 1st at 6:30pm

If you or someone you know is graduating, we want to celebrate them too! The awards and graduation ceremony will take place on Monday, May 1st at 6:30pm. Please RSVP here in order to reserve your stole and certificate.

Wednesday, May 3rd
We would like to invite you to an evening of fun, food, and music benefitting the 2017  Madison Early Music Festival  (MEMF)! This year, MEMF will present Quixotic Musical Treasures from the Golden Age of Spain  from July 8-15. In anticipation of the Festival, we are hosting a celebration,  ¡Tapas y Petiscos! , at the University Club on Wednesday, May 3rd, from 5:00-7:00 pm that will inspire you to join us for MEMF in July!
A program of Spanish Renaissance vocal music will be presented by members of Eliza's Toyes, soprano Chelsie Propst and tenor Jerry Hui, with MEMF Co-Artistic Directors, baritone Paul Rowe and soprano Cheryl Bensman-Rowe. A special menu of Spanish and Portuguese tapas will be served, and there will be a Spanish wine tasting for an additional fee.

The fundraiser costs $30 and all net proceeds will benefit the Madison Early Music Festival to help us cover expenses related to bringing this year's amazing  concert artists . During the evening, you'll also be able to designate a contribution to support specific concerts or artists during the 2017 Festival.

 Click here to register for the event by Wednesday, April 26.* If you have any questions, contact Mallory Murphy, Assistant Director for Outreach Programs, at 608-890-1118 or

We look forward to seeing you for an evening of music and fun in support of the Madison Early Music Festival! For more information on MEMF, visit  

*Please note for walk-in registrations, we cannot accept cash at the door, only check or credit card.
LACIS News...
Latest LACIS Blog Entries:
Lunchtime Lecture Videos:
Couldn't make it to a Lunchtime Lecture? Check out our YouTube channel for videos of all the lectures and more!
Education, Volunt eer and Job Opportunities...
  UHS Health Campus is currently accepting applications for a Wellness Student Assistant! If you know any students who are seeking experience in the fields of prevention, health promotion, wellness or public health, please encourage them to consider joining our team!
The position description and link to apply can be found here:




Department of Theatre and Drama



Latino Youth Summit
UW-Madison Undergraduate Scholarship for Summer Study 

  Our application for the UW-Madison Undergraduate Scholarship for Summer Study is now open. This need-based scholarship is awarded to high-achieving undergraduate students (of any major) seeking financial support to take courses in the upcoming summer session. We expect to award scholarships ranging from $500-$1,500. The application is open until April 4, 2017.




 Literacy Network

Help refugee parents learn to read food and medicine labels in English. Teach a low-income mother basic computer skills so she can apply for a better job. Encourage a young man struggling with difficult pronunciation as he strives to read above a 5th -grade level. Help an immigrant feel more comfortable speaking the language of her new home.
Being a Literacy Network teaching intern is a great way to sharpen your instructive, managerial, or communication skills while helping local adults in need. All Literacy Network interns enjoy a positive, supportive environment in which staff, volunteers, adult students, and other interns all work together to make literacy programs effective and enjoyable for all.
Summer internships are available within two programs this summer: the Community Literacy ESL Tutoring program, and Skills in Computers and Literacy for Employment (SCALE) program.
All applications are due by 5pm Sunday, April 9.
For more info and online application instructions:
Agricultural Research Assistant

HOURS:  Mid-June through August.  During June schedule is flexible, starting July 1 until August 20 full-time.  7:30 AM to mid-late afternoon, M-F and Saturdays and Sundays during July and early August.  If advance notice is given, weekend time off is possible for weddings or family functions.
JOB DESCRIPTION:  Assist the UW Sweet Corn Genetics and Breeding Program at the West Madison Agricultural Research Station located at 8502 Mineral Point Road.  Duties will consist of hand pollination of breeding nursery, weed control (hoeing), hybrid evaluation (taste testing and data collection), trial and nursery maintenance, and seed harvest.
QUALIFICATIONS:  No experience necessary; training provided.  Work/study students desired.  Successful candidates must be current and continuing (Fall 2017) undergraduate students.  Non-agricultural majors interested in an outdoor experience are encouraged to apply.  Affinity for outdoor activities is highly recommended, given that all activities related to this summer job opportunity will involve handling corn plants in a field setting.  Applicant must provide own transportation to and from the West Madison Agricultural Research Station.
SALARY:   $12.00 per hour
TO APPLY:  Send a resume to containing references and contact information.  Questions regarding this position may be sent to email address above, or by calling 608-513-1797.


It can be difficult for students to find a well-paying job that is
compatible with class schedules -- let alone one utilizing Spanish skills!

RockAuto, a successful global e-commerce business, is located five miles
from campus and currently has Part Time and Full Time Bilingual Customer
Support positions open for fluent speakers of Spanish. Most RockAuto
staff are UW graduates. Spanish is used at RockAuto on a daily basis --
Bilingual Customer Support Representatives translate our catalog into
Spanish and work directly with Spanish-speaking customers around the world.

The Part Time Bilingual Customer Support positions currently available
pay students $20/hour and are completely compatible with most full-time
students' schedules. You can view the job listing here:
Wisconsin in Washington, DC

Wisconsin in Washington, DC 
Internship Program

Get first-hand experience in Washington, DC, connecting with UW alumni and other professionals in a wide range of fields.

On the Wisconsin in Washington, DC Internship Program, you'll explore domestic and international fields through the lens of an internship experience suited to your particular academic and career interests.

Spring semester 2017 - 2018 program priority deadline: March 3
Final deadline:  April 21


Fashion Scholarship Fund

The  Center for Retailing and Textile & Fashion Design program in the School of Human Ecology would like to make undergraduate students from across campus aware of a $5,000 scholarship opportunity.

The Fashion Scholarship Fund (FSF) case study allows students (that will be First Year through Seniors in Fall 2017) interested in the retailing and fashion industries to individually prepare a 10-page case study about Digital Retail in the Physical World through one of the following lenses:  
  • Design & Product Development
  • Marketing & Merchandising
  • Technology & Analytics
  • Supply Chain Management
Winners of the Fashion Scholarship Fund receive a $5,000 scholarship and a trip to the YMA's annual Gala in New York City in January 2018. Last year, a total of 240 students from across the country (including 6 from UW-Madison) won!

FSF Info Session  
Students are invited to get exclusive details on the FSF case study and get questions asked from a judge of the competition: 
  • Thursday, March 30th at 10am
  • Centers Conference Room 4285F in Nancy Nicholas Hall
Thank you and please contact Danielle Croegaert ( with questions.

Thanks for helping to spread the word about this great opportunity!

Department of Political Science Summer Courses

Department of Political Science is offering many interesting summer courses both online and on-campus.
Summer Courses
PS 103: Intro to International Relations (Online)
PS 104: Intro to American Politics and Government (Online)
PS 106: Politics Around the World (Online)
PS 209: Intro to Political Theory (Online) 
PS 217: Law, Politics, and Society (On campus)
PS 317: The Politics of Human Rights (Online)
PS 359: Problems in American Foreign Policy (Online)
PS 371: International Political Economy (Online)
PS 400: Models of Political Leadership (On campus)
PS 414: The Supreme Court as a political Institution (On campus)
PS 427: Legislative Internship (Online)
PS 449: Government and National Resources
(On campus)
PS 506: Democracy in America (On campus)  

Public Affairs 520

If you are looking for a summer course, please consider this new course from the La Follette School of Public Affairs:
Public Affairs 520: Inequality, Race and Public Policy
SUMMER, 2017
Explore the impact of public policies and programs on the distribution of income, wealth and opportunity in the United States. Examines inequalities across various social dimensions with a focus on disparities across racial and ethnic groups. It will begin with an introduction to key concepts in the measurement of inequality and poverty and an overview of recent trends. We will systematically examine how public policy shapes inequality across a range of topical areas including labor markets, education, taxation, health, housing and criminal justice.  Prereq>  Sophomore standing; The course has been approved to meet the ethnic studies requirement. Students from all departments welcome.
M,Tu, Wed and Th
On-campus, 6/19 to 7/16
For more information:
Mary Treleven
Spring 2017: Professional Development

Madison:  1pm-5pm on 9 Saturday afternoons
March 11, 18 (independent study online), 25 & April 1, 8 (fieldtrip), 15, 22, 29 & May 6
Madison:  8am-12noon on 8 Sunday mornings & fieldtrip
March 12, 19, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 & May 7
Madison: 5:30-9:30pm on 9 Friday evenings
March 17, 24, 31 & April 7, 14, 21, 28 & May 5, 12
Madison:5:30pm-9:30pm on 4 Thursday evenings
March 23, April 20, 27, and May 4
Madison: 5:30pm-9:30pm on 4 Thursday evenings
March 30 & April 6, 13 & May 11
with possible start date of 3/16/no class 4/6
NEWLY SUBMITTED COURSES awaiting approval:
1--Social Responsibility in lyrics of songs by Michael Jackson & John Lennon (1 credit)
2--Travel to Oaxaca, Mexico over Days of the Dead and to meet artists studied in Fine & Folk Arts of Mexico (3-4 credits)
Other new courses and online courses will be submitted in 2017 for approval by UW-Parkside, as well.

The Center for Latin American Studies at Vanderbilt University

The Center for Latin American Studies at Vanderbilt University is seeking an Outreach Coordinator to lead our K-16 and public engagement initiatives.  We have benefited greatly from Lisa Finelli's leadership in our outreach efforts, will miss her energy and enthusiasm, and wish her well as she goes on to new adventures in Los Angeles.
The CLAS Outreach Coordinator does this through:
1) organizing professional development workshops and programs for K-12 teachers in Tennessee and throughout the region; 2) developing curricular materials related to Latin America; 3) maintaining partnerships with local organizations and minority-serving institutions in the region; 4) coordinating social media and publicity; and 5) organizing on and off-campus events targeting the university community and the general public.
We are looking for an energetic candidate with strong organizational and communication skills, the ability to build and manage relationships with multiple constituencies, and the ability to manage multiple projects at once in a fast-paced environment. 
The job description for the position and link to apply are below; please distribute to anyone who might be interested.
L&S Career Initiative

L&S Career Initiative and Career Services Summer Internship Scholarships
Awards range from $2000 - $5000 and are made possible through the generous donations from the Henderson-Reznick family, the Shinners family, and the Picus family.

Applications are due on March 31, 2017. Students may apply through their  Scholarships@UW-Madison page.
  • Must be a College of Letters & Science student
  • Graduating in December 2017 or May/August 2018
  • Must be in residence (on campus) for the 2017-2018 academic year
  • Must have an internship offer prior to applying for scholarship
  • Must be enrolled in a UW-Madison sponsored internship course (students are responsible for all fees associated with required course credits).
    • Domestic Internships: Students are required to enroll in Inter-LS 260 or another approved UW-Madison internship course. Instructions about enrollment will be emailed to award recipients.
    • International Internships: For internships occurring outside of the United States, students are required to work with the International Internship Program (IIP) to obtain academic credit. For more information:

Please see below and attached for information on the Spanish Summer Course 2017 offered by APLU member Universidad de Guadalajara. Please pass along this information to those on your campuses who might be interested in this student opportunity
Taking into consideration that the Spanish language is the 2nd most spoken language in the world and in the US, Universidad de Guadalajara offers the PEPE Program as a valuable asset for the development of intercultural and professional skills for US Students. Also, the PEPE Program is an opportunity to increase our mutual understanding in the context of the North American integration.
Learn more about the program at 

National Council on US-Arab Relations

Applications for Summer 2017 Now Available: 

Washington, DC Summer Internship Program 

May 30 - August 4, 2017

[Download PDF Brochure] 

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations' Washington, DC Summer Internship Program offers undergraduate and graduate students a ten-week professional, academic, and career opportunity internship in the nation's capital. The program features a demanding mix of professional involvement, intellectual challenge, career exploration, and cultural encounters designed to provide interns with a rich and varied experience during their time in Washington.
  • Professional work experience: Interns are placed with one of over a dozen Near East and Arab world-related organizations in Washington, D.C., where they are expected to work 35-40 hours per week under the direct supervision of their host organizations.
  • Academic seminars: Interns take part in twice-weekly seminar sessions designed to provide them with greater depth of knowledge about the Arab world, to underscore the cultural, economic, and political diversity of Arab states, and to explore the intricacies of Arab-U.S. relations. There will be a particular emphasis, though not exclusively, on Arabia and the Gulf.
  • Site visits: Interns receive a behind-the-scenes look at many of the central institutions of federal government, national security policymaking, international diplomacy, and international business.

Let AIESEC take you to Buenos Aires, Argentina this summer. 
Spend your summer in a fulfilling way by volunteering or doing an internship with AIESEC in Argentina.
AIESEC is the world's largest youth-led organization. We create leaders and empower communities through cross-cultural exchange. 
  • 6-week long volunteer opportunities or 2-month internship in Buenos Aires
  • Learn Spanish while immersing yourself in a beautiful culture
  • A chance to change local lives by volunteering or working as a:
    • English teacher
    • Marketing/fundraising manager 
    • Childcare teacher
  • Working on a weekly basis abroad
  • $500 volunteer program fee or $600 internship program fee
  • Airfar
Latino Academy of Workforce
 Spring 2017 Internship at the Latino Academy of Workforce Development
Engage in your local latino community and be part of Latino Academy ! (We are on a bus line!)

The Latino Academy of Workforce Development, has been empowering the Latino community in Dane County for 5 years. We train and educate students to successfully integrate into the economic and educational systems in Dane County. We are seeking interns for the spring semester who can help grow the Latino Academy and better serve our students. This is a great opportunity to practice Spanish and work directly with members of the community. If you are interested in learning more about what we do, please visit our facebook page or website at .

The Latino Academy is seeking two interns to assist with daily operations and student long term employment success. Interns are asked to work at least 7-10 hours a week.
Futura Language Professionals 


  • 77 million Americans work for an hourly wage. Their median income is $34,142. They don't make a lot of money-and worse, their income and expenses are inconsistent. As a result, they frequently don't have enough income to cover expenses, so these Americans spend $100 billion every year just to make ends meet. They lose 10-30% of their income to things like payday loans, overdraft fees, and late bill fees. It is expensive to be poor.
  • Even is an Oakland-based financial technology startup with the mission of building a new type of bank: one purposefully designed to help people living with the realities of 21st century poverty. A bank that automatically manages its customers' finances. Pays their bills. Balances their budget. Saves and invests. And at the tip of the iceberg, gives each and every customer a weekly paycheck of purely disposable income.

We're looking for warm, thoughtful people to provide excellent, compassionate service to our Even members.
For many of our members, Even will be the first positive interaction they've ever had with a financial service. You will be responsible for making them feel welcome, and helping them feel comfortable with a new product that's unlike anything they've used before. You will play equal parts friend, therapist, and technical support. You'll serve people with respect and without judgment.

As an Even Advisor , you will:
  • Act as the first point of contact when our members have an issue or question related to Even
  • Act as a friendly and reassuring voice when our members struggle with a job loss or other life event
  • Help to scale our Advisory team: designing processes, interviewing prospective team members, and identifying and optimizing for the metrics that matter
  • Work closely with the engineering team to make sure you have the tools you need to make our member's lives better
To succeed, you'll need:
  • Excellent writing skills. You'll interact with our members via in-app chat.
  • Empathy. Our members are often struggling with real, existential crises, and you'll be the person they turn to for guidance.
  • Drive. You'll be working at a small, very fast-paced startup. Lots of people call their startups fast-paced. They are slow compared to how quickly we move. We don't mean to toot our own horn- we're just trying to be upfront about how you'll need to be emotionally ready for how quickly we will expect you to learn and grow. In return, you'll be given the opportunity to learn and do things outside your job description, and the support you'll need to succeed at them.
  • (optional) Experience communicating in Spanish. In an effort to best serve individuals who primarily speak Spanish, we would like to begin offering bilingual support to our members.  
To apply , please send an email to , concisely and concretely describing why you think you're a great fit for the role. We'd rather learn about you in this context than read over your resume, so please don't include one.

You can also learn more about our hiring process and the values behind the Advisor role in this blog post written by Quinten, one of our cofounders:  

Teach in Spain

                    5 Reasons teaching in Spain gives you an edge over competition  

1. Adaptability-- This unique experience will immerse you in creative and unconventional English teaching, allowing you to become a more versatile thinker in different working conditions.
2. Cultural insightfulness
-- You will become more of a global citizen by overcoming language barriers and cultural differences.

3. A jumpstart to your career!-- There aren't many high-quality undergraduate experiences in the field, so having one like this under your belt will help you get ahead of the game.
4. Opens doors
-- Become more marketable to institutions at home AND abroad! You never know what opportunities may arise in the future for which you could be a perfect candidate for...

5. Personal growth
-- Stepping out of your comfort zone will only make you stronger and more confident in both your personal and professional lives. You'll only regret the things you DIDN'T do.

Augsburg CGEE 

Augsburg CGEE is hiring in both Central America and Southern Africa. Please consider sharing this email with anyone interested in working with us, particularly any recently graduated students (or graduating May 2017) that are interested in the field of international education, intercultural development, social justice, or simply want to live and work abroad:

We are hiring in two locations for our International Resident Assistant
(IRA) position, one for Central America, and one for Southern Africa. The IRA position promotes a healthy living/learning environment for semester students and participants in short-term educational seminars and assist in the operation of all educational programs.

Please see each posting for full details (note that there are two separate job postings and applications, please apply for the region in which you are most interested):

*Southern Africa* ( Primarily based in Windhoek, Namibia, with additional travel to various cities in Namibia and South Africa as part of position duties.

*Central America* ( Significant travel as part of position duties, between Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. *Spanish/English bilingual skills are required.*

All are welcome to apply! Follow the direct links given above, or search keyword "International Resident" at Augsburg's Employment listings:

CARA Pro Bono Project
Now more than ever, it is important to fight for justice for Central American families seeking asylum in the United States. The  CARA Pro Bono Project, a legal services and organization in one of the United States' three family detention centers, is looking for passionate people to join their staff. You can read more about the South Texas Family "Residential" Center, where CARA works, here: I'm writing to inform UW-Madison students of the opportunities available to them with the CARA Pro Bono Project. 

For current undergraduate students:
Week-long volunteer
Each week, a new team of lawyers, paralegals and activists from around the country comes to Dilley, Texas to devote their energy and efforts to getting Central American women and kids out from "babyjail" and a fair hearing in a US court to apply for asylum. Even as an undergraduate student, your Spanish skills would be a tremendous asset to the team, and this can make a meaningful alternative spring or winter break. Contact  Maggie Schumann, former undergraduate long-term volunteer, for ways of making it affordable. More details:

Summer legal assistant
A small number of individuals spend extended periods at the CARA Pro Bono Project as long-term volunteers. Because CARA runs primarily on weeklong volunteers, your longer-term presence means you'll become a valuable member of the team. If you're thinking of pursuing a career in law or social justice work, this is for you. Reach out to  Maggie Schumann, a former undergraduate long-term legal assistant, for more details on what the position entails and ways of making it affordable. 
Consular Fellows

Now Accepting Applications
W e are currently accepting applications for Consular Fellows - Spanish positions. 

The Consular Fellows Program (CFP) is a unique national service opportunity with the Department of State to live and work overseas as part of an Embassy or Consulate community.

New hires will receive a competitive salary, paid housing while overseas and may be eligible for a recruitment bonus of up to 10% of their basic salary. This incentive would be paid in two installments: one upon completion of the first two-year assignment, and the second at the end of the second two-year assignment (48 months service). Consular Fellows may also be eligible to participate in the Department's Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) at any post in which they serve. For more information on the program, click  here

All potential applicants are strongly urged to  read the entire vacancy announcement to ensure that they meet all of the requirements for this position before applying. When you are ready to begin the online application process, visit the  Consular Fellows - Spanish vacancy on USAJOBS.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens, at least 20 years old to apply and at least 21 years of age to be appointed. Applicants must also be available for worldwide service, and be able to obtain all required security, medical and suitability clearances. 

If you have any questions or would like to search for topics of interest, please visit our  forums or  FAQs at

We appreciate your interest in the U.S. Department of State

Volunteer at Centro Hispano
Guest Bloggers Sought for LACIS Blog!
Did you study abroad or intern in a LACIS country? Are you following a particular current event? Did you attend a LACIS event? We want to hear what you think! Write a brief post, include pictures or videos, and we will share it on the LACIS blog! (Please note that your blog posting may be edited down for size or content, if needed.)
Contact the LACIS social media intern, Jesus Del Toro (, with any questions or with your finished product! 
Get Involved with Colombia Support Network! 
Want to get more involved with international advocacy on the UW-Madison campus?
Colombia Support Network-UW Badgers serves to bring awareness on the UW campus about the human rights atrocities occurring in Colombia, encouraging UW students to become educated and engaged in the CSN solidarity mission through volunteering, spreading our peaceful mission, and sending student delegations to peace communities in Colombia.
The Colombia Support Network was created in 1989 to provide support to Colombian communities and organizations in areas of conflict which seek to construct a just social and economic order using non-violence means. There are more than 6 million displaced persons in Colombia, and more than 31,000 persons have "disappeared" since 1990s. Peaceful civilians have faced attacks from rebel groups such as the FARC, as well as paramilitary forces which are indirectly - and sometimes directly - aided by a government which serves to protect solely the interests of the wealthy. This March, important peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC forces are likely to reach a deal, making the current issues in Colombia especially relevant.
Engagement with CSN-UW Badgers can be as simple as liking our Facebook page [Colombia Support Network-UW Badgers], and considering attending future CSN events, such as movie series or speakers!  We're also looking for new leaders who are passionate about human rights and might one day go on a delegation to Colombia with CSN.
  For more information on the Colombian peace process, you should find this website very helpful: 
Questions? Please contact Samantha Strok @
Apply for a grant! 
International Division, IRIS award seed grants for interdisciplinary research

Six interdisciplinary research projects that blend place-based scientific inquiry with international expertise have been awarded incubator grants by the International Division and the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
These projects focus on Africa, South Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America, in fields as diverse as public health, child development, civil engineering, climate science, archaeology, genetics, virology, and environmental studies.
Offered this year for the first time, the grants are aimed at bringing together faculty in STEM fields who are conducting place-based research abroad with experts from regional and area studies centers within IRIS.
Funding for these awards, of up to $50,000 each, comes from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and other International Division funds.

Spanish Conversation Table
La mesa de conversación

5-7 p.m. (Every Tuesday)

The Sett, 2nd floor, Union South

All levels of Spanish speakers are welcome at this informal weekly conversation table, sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. On Facebook: La mesa de conversación - UW Madison. On Twitter: @UWMesa.

Portuguese Conversation Table
Bate Papo (Portuguese)
Any question, please contact Ellen Sapega.

Thursdays 4:30pm-6:30pm

Kollege Klub

All levels of Portugese speakers are welcome at this informal weekly conversation table, sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.  

Any question, please contact Ellen Sapega at 
International Reach
I nternational Reach is a unique volunteer program that places international speakers in schools, campus venues and community organizations for short presentations. It provides interesting opportunities for individuals to share perspectives on their home countries with teachers, students and area residents for the purposes of furthering global education and intercultural dialogue. International Student Services (ISS) coordinates the International Reach Program.

BRIDGE International Friendship Program


BRIDGE (Building Relationships in Diverse Global Environments) pairs new international students with American students for a whole semester based on similar interests, personalities and needs. BRIDGE provides new international students with a friend, ally, resource person, and cultural navigator. The program offer numerous cross-cultural activities, learning experiences and fun. To learn more, visit

Millennium Development Goals Awareness Project


MDGAP educates the campus about eight United Nations development goals on poverty, hunger, education, gender eqaulity, global health and the environment. The project also links students with hands-on , goal-related research, internships and volunteer opportunities in order to further job skills, foster global competency, and advance the goals. For details, visit

If you wish to submit an event or announcement for inclusion in the "Noticias de la Semana," please complete our  online submission form. Thank you!