Noticias de la Semana
February 27th- March 6th, 2017

Compiled by the Latin American, Caribbean & Iberian Studies Program at UW-Madison

Dear LACIS students, colleagues and friends,

This spring LACIS will continue to flourish thanks to you and the dedication of our incredible team: Alberto Vargas, Sarah Ripp, Darcy Little, Jesus Del Toro and Isabel Suarez.
We will have vibrant activities during this semester and we hope you will join us in fostering an intellectual community that cares about our region and the multiple challenges we face. We hope this spring you have a chance to attend one of our lunchtime lectures or check out the myriad activities LACIS sponsored or co-sponsored throughout the semester. We are very grateful for your support and always welcome suggestions, inquiries, etc.!

If you've ever wondered what our academic programs are like or what one could possibly do with a degree in LACIS, please take a moment to read one of our blog post: . Steve Stern is a former LACIS professor who retired last semester. 

I look forward to working with you this year and helping you achieve your goals!
Hernando Rojas
LACIS Director


The LACIS Staff: Hernando, Alberto, Darcy, Sarah, Isabel, and Jesus 
P.S. If you wish to submit an event or announcement for inclusion in the "Noticias de la Semana," please click HERE and complete our online submission form. Thank you!
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Joaquim Nabuco Award 2016: Call for Submissions!
Education, Volunteer & Job Opportunities
Upcoming lectures

Upcoming lectures

This Week...  

Joaquim Nabuco Award 2017

Call for Submissions

The Brazil Initiative of the International Division in collaboration with the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program sponsors the Joaquim Nabuco Award, given annually to the two best essays on Brazil (any field) by a degree-seeking University of Wisconsin-Madison student. The essay may be written in English or Portuguese and should have at least 15 double-spaced pages. The competition is not open to previous Joaquim Nabuco Award winners. The prize, a lump-sum cash award of $2000, is given to one graduate and one undergraduate student each.  The winners are strongly encouraged to use the award for a research trip to Brazil. Applicants must agree to present their paper in person during the Fall semester following the receipt of the award and must make every effort to be introduced by their faculty/thesis advisor. 
Applications should include a cover letter stating the student was enrolled at UW-Madison during the academic year. Only electronic submissions are accepted. Deadline for submissions is May 12, 2017. Please direct questions and send electronic submissions to

Monday, February 27th

 Diaspora and the Avatars of Insurgency: On
Manuel Zapata Olivella's Changó el gran putas.

L ecture by Professor Jerome Branche (University of Pittsburgh) proposes a
re-evaluation of the magnum opus of Colombian writer Manuel Zapata

Olivella's, a work that attempts a wholistic engagement with the
problematic of black freedom and unfreedom in the so-called New World. He
gestures toward a re-focusing of the critical lens as regards this novel, so
that we might foreground the materiality of present struggles and, while not
dismissing the relevance of myth, re-center attention on those goals of
greatest immediate importance to the black and otherwise subalternized

Monday, February 27th
It's that time of the year again!!! The ladies of Classy Chi Chapter are having their annual Cake-Pop Sale!! Hurry and get your orders in by March 3rd at noon! ��������


Monday, February 27th
 Talk by Bernardino Llanos for Monday, February 27th at 5.45PM

Bernardita Llanos is an internationally renowned professor of Latin American literatures and women studies at Brooklyn College. Her most recent publications reflect her interests in post authoritarian memory and gender issues, as in  Paisajes de Chile Actual: Arte, Cine, Narrativa, Poesía y Teatro Contemporáneo  and  Passionate Subjects/Split Subjects in Twentieth-Century Literature in Chile (Brunet, Bombal, and Eltit), as well as Letras y Proclamas. La estética literaria de Diamela Elti.  Many of Professor Llanos' articles on Latin American culture and women writers have appeared in American, Latin American, and European journals.  She also co-authored  Reinas de otro cielo. Modernidad y autoritarismo en la obra de Pedro Lemebel  and  Fronteras de la memoria: cartografías de género en artes visuales, cine y literatura en las Américas y España  as well as edited  Letras y proclamas: la estética narrativa de Diamela Eltit.   Most recently she coedited a volume of essays on gender violence in Southern Cone countries.

Tuesday, February 28th

Tuesday, February 28th
 Borders, Bocas, and Bailes: Gang Governance in Rio de Janeiro"
Ingraham 206 (12pm-1pm)  
Hundreds of favelas (shantytowns) dot the sprawling urban landscape of Rio de Janeiro. In these communities, drug trafficking gangs have replaced the state as the primary political authority. This presentation will focus on the various ways that gangs have legitimized their rule within these territories and is based on 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork in Complexo da Maré, a group of 15 favelas in Rio's northern zone, where several gangs vie for territorial control.

Nicholas Barnes is a PhD candidate in comparative politics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research interests, broadly, include organized crime, contentious politics, political violence, social movements, and public security policy in Latin America. His dissertation project, based on three years of field research, focuses on the governance practices of drug-trafficking gangs in Rio de Janeiro's favelas. His research has been funded by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Social Science Research Council's Drugs, Security and Democracy in Latin America and the International Dissertation Research Fellowships as well as the Department of Education through the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad.
Wednesday, March 1st

Wednesday, March 1st
7:00-8:30pm (Union South)
Join keynote speaker Brittany Packnett, VP of National Community Alliances at Teach For America and one of TIME's 12 New Faces of Black Leadership, to learn about her journey to become an activist for racial and social equity. Accompanying Brittany is a panel of social justice leaders who bring with them diverse perspectives on how to lead and engage in meaningful change - now. The event will be moderated by Walter T. Bond, Executive Director of Teach For America - Milwaukee. Panelists include:

Sasānēhsaeh Pyawasay - Diversity Coordinator for the College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota; Enrolled member of the Menominee Nation of Wisconsin and UW alumna who uses critical indigeneity to interrogate and address systematic social change in higher education.

Arturo Tito Diaz - Organizational Development Specialist at the UW-Madison Multicultural Student Center; UW alumni with a degree in Community and Nonprofit Leadership and a certificate in Chicano and Latino Studies, previously worked at College Possible.

Hosted by Teach For America at UW-Madison, Sigma Lambda Beta and Morgridge Center for Public Service.


Register with the eventbrite: 
Thursday, March 2nd
Join the Chican@ & Latin@ Studies Program for their Community Gatherings!

When: noon on Thursday, February 23rd
Where: 336 Ingraham Hall
Who: Chican@ & Latin@ Studies students, faculty and staff - please feel free to bring a friend!

Community Gatherings are weekly workshop luncheons where CLS students have the opportunity to engage in lively discussions about academic life, learn about resources available to them on the UW-Madison campus, and build a strong sense of community. Each week, representatives of a department or resources unit on campus give short presentations and hold Q&A sessions for students.

The speaker will be from CfFL, Tj Sargent. 

*The Gatherings are funded by the OVPCDO and the CLS Program* 
Thursday, March 2nd

Join  International Student Services at UW-Madison  and the  UW-Madison Multicultural Student Center  to write a postcard to family and friends around the world. We'll provide the postcards and postage!

Feeling homesick? Missing loved ones who are far away? A counselor from  University Health Services at UW-Madison  will be available in case you want to talk. 

If you need an accomodation to attend this event, please contact 608-262-9716 or email issprograms@studentlife.wi
Sunday, March 5th

Come enjoy lunch with the MSC as we hear from you on ways we can meet your needs and improve the services that we provide. This event is also intended for student organizations who are interested in possibly affiliating with the MSC as well as organizations who are involved with the communities that we serve. 

The Town Hall will be from 12:00-1:30pm in the MSC Lounge.

Please RSVP for only 1-2 Representatives.

To request accommodations or for questions please contact Tito at
Upcoming Events...
Monday, March 9th


Join the Working Class Student Union, AIESEC, Badger Ballroom Dance Team, and LatinX Badgers to check out internship opportunities, dust off your dance skills and meet new people. 
7:00pm-8:00pm: AIESEC Global Village
8:00pm-9:30: Bachata and hustle lessons from BBDT
9:30-10:30: Open Dance

Schedule could be subject to minor changes.

Tuesday, March 10th
Performance Workshop and Conference Talk with
Rey Andújar

10:00am-12:00pm and 4:15pm-5:30pm respectively
Festival Room, Memorial Union and Pyle Center, Room 213 respectively

Born in Santo Domingo, Reynolds Andújar is an award winning performance artist, playwright and the author of various works of fiction. In a variety of different artistic genres, Andújar explores the relationship between power, the body, language and a Caribbean reality of displacement and migrations. He will present two events during his stay in Madison. The first will be a Performance Workshop and the second will be a 
Conference Talk.
  Co-sponsors of this event: ASM, The Department of Spanish &
Portuguese, LACIS, the Brittingham Fund, the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest
Tuesday, March 10th

Tuesday, March 10th

Bii Dauu Product Design Internship in Mexico
Organization: Bii Dauu Cooperative
Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
Term: Summer 2017 (4-6 weeks)
Fields: Textile/Apparel Design, Design/Graphic Arts, Quality Control/Assurance
Internship Duties: Work with local artisans on fair trade products focusing on market research, color trends, weaving designs, product design, quality control, packaging and graphics.
Level: Junior, Senior, Grad student
Language: Intermediate to Advanced Spanish required
Compensation: Scholarships to cover travel, room & board
Deadline: March 10, 2017 for  Summer 2017

Bii Dauu Entrepreneurship Internship in Mexico
Organization: Bii Dauu Cooperative
Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
Term: Summer 2017 (4-6 weeks)
Fields: Economic Community Development, Quality Control/Assurance, Retailing, International Business, Marketing
Internship Duties: Work with local artisans on fair trade products focusing in website sales, inventory control, clientele development, product tracking, marketing strategies and other logistical aspects of a small business.
Level: Junior, Senior, Grad student
Language: Intermediate to Advanced Spanish required
Compensation: Scholarships to cover travel, room & board
Deadline: March 10, 2017 for 

Saturday, March 11th

Eran tres y ahora son cuatro
Time of Event: 6:30pm 
Location of Event: 272 Bascom Hall
The student-led Spanish-language theater group of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Teatro Décimo Piso, will present its annual performance at the end of the Kaleidoscope Graduate Student Conference. This year's production is a play by renowned Puerto Rican playwright, Myrna Casas.  
 co-sponsors of this event: ASM, The Roberto Sánchez Fund,
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese, LACIS, the Brittingham Fund, the Kemper K. Knapp Bequest
Friday, March 31st
LACIS News...
Latest LACIS Blog Entries:
Lunchtime Lecture Videos:
Couldn't make it to a Lunchtime Lecture? Check out our YouTube channel for videos of all the lectures and more!
Education, Volunt eer and Job Opportunities...

Greetings from International Academics Programs!


My name is Chloe Shmays, and I'm the Resource Center Supervisor here in the Study Abroad office. This year I'm organizing IAP's annual Photo Contest, and I was wondering if you would be interested in helping as a judge. Our records show that you helped judge an IAP photo contest in the past, and your help again this year would be much appreciated! You can learn more about the contest and this year's categories here: 

Judging for the contest is set to take place at the end of March. Entries will be judged on artistic expression, creativity, originality, and image quality. Judging will take place online - you won't even need to leave the comfort of your office to participate!  If you choose to help out, I will send you a link with judging instructions the week of March 14th. You'll have about 10 days to review the submissions and vote for your favorites in each category. There are 4 categories, and we expect to have around 20 finalist photos per category.
Please let me know if you have any questions.  I know spring semester can be quite busy, so it's completely understandable if you are not able to participate. If you are interested, please reply to this email no later than Monday, February 27th. 

School of Journalism


My name is Chloe Shmays, and I'm the Resource Center Supervisor here in the Study Abroad office. This year I'm organizing IAP's annual Photo Contest, and I was wondering if you would be interested in helping as a judge. Our records show that you helped judge an IAP photo contest in the past, and your help again this year would be much appreciated! You can learn more about the contest and this year's categories here: 

Judging for the contest is set to take place at the end of March. Entries will be judged on artistic expression, creativity, originality, and image quality. Judging will take place online - you won't even need to leave the comfort of your office to participate!  If you choose to help out, I will send you a link with judging instructions the week of March 14th. You'll have about 10 days to review the submissions and vote for your favorites in each category. There are 4 categories, and we expect to have around 20 finalist photos per category.
Please let me know if you have any questions.  I know spring semester can be quite busy, so it's completely understandable if you are not able to participate. If you are interested, please reply to this email no later than Monday, February 27th. 

CEC Office Peer

International Internships
International Internships  Summer 2017  
Oaxaca, Mexico
Internship Team: Design and Business 

Global Artisans Initiative (formerly Design and Micro-enterprise for Community Well-Being) is sponsoring two funded internships in Oaxaca, Mexico for the summer of 2017. The interns will be working with skilled artisans in small scale production and marketing.

The Intern team  will work closely with artisan weaving groups in Teotilan del Valle, Oaxaca, Mexico. Bii Dauu Cooperative and other weavers create functional items with their weavings, such as purses and floor rugs as well as decorative tapestries to hang on the wall. Teotitlan weavers are known throughout the world for their sophisticated color combinations, beautiful wool tapestry weaving. Their iconography reflects their world view and their connection to their natural surroundings. 

Weavers in Teotitlan are known for their masterful use of natural dyes using local plants, minerals and insects. The groups we work with are dedicated to creating a balanced life that is supportive of social, cultural and economic development.
  • The internship program provides international travel to the site and a lump sum for lodging and incidentals.
  • Spanish language is required (Intermediate to Advanced)
  • The two interns will be expected to work closely as a team to fulfill internship duties and objectives.


International Internship Program


Organization:   The Bubble
Location:   Buenos Aires,  Argentina
Extended Deadline!:    03/05/2017

Fall Internships available as well!
TheBesty Intern (Various Positions)
Organization:   TheBesty
Location:   Santiago,  Chile
Primary Internship Duties:   TheBesty   is a start-up mobile app company that works with the hotel and tourism industry. There are 6 intern positions available for Spring 2017 (See link for an attachment with more details about each one): Graphic Design, Hospitality and Tourism, Market Research and Statistical Analysis, Marketing and Sales, Product Manager, Writing Internships available.
Extended Deadline!:   03/05/2017 for   Summer 2017  and  Fall 2017
Astromántica Cartoneira Editorial Assistant and Design Intern
Organization:  Astromántica Cartoneira
Location:  Vigo,  Spain
Primary Internship Duties:  The intern will assist in the whole publication process of the books: Participate in book-binding and publishing workshops, collaborate with outside workshops with different organizations such as local elementary and high schools, help with front cover design of the books, assist with the layout of the books and front cover decoration and design workshops. 
Extended Deadline!  03/05/2017 for  Summer 2017  and  Fall 2017
CURE Water Research Internship - HOUSING PROVIDED! 
Organization:   Centro Universitario de la Region Este UDELAR
Location:   Maldonado,  Uruguay
Primary Internship Duties:   Students can choose to assist with research in the following areas: sustainable management of drinking water supply reservoir, biological indicators of water quality in a drinking water reservoir, hidden diversity of zooplankton, phytoplankton dynamics in a strategic shallow lake
Compensation:  Housing included, work-related expenses
Extended Deadline!:   03/05/2017 for   Summer 2017

Meyerhoff Undergraduate Excellence Award

Meyerhoff Undergraduate Excellence Award for $1,000: Deadline March 15, 2017 (L&S undergraduates only)
This award for leadership, service and scholarship recognizes students who have made outstanding leadership and service contributions to the University and/or the surrounding communities while maintaining a record of academic excellence.  Requires essay, 2 recommendations, and resume.

  Students can apply for all opportunities listed above at:

Indianapolis Teaching Fellows

After graduation, how will you launch a high-impact career in Indianapolis?
Historically, high-need students in Indianapolis have not had equal access to an education that adequately prepares them for college and career.Indianapolis Teaching Fellows trains recent college graduates to become exceptional, certified teachers. Our fast-paced six-week summer training program focuses on the essential skills that teachers need most to start strong. Fellows will repeatedly practice foundational classroom management and instructional techniques, receive direct feedback from skilled coaches, and must pass a series of evaluations in order to be eligible to start teaching in the fall. MORE INFORMATION
Do you have what it takes to join this elite group of educators?
Apply here - our application deadline is February 21st



Please see below and attached for information on the Spanish Summer Course 2017 offered by APLU member Universidad de Guadalajara. Please pass along this information to those on your campuses who might be interested in this student opportunity
Taking into consideration that the Spanish language is the 2nd most spoken language in the world and in the US, Universidad de Guadalajara offers the PEPE Program as a valuable asset for the development of intercultural and professional skills for US Students. Also, the PEPE Program is an opportunity to increase our mutual understanding in the context of the North American integration.
Learn more about the program at 

National Council on US-Arab Relations

Applications for Summer 2017 Now Available: 

Washington, DC Summer Internship Program 

May 30 - August 4, 2017

[Download PDF Brochure] 

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations' Washington, DC Summer Internship Program offers undergraduate and graduate students a ten-week professional, academic, and career opportunity internship in the nation's capital. The program features a demanding mix of professional involvement, intellectual challenge, career exploration, and cultural encounters designed to provide interns with a rich and varied experience during their time in Washington.
  • Professional work experience: Interns are placed with one of over a dozen Near East and Arab world-related organizations in Washington, D.C., where they are expected to work 35-40 hours per week under the direct supervision of their host organizations.
  • Academic seminars: Interns take part in twice-weekly seminar sessions designed to provide them with greater depth of knowledge about the Arab world, to underscore the cultural, economic, and political diversity of Arab states, and to explore the intricacies of Arab-U.S. relations. There will be a particular emphasis, though not exclusively, on Arabia and the Gulf.
  • Site visits: Interns receive a behind-the-scenes look at many of the central institutions of federal government, national security policymaking, international diplomacy, and international business.


Let AIESEC take you to Buenos Aires, Argentina this summer. 
Spend your summer in a fulfilling way by volunteering or doing an internship with AIESEC in Argentina.
AIESEC is the world's largest youth-led organization. We create leaders and empower communities through cross-cultural exchange. 
  • 6-week long volunteer opportunities or 2-month internship in Buenos Aires
  • Learn Spanish while immersing yourself in a beautiful culture
  • A chance to change local lives by volunteering or working as a:
    • English teacher
    • Marketing/fundraising manager 
    • Childcare teacher
  • Working on a weekly basis abroad
  • $500 volunteer program fee or $600 internship program fee
  • Airfar
Professional Development Award

2016-17 Professional Development Awards for
Wisconsin K-16 Teachers
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, will provide professional development support of up to $500 each for five Wisconsin K-16 teachers to participate in Latin American studies summer teacher institutes*, courses, or educator study abroad opportunities. Expenses might include roundtrip airfare, lodging, institute/course fees. Priority will be given to applicants not previously funded by CLACS and to applicants who demonstrate strong need for an intensive professional development opportunity.
*The national Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP) publishes a list of summer institutes:
Recipient Commitment
Funds must be expended by August 1, 2017.
If awarded, CLACS requests that you share a resultant curriculum with us and be available as a workshop presenter to further share your experience with other educators. For select examples of work by previous recipients, see:
Application Due Date: March 24, 2017
A Complete Application Includes:
a.      General information, including program or travel dates;
b.    Proposal (1 page) detailing: 1) how you incorporate Latin America in your current teaching; and 2) how participation in a specific Latin American studies institute, course, or academic travel program will contribute to your professional development;
c.      Budget worksheet with estimated travel costs;
d.     A bbreviated curriculum vitae or resume.

For more information or to discuss options, please contact Julie Kline at (414) 229-5986 or                                                                          

IRIS Graduate Student Summer Fieldwork

 IRIS Graduate Student Summer Fieldwork Announcement

The Institute for Regional and International Studies at UW-Madison is offering a Graduate Student Summer Fieldwork Award for Summer 2017.

Complete details on the award can be found at:

The purpose of these $3,000 awards is to support graduate students at the UW-Madison planning to conduct a minimum of 6 weeks of summer fieldwork outside of the United States.

Any continuing graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison may apply for these awards.

The deadline to submit completed applications is March 3, 2017.

Questions about the IRIS Summer Fieldwork Award should be directed to Mark Lilleleht by email at or phone at 608.265.6070.

Latin American Global Fellowship

Applications due March 1
The Indiana University Maurer School of Law is actively seeking applicants for its Latin American Global Fellows program. Bright, engaged students with a passion for Latin America are eligible for the program, which combines:


Admission to one of the nation's premier law schools;

A significant (50% to 100%) scholarship;

A faculty mentor; and

Guaranteed placement in a Latin American-based firm, NGO, or other organization after the student's first year of law school.

With applications due in the coming weeks, we encourage you to let students know about this unique opportunity.   View the full details on our downloadable flyer.
-Jayanth Krishnan
Professor of Law, Charles L. Whistler Faculty Fellow, and
Director of the Center on the Global Legal Profession
Indiana University Maurer School of Law 


Tenure-track Assistant Professor position. Education: Applicants with Ph. D., or JD. ABD candidates will be considered. If ABD, candidates will be required to complete the doctoral degree by August 2017. Department seeks candidates with experience teaching and conducting research in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. The person hired will also be required to teach general Ethnic Studies courses. Applicants having experience working effectively with diverse populations are highly desired. Responsibilities include scholarly activities; department, university and community service; advising and recruiting students; and communicating effectively with a diverse campus community.
Review of application begins March 1, 2017. Position open until filled. Applications are only accepted through the Sacramento State jobs website located at Instructions on how to apply can also be found at this link. Applicants must include the following attachments as a single PDF file in the order specified: a) cover letter addressing qualifications, teaching experience and philosophy, areas candidate is qualified to teach in Latin American and Caribbean Studies scholarly interests; b) current curriculum vita; and c) three letters of recommendation who can speak to the qualifications of the applicant. d) unofficial transcripts attesting to the highest degree earned (official transcripts required if invited for an interview) e) evidence of teaching experience (e.g. syllabi, exams, course evaluations) Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please forward questions to Dr. Julie Figueroa at . AA/EO Employer. Clery Act statistics available. Mandated reporter requirements. Background check (including criminal record check) required.
Scholarships @ UW-Madison

2017 Richard Ralph Winter Phoenix Rising Humanitarian Scholarship (L&S only)
This scholarship rewards humanitarian achievement and service, encourages excellence and commitment in the application of humanitarian ideals, and affirms the moral obligation to provide for human welfare. The selected student would receive an award of $2,500 paid out in the Fall 2017 term.
Eligible students must be second or third year students and have a strong record of community/humanitarian service.The ideal scholarship candidate should exhibit a natural desire to provide for human welfare and a rational compassion for others. Further consideration will be given if the candidate has overcome life or academic challenges and/or has financial need. Finally, the recipient should possess the innate qualities of dignity, courage and discipline.
This scholarship is made available by the generosity of Charles Manthey Winter and the Richard Ralph Winter Rising Phoenix Humanitarian Scholarship.
Apply by March 1, 2017.
Alliant Energy

Latino Academy of Workforce
 Spring 2017 Internship at the Latino Academy of Workforce Development
Engage in your local latino community and be part of Latino Academy ! (We are on a bus line!)

The Latino Academy of Workforce Development, has been empowering the Latino community in Dane County for 5 years. We train and educate students to successfully integrate into the economic and educational systems in Dane County. We are seeking interns for the spring semester who can help grow the Latino Academy and better serve our students. This is a great opportunity to practice Spanish and work directly with members of the community. If you are interested in learning more about what we do, please visit our facebook page or website at .

The Latino Academy is seeking two interns to assist with daily operations and student long term employment success. Interns are asked to work at least 7-10 hours a week.
Futura Language Professionals 

Annual Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Conference on LACIS 

Annual Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Conference on Latin American and Iberian Studies 2017
Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Department of Language and Literature at Lee University cordially invites submissions for the Annual Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Conference on Latin American and Iberian Studies on March 25, 2017.  This conference will bring together undergraduate students and professors from a wide variety of disciplines.
The conference focuses primarily on the languages, literatures and cultures of Latin America and Spain, but interdisciplinary submissions will also be accepted from related areas including Service Learning, Cross-Cultural Experiences, foreign language methodology, and others.
This year, we are also inviting students from surrounding high schools to participate in the conference. These students are welcome to observe undergraduate presentations and show off their own research projects in the Upper School Language, Culture, and Literature Showcase. Please note that this showcase is a smaller, walk-through poster session that will take place during the undergraduate conference.
Please send a one-page abstract of approximately 250 words as an MS-Word document that clearly identifies the aim(s) of the paper, the rationale of the study, and finding (if applicable).  Since we recognize that not all papers will be completed by March, "works in progress" will be accepted. Send the proposal/abstract via email to  by February 28, 2017. Include your name, institutional affiliation, and email address as well as a brief biography and any kind of technology needed. All presentations will have a 10-12 minute limit. 
Abstracts and papers may be submitted in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French.  Since one of our goals is to bring undergraduate students and faculty together, papers co-authored by undergraduate students and faculty advisors will be considered. A $10 registration fee is required if you are presenting; this fee includes the cost of breakfast and lunch.


  • 77 million Americans work for an hourly wage. Their median income is $34,142. They don't make a lot of money-and worse, their income and expenses are inconsistent. As a result, they frequently don't have enough income to cover expenses, so these Americans spend $100 billion every year just to make ends meet. They lose 10-30% of their income to things like payday loans, overdraft fees, and late bill fees. It is expensive to be poor.
  • Even is an Oakland-based financial technology startup with the mission of building a new type of bank: one purposefully designed to help people living with the realities of 21st century poverty. A bank that automatically manages its customers' finances. Pays their bills. Balances their budget. Saves and invests. And at the tip of the iceberg, gives each and every customer a weekly paycheck of purely disposable income.

We're looking for warm, thoughtful people to provide excellent, compassionate service to our Even members.
For many of our members, Even will be the first positive interaction they've ever had with a financial service. You will be responsible for making them feel welcome, and helping them feel comfortable with a new product that's unlike anything they've used before. You will play equal parts friend, therapist, and technical support. You'll serve people with respect and without judgment.

As an Even Advisor , you will:
  • Act as the first point of contact when our members have an issue or question related to Even
  • Act as a friendly and reassuring voice when our members struggle with a job loss or other life event
  • Help to scale our Advisory team: designing processes, interviewing prospective team members, and identifying and optimizing for the metrics that matter
  • Work closely with the engineering team to make sure you have the tools you need to make our member's lives better
To succeed, you'll need:
  • Excellent writing skills. You'll interact with our members via in-app chat.
  • Empathy. Our members are often struggling with real, existential crises, and you'll be the person they turn to for guidance.
  • Drive. You'll be working at a small, very fast-paced startup. Lots of people call their startups fast-paced. They are slow compared to how quickly we move. We don't mean to toot our own horn- we're just trying to be upfront about how you'll need to be emotionally ready for how quickly we will expect you to learn and grow. In return, you'll be given the opportunity to learn and do things outside your job description, and the support you'll need to succeed at them.
  • (optional) Experience communicating in Spanish. In an effort to best serve individuals who primarily speak Spanish, we would like to begin offering bilingual support to our members.  
To apply , please send an email to , concisely and concretely describing why you think you're a great fit for the role. We'd rather learn about you in this context than read over your resume, so please don't include one.

You can also learn more about our hiring process and the values behind the Advisor role in this blog post written by Quinten, one of our cofounders:  

Teach in Spain

                    5 Reasons teaching in Spain gives you an edge over competition  

1. Adaptability-- This unique experience will immerse you in creative and unconventional English teaching, allowing you to become a more versatile thinker in different working conditions.
2. Cultural insightfulness
-- You will become more of a global citizen by overcoming language barriers and cultural differences.

3. A jumpstart to your career!-- There aren't many high-quality undergraduate experiences in the field, so having one like this under your belt will help you get ahead of the game.
4. Opens doors
-- Become more marketable to institutions at home AND abroad! You never know what opportunities may arise in the future for which you could be a perfect candidate for...

5. Personal growth
-- Stepping out of your comfort zone will only make you stronger and more confident in both your personal and professional lives. You'll only regret the things you DIDN'T do.


Augsburg CGEE 


Augsburg CGEE is hiring in both Central America and Southern Africa. Please consider sharing this email with anyone interested in working with us, particularly any recently graduated students (or graduating May 2017) that are interested in the field of international education, intercultural development, social justice, or simply want to live and work abroad:

We are hiring in two locations for our International Resident Assistant
(IRA) position, one for Central America, and one for Southern Africa. The IRA position promotes a healthy living/learning environment for semester students and participants in short-term educational seminars and assist in the operation of all educational programs.

Please see each posting for full details (note that there are two separate job postings and applications, please apply for the region in which you are most interested):

*Southern Africa* ( Primarily based in Windhoek, Namibia, with additional travel to various cities in Namibia and South Africa as part of position duties.

*Central America* ( Significant travel as part of position duties, between Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. *Spanish/English bilingual skills are required.*

All are welcome to apply! Follow the direct links given above, or search keyword "International Resident" at Augsburg's Employment listings:

Teach for America

Teach for America deadline approaching
2017 will be here before we know it. Where will you be this time next year? By joining Teach For America, you will be part of a powerful network of 50,000 taking on the fight of our time. As a corps member, you'll be challenged to think creatively and lead boldly. You'll leverage your unique talents to dismantle inequities in the classroom. As an alum, you'll join a diverse community continuing to fight inequity from every sector.
Want a glimpse inside a TFA corps member's life? Check out "The Real Life of Teachers" web series to see how corps members Jenn, David, and Pocco are building a better future for the next generation.
What does 2017 hold for you? Apply to the Teach For America corps today.
NEXT Application Deadline: Friday, March 3, 2017 
To learn more, visit or e-mail the UW-Madison Recruitment Manager at
All majors accepted. Full salary and benefits. Federal student loans deferred. 50,000+ alumni network.

CARA Pro Bono Project
Now more than ever, it is important to fight for justice for Central American families seeking asylum in the United States. The  CARA Pro Bono Project, a legal services and organization in one of the United States' three family detention centers, is looking for passionate people to join their staff. You can read more about the South Texas Family "Residential" Center, where CARA works, here: I'm writing to inform UW-Madison students of the opportunities available to them with the CARA Pro Bono Project. 

For current undergraduate students:
Week-long volunteer
Each week, a new team of lawyers, paralegals and activists from around the country comes to Dilley, Texas to devote their energy and efforts to getting Central American women and kids out from "babyjail" and a fair hearing in a US court to apply for asylum. Even as an undergraduate student, your Spanish skills would be a tremendous asset to the team, and this can make a meaningful alternative spring or winter break. Contact  Maggie Schumann, former undergraduate long-term volunteer, for ways of making it affordable. More details:

Summer legal assistant
A small number of individuals spend extended periods at the CARA Pro Bono Project as long-term volunteers. Because CARA runs primarily on weeklong volunteers, your longer-term presence means you'll become a valuable member of the team. If you're thinking of pursuing a career in law or social justice work, this is for you. Reach out to  Maggie Schumann, a former undergraduate long-term legal assistant, for more details on what the position entails and ways of making it affordable. 

Consular Fellows

Now Accepting Applications
W e are currently accepting applications for Consular Fellows - Spanish positions. 

The Consular Fellows Program (CFP) is a unique national service opportunity with the Department of State to live and work overseas as part of an Embassy or Consulate community.

New hires will receive a competitive salary, paid housing while overseas and may be eligible for a recruitment bonus of up to 10% of their basic salary. This incentive would be paid in two installments: one upon completion of the first two-year assignment, and the second at the end of the second two-year assignment (48 months service). Consular Fellows may also be eligible to participate in the Department's Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) at any post in which they serve. For more information on the program, click  here

All potential applicants are strongly urged to  read the entire vacancy announcement to ensure that they meet all of the requirements for this position before applying. When you are ready to begin the online application process, visit the  Consular Fellows - Spanish vacancy on USAJOBS.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens, at least 20 years old to apply and at least 21 years of age to be appointed. Applicants must also be available for worldwide service, and be able to obtain all required security, medical and suitability clearances. 

If you have any questions or would like to search for topics of interest, please visit our  forums or  FAQs at

We appreciate your interest in the U.S. Department of State

Volunteer at Centro Hispano
Castro & Gutierrez Law Office

Two available positions at Castro & Gutierrez Law Office. We are looking for two legal assistants as soon as possible. They must be fluent/advanced in Spanish. We practice Immigration Law, primarily family benefits. 

Please see the attached PDF of the posting in the UW Job Center for more information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me ( ) or Attorney Mary Castro ( ).

UW Job Center

Guest Bloggers Sought for LACIS Blog!
Did you study abroad or intern in a LACIS country? Are you following a particular current event? Did you attend a LACIS event? We want to hear what you think! Write a brief post, include pictures or videos, and we will share it on the LACIS blog! (Please note that your blog posting may be edited down for size or content, if needed.)
Contact the LACIS social media intern, Jesus Del Toro (, with any questions or with your finished product! 
Get Involved with Colombia Support Network! 
Want to get more involved with international advocacy on the UW-Madison campus?
Colombia Support Network-UW Badgers serves to bring awareness on the UW campus about the human rights atrocities occurring in Colombia, encouraging UW students to become educated and engaged in the CSN solidarity mission through volunteering, spreading our peaceful mission, and sending student delegations to peace communities in Colombia.
The Colombia Support Network was created in 1989 to provide support to Colombian communities and organizations in areas of conflict which seek to construct a just social and economic order using non-violence means. There are more than 6 million displaced persons in Colombia, and more than 31,000 persons have "disappeared" since 1990s. Peaceful civilians have faced attacks from rebel groups such as the FARC, as well as paramilitary forces which are indirectly - and sometimes directly - aided by a government which serves to protect solely the interests of the wealthy. This March, important peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC forces are likely to reach a deal, making the current issues in Colombia especially relevant.
Engagement with CSN-UW Badgers can be as simple as liking our Facebook page [Colombia Support Network-UW Badgers], and considering attending future CSN events, such as movie series or speakers!  We're also looking for new leaders who are passionate about human rights and might one day go on a delegation to Colombia with CSN.
  For more information on the Colombian peace process, you should find this website very helpful: 
Questions? Please contact Samantha Strok @
Apply for a grant! 
International Division, IRIS award seed grants for interdisciplinary research

Six interdisciplinary research projects that blend place-based scientific inquiry with international expertise have been awarded incubator grants by the International Division and the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
These projects focus on Africa, South Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America, in fields as diverse as public health, child development, civil engineering, climate science, archaeology, genetics, virology, and environmental studies.
Offered this year for the first time, the grants are aimed at bringing together faculty in STEM fields who are conducting place-based research abroad with experts from regional and area studies centers within IRIS.
Funding for these awards, of up to $50,000 each, comes from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and other International Division funds.

Spanish Conversation Table
La mesa de conversación

5-7 p.m. (Every Tuesday)

The Sett, 2nd floor, Union South

All levels of Spanish speakers are welcome at this informal weekly conversation table, sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. On Facebook: La mesa de conversación - UW Madison. On Twitter: @UWMesa.

Portuguese Conversation Table
Bate Papo (Portuguese)
Any question, please contact Ellen Sapega.

Thursdays 4:30pm-6:30pm

Kollege Klub

All levels of Portugese speakers are welcome at this informal weekly conversation table, sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese.  

Any question, please contact Ellen Sapega at 
International Reach
I nternational Reach is a unique volunteer program that places international speakers in schools, campus venues and community organizations for short presentations. It provides interesting opportunities for individuals to share perspectives on their home countries with teachers, students and area residents for the purposes of furthering global education and intercultural dialogue. International Student Services (ISS) coordinates the International Reach Program.

BRIDGE International Friendship Program


BRIDGE (Building Relationships in Diverse Global Environments) pairs new international students with American students for a whole semester based on similar interests, personalities and needs. BRIDGE provides new international students with a friend, ally, resource person, and cultural navigator. The program offer numerous cross-cultural activities, learning experiences and fun. To learn more, visit

Millennium Development Goals Awareness Project


MDGAP educates the campus about eight United Nations development goals on poverty, hunger, education, gender eqaulity, global health and the environment. The project also links students with hands-on , goal-related research, internships and volunteer opportunities in order to further job skills, foster global competency, and advance the goals. For details, visit

If you wish to submit an event or announcement for inclusion in the "Noticias de la Semana," please complete our  online submission form. Thank you!