Compiled by the Latin American, Caribbean & Iberian Studies Program at UW-Madison
Dear LACIS students, colleagues and friends,
Please take advantage of the wonderful events for this week.
The LACIS Staff: Hernando, Alberto, Darcy, Sarah, Isabel, and Jesus
P.S. If you wish to submit an event or announcement for inclusion in the "Noticias de la Semana," please click HERE and complete our online submission form. Thank you!
To help kick off International Education week, Peace Corps Representatives will be tabling at the Global Engagement Fair at the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery. Come say hello to learn about opportunities to serve in the Peace Corps!
Monday, November 14th
Understand the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) &
How Wisconsin Businesses can help to achieve them!
MONDAY, November 14, 2016 ~ 1:00PM - 3:30PM
@ American Family Insurance,6000 American Pkwy, Madison
The UN Sustainable Development Goals outline a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity through 17 goals. Learn from local experts and business leaders about:
History, context and relevance of UN SDGs to Wisconsin businesses
·Steps to take and tools to help Wisconsin businesses advance the UN SDGs
·Social and environmental impacts of manufacturers' supply chains
·Health and environmental impacts of the manufactured products in-use and post-use
Confirmed Speakers include:
·KEYNOTE: George Stone, Ph.D., Professor and Founder of the Sustainability Summit
·PANELEST: Kaytlin Moeller, Associate Product Developer, Lands' End Footwear
Monday, November 14th
"The Fight for Fair Food: Why Consumers Are Boycotting Wendy's"
Time: 12.00pm
Room: 340 Ingraham Hall
About the CIW:
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is a farmworker-led human rights organization recognized internationally for its achievements in social responsibility, human trafficking, and gender-based violence at work. The CIW's Fair Food Program has eliminated modern-day slavery and sexual violence, improved farmworker wages for the first time in decades, and guaranteed basic protections for workers. In 2015, the Program expanded beyond the Florida tomato industry to include seven states and three crops.
About the Presentation: We will be discussing the
history of the CIW and conditions faced by farmworkers in the U.S. agricultural industry, including abuses such as sexual harassment and forced labor, and the transformative changes now in effect in the U.S. tomato industry due to CIW's Fair Food Program. We will be raising consciousness about Wendy's refusal to join the Fair Food Program and the national Wendy's Boycott declared earlier this year by thousands of farmworkers and consumers in the face of the company's decision to move tomato purchases to Mexico, where endemic human rights violations go largely unchecked. Their decision to shift purchases was done intentionally to run away from the CIW's Fair Food Program, a unique partnership between farmworkers, farmers and 14 corporate retailers, including McDonald's, Taco Bell and WalMart, that is rooting out abuse and sexual harassment in fields from Florida to North Carolina to Maryland.
Monday, November 14th
Tuesday, November 15th
Please join us for the LACIS Lunchtime Lecture...
"Is Civic Culture Dead? A Comparative analysis of Mexico, United States, Colombia, and Brazil "
Tuesday, November 15th
206 Ingraham
Presented by Hernando Rojas, Helen Firstbrook Franklin Professor of Journalism in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Director of the Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies program at UW-Madison.
About the speaker:
Hernando Rojas is the Helen Firstbrook Franklin Professor of Journalism in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His scholarship focuses on political communication, in particular examining: (a) the deployment of new communication technologies for social mobilization in a variety of contexts; (b) the influence of audience perceptions of media (and audience perceptions of media effects) on both public opinion and the structure of the public sphere; and (c) the conditions under which media support democratic governance.
Rojas currently serves as Co-Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Public Opinion Research and Director of the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies program at UW- Madison.
About the presentation: This presentation summarizes key findings of an ongoing comparative analysis of political culture examining Mexico, United States, Colombia, and Brazil. Based on 2016 public opinion surveys conducted in these countries, we explore the contours of political culture in each system. In particular, we focus on communication practices, institutional and social trust, perceptions of governmental performance, political participation and political polarization.
Tuesday, November 15th
Tuesday, November 15th
Join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, UW-Madison MEChA, students and community members in Madison for a #BoycottWendys action on November 15 at 12:00PM at the Wendy's on State Street!
The action is part of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers' Behind the Braids Midwest tour. As Wendy's continues to ignore farmworkers' demands to improve wages and conditions in the fields, the CIW is on the road spreading the truth behind Wendy's empty Code of Conduct and failed attempts at social responsibility.
To get in touch for more information email us at See you in the streets!
Come Visit Peace Corps Representatives Tabling at the Union South!
11am-4pm, Union South
Peace Corps Representatives will be available to talk with students and answer questions about the Peace Corps, application process, and current openings!
Post-graduation Service and Non-profit Opportunities Panel
6-7:30pm, Morgridge Center for Public Service
Interested in working in the public sector or non-profit realm after graduation? Why not consider the Peace Corps?! Come listen to Regional Recruiter and Returned Volunteer Jason Lemberg speak with other panelists about post-graduation service and non-profit opportunities.
Opportunities in the Health Sector: Presentation to Medlife
7:30-8:30, TITU (Today in the Union South)
Health Volunteers in the Peace Corps develop technical skills through hands-on work and experience within their communities. They focus on important topics such as nutrition, maternal and child health, and HIV/AIDS education and prevention. Learn more about opportunities within the Peace Corps at this presentation to the UW-Madison global health organization MEDLIFE.
Wednesday, November 16th
Wednesday, November 16th
Attention all students interested in healthcare,
HOSA will be hosting the 13th Annual All Campus Healthcare Symposium. You will have the opportunity to network with and hear about both professional and personal experiences of healthcare professionals, graduate students, admissions staff, and university educators.
Racial inequities are at the forefront of the biggest civic discussions in Madison, and one frequently mentioned problem under that heading is the scarcity of leaders of color within major organizations. What can we do in Madison to foster more racially diverse leadership?
The Cap Times, working with coworking space 100state, has created an event to examine that question at Madison's Central Library. Reporter Amber Walker will moderate a discussion panel, whose members are:
* Kaleem Caire, founder and CEO of Achieve64 and One City Early Learning Centers
* Ald. Barbara Harrington-McKinney, who represents District 1 on Madison's west side
* Sagashus Levingston, founder of Infamous Mothers
* Israel Lopez, business attorney at Neider & Boucher and founder of Chins Up
* Mayra Medrano, president of the Latino Chamber of Commerce of Dane County
The discussion will be followed by brainstorming in breakout sessions to generate actions steps for those who wish to stay. This Cap Times Talk is free and will start with a meet-and-greet at 6 p.m. The discussion will start at 6:30, and the breakout sessions at 7:30, lasting an hour or so.
Wednesday, November 16th
Peace Corps Story Slam: Featuring Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Madison
7-9pm, Frederic March Play Circle Theater (Memorial Union)
Come hear Peace Corps volunteers talk about their experiences serving. This year's theme is "Unexpected Lessons". There will be volunteers available to answer any questions you might have after the event. Bring your student ID to get in for free or bring two non-perishable items that will be donated to the UW-Madison Food Pantry: The Open Seat! Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the Rathskeller, Stiftskeller, Pete's Coffee and/or the Daily Scoop. Items purchased on site can be carried into the theater (no outside food/beverages allowed).
As part of International Education Week, UW-Madison alumni are coming to campus and they want to talk to you about their careers and yours!
Come to meet and network with alumni who took their international experiences to work with them in a broad range of career areas, from business to education, science to communication.
Learn about the paths that former students took to get where they are today and get advice for your own next steps.
Refreshments will be provided!
Saturday, November 19th
For far too long we have been quiet about not only our personal experiences but also about the experiences that marginalized peoples face on a regular basis. As we continue to keep the conversation going, join us on a new approach to building a stronger sense of community. Join us on a new approach to understanding one another better.
We are opening this platform for students, faculty and members of the UW Madison Community to share their stories. Story submission will be open till Friday, November 4th. The complied stories will be shared in a video. We are truly thankful for those of you who choose to share your stories with us and will treat you and your experiences with the utmost amount of respect.
the video: The video will include people sharing their personal eperiences in a *reading letter* format or will include volunteers reading the experiences of others in the *reading letter* format.
We welcome all members of the University of Wisconsin-Madison community to join us on November 19th, 2016.
Peace Corps General Information Session: Get to Know the Peace Corps
4-5:30pm, On Wisconsin Room, Red Gym
Want to learn more about what the Peace Corps does? Ever wonder what a day in the life of a Peace Corps Volunteer is like? Come to this event to hear current and Returned Volunteers talk about their service abroad!
Wednesday, November 30th
Dr. Hertzman will be holding office hours on Thursday, Dec. 1 from 2-4pm in Social Sciences room 5236! This will be an especially good opportunity for graduate students.
Couldn't make it to a Lunchtime Lecture? Check out our YouTube channel for videos of all the lectures and more!
Education, Volunt
eer and Job Opportunities...
Literacy Network
Do you have 8-10 hours a week to do meaningful, interesting work Spring semester?
Become an ESL Intern at Literacy Network!
Hands-on experience with:
ESL lesson planning
Volunteer management
Classroom management
Madison's ELL population
Local non-profits
Past interns have said:
"The best part of my experience in CL has been watching the joy and friendships that form between tutor and learner. It's wonderful to see two completely different people work toward a common goal."
"Learning a different style of lesson planning has really helped give me different ways to think."
"Seeing a student get really excited about something they were learning was hugely rewarding."
"You really have a feeling of responsibility and self-accomplishment, but at the same time you know you always have the support of the program director if you need it!"
Once again this year, L&S Career Services is pleased to be able to offer UW students FREE round trip motor coach transportation to the Government Career Fair in Chicago
- sponsored by the Government College Relations Council (GCRC) of which I am a member. The fair will be a mixture of both employer tables and breakout sessions and we expect to have between 40-50 federal, state of IL and city (various IL) employers in attendance.More to come on that later.
In order to attend you will need to clear THE ENTIRE DAY 11/18 as the bus will depart campus around 9am and return around 7pm depending on traffic. If you wish to ride down to Chicago and stay there, you will simply need to alert the chaperones as you board the bus on the 18th that you won't be returning with us.If you are a current student or an alum who wants to attend the fair on your own (ie not take the bus), please do so - you are welcome!When you get to UIC, just sign in as a UW student so you can get in free.
Sponsored by the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics and the Department of History, this program explores the history of the Dominican Republic from first contact with European powers, to the age of colonization, to the dictatorial regimes of the post-colonial period, to present-day relations with the US. Tying these themes together, you'll also examine the place of baseball within the history and culture of the Dominican Republic.
Led by UW-Madison History Professor Karl Shoemaker, you'll be treated to guest lectures from local experts and excursions to historical sites and attractions, including MLB Academy.
You'll receive in-residence credit for History 225. Scholarships available!
For more info about this and other study abroad programs, visit, or stop by the Study Abroad Resource Center in 106 Red Gym, weekdays from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.
Castro & Gutierrez Law Office
Two available positions at Castro & Gutierrez Law Office. We are looking for two legal assistants as soon as possible. They must be fluent/advanced in Spanish. We practice Immigration Law, primarily family benefits.
Please see the attached PDF of the posting in the UW Job Center for more information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me ( or Attorney Mary Castro (
International Career Connections: Alumni Mentoring
Thursday, Nov. 17; 6:00 pm
Discovery Building
UW-Madison alumni are coming to campus and they want to talk to you about their careers and yours! Come to meet and network with alumni who took their international experiences to work with them in a broad range of career areas, from business to education, science to communication. Learn about the paths that former students took to get where they are today and get advice for your own next steps. Refreshments will be provided.
Joaquim Nabuco Award 2017
Call for Submissions
The Brazil Initiative of the International Division in collaboration with the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program sponsors the
Joaquim Nabuco Award, given annually to the two best essays on Brazil (any field) by a degree-seeking University of Wisconsin-Madison student. The essay may be written in English or Portuguese and should have at least 15 double-spaced pages. The competition is not open to previous Joaquim Nabuco Award winners. The prize, a lump-sum cash award of $2000, is given to one graduate and one undergraduate student each.
The winners are strongly encouraged to use the award for a research trip to Brazil. Applicants must agree to present their paper in person during the Fall semester following the receipt of the award and must make every effort to be introduced by their faculty/thesis advisor.
Applications should include a cover letter stating the student was enrolled at UW-Madison during the academic year. Only electronic submissions are accepted. Deadline for submissions is TBA. Please direct questions and send electronic submissions to
Guest Bloggers Sought for LACIS Blog!
Did you study abroad or intern in a LACIS country? Are you following a particular current event? Did you attend a LACIS event? We want to hear what you think! Write a brief post, include pictures or videos, and we will share it on the LACIS blog! (Please note that your blog posting may be edited down for size or content, if needed.)
Contact the LACIS social media intern, Jesus Del Toro (, with any questions or with your finished product!
Get Involved with Colombia Support Network!
Want to get more involved with international advocacy on the UW-Madison campus?
Colombia Support Network-UW Badgers serves to bring awareness on the UW campus about the human rights atrocities occurring in Colombia, encouraging UW students to become educated and engaged in the CSN solidarity mission through volunteering, spreading our peaceful mission, and sending student delegations to peace communities in Colombia.
The Colombia Support Network was created in 1989 to provide support to Colombian communities and organizations in areas of conflict which seek to construct a just social and economic order using non-violence means. There are more than 6 million displaced persons in Colombia, and more than 31,000 persons have "disappeared" since 1990s. Peaceful civilians have faced attacks from rebel groups such as the FARC, as well as paramilitary forces which are indirectly - and sometimes directly - aided by a government which serves to protect solely the interests of the wealthy. This March, important peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC forces are likely to reach a deal, making the current issues in Colombia especially relevant.
Engagement with CSN-UW Badgers can be as simple as liking our Facebook page [Colombia Support Network-UW Badgers], and considering attending future CSN events, such as movie series or speakers! We're also looking for new leaders who are passionate about human rights and might one day go on a delegation to Colombia with CSN.
For more information on the Colombian peace process, you should find this website very helpful:
International Division, IRIS award seed grants for interdisciplinary research
Six interdisciplinary research projects that blend place-based scientific inquiry with international expertise have been awarded incubator grants by the International Division and the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
These projects focus on Africa, South Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America, in fields as diverse as public health, child development, civil engineering, climate science, archaeology, genetics, virology, and environmental studies.
Offered this year for the first time, the grants are aimed at bringing together faculty in STEM fields who are conducting place-based research abroad with experts from regional and area studies centers within IRIS.
Funding for these awards, of up to $50,000 each, comes from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and other International Division funds.
All levels of Spanish speakers are welcome at this informal weekly conversation table, sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. On Facebook: La mesa de conversación - UW Madison. On Twitter: @UWMesa.
nternational Reach is a unique volunteer program that places international speakers in schools, campus venues and community organizations for short presentations. It provides interesting opportunities for individuals to share perspectives on their home countries with teachers, students and area residents for the purposes of furthering global education and intercultural dialogue. International Student Services (ISS) coordinates the International Reach Program.
BRIDGE International Friendship Program
BRIDGE (Building Relationships in Diverse Global Environments) pairs new international students with American students for a whole semester based on similar interests, personalities and needs. BRIDGE provides new international students with a friend, ally, resource person, and cultural navigator. The program offer numerous cross-cultural activities, learning experiences and fun. To learn more, visit
Millennium Development Goals Awareness Project
MDGAP educates the campus about eight United Nations development goals on poverty, hunger, education, gender eqaulity, global health and the environment. The project also links students with hands-on , goal-related research, internships and volunteer opportunities in order to further job skills, foster global competency, and advance the goals. For details, visit
If you wish to submit an event or announcement for inclusion in the "Noticias de la Semana," please complete our
online submission form. Thank you!