October 31, 2018
Notice of Public Meeting
Regarding Langmaid's Island

The Township of Lake of Bays has declared that the revised planning proposal for Langmaid's Island is complete. On Tuesday November 20 at 10:30 a.m. the Township Council (Planning Matters) will be meeting to receive staff recommendations and to discuss and possibly vote on, the revised planning proposal and Official Plan Amendment. This meeting is open to the public and we encourage interested residents to attend.

Click here to see the Notice of Public Meeting
Click here to see the revised proposal and reports (click on Completed Applications)

The Lake of Bays Association and the Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation are collaborating in reviewing and commenting on this proposal with our planner and lawyer.

Shoreline Naturalization on Robinson Property Completed

Despite some unexpected delays the LOBA grant for the Shoreline Naturalization planting of the Robinson’s property was finished in August. Huge thanks go to Northway Gardeners for providing us with a great collection of healthy indigenous plants. Special thanks also go out to the Northway Gardeners workers and our superb volunteers, Dennis Rolland, Chris Rolland and Ken Hilliard. What an amazing, hard working crew they were! The Robinson’s reported that, “This was a pretty big project for certain. Bill and I have appreciated everything you have done. Thanks very much to yourself and to the LOBA. Our property is going to benefit from this planting for years to come.”

For more information about the benefits of, and how-to tips on Shoreline Naturalization check out these resources from the Muskoka Watershed Council:

2018 LOBA Photo Contest

It's time to go through all your Lake of Bays photos from the past year and select the best ones for the Lake of Bays Association photo contest.

Open to all Lake of Bays Association members and families for submission in the categories below. Photos must be previously unpublished and submitted - one per individual, per category - in high-definition, digital format to Aben Graphics; before December 30, 2018. Subject line of the email, Lake of Bays 2018 Photo Contest . Contestants agree to the use of their photos for the Lake of Bays Association yearbook, newsletter, website and social media sites.

LIFE at the LAKE:  people, pets and dwellings
NATURE:  wild plants and animals
LANDSCAPE:  land, water and sky

Check out the winning photos and all 2017 submissions  here .

Photo above by Ann Morrison, 2017 First Place winner, Landscape
Continue to support the Lake of Bays Association
Pay by November 16 for a chance to WIN!

If you sign up or renew your membership for 2019 by November 16, you will be entered into a draw to win one of these great prizes:
Bigwin Island Golf Club  – golf package for four valued at $860
Rafters of Muskoka , Baysville – $100 gift certificate
Dwight Garden Centre  – $75 gift certificate
Season to Season Garden Market , Baysville – $75 gift certificate
SS Bigwin Cruise , Dorset– cruise for two valued at $60
Oxtongue Craft Cabin and Gallery , Dwight – $50 gift certificate
Lake of Bays Brewing Company  – $40 gift certificate

Thanks to these local businesses for their generous donations! Please support them with your patronage.

If you're not sure if you have renewed your membership for 2019, call our office at
705-767-3395 or email us at .
In our last Newsflash we mistakenly reported that Helena Renwick had been elected to a District Councillor seat in the Town of Huntsville. The three District Councillors are Nancy Alcock, Brian Thompson and Tim Withey. We apologize for any confusion.

The purpose of the Lake of Bays Association is to promote, sustain and enhance a clean and healthy natural environment, a well serviced community and a safe and peaceful Lake of Bays.

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