Noteworthy News

July 31, 2024

Democratic Presidential Candidate, Kamala Harris, Has a Long History of Supporting Abortion

According to the abortion rights advocacy group, NARAL, and Planned Parenthood, Democratic presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris, has a 100% pro-abortion voting record.

She used her California Attorney General position to push her pro-abortion agenda. When David Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood's baby body parts trafficking scheme, It was Attorney General Harris who initiated criminal charges against him.

Receiving funding from Planned Parenthood, Harris ran for U.S. Senate. Her office continued to work closely with Planned Parenthood to draft a law that would target undercover reporters who exposed abortion facilities.

Harris has supported bills that would require pregnancy centers to inform women about where to get an abortion, though thankfully, the Supreme Court threw out the law.

In 2019, she opposed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and when asked if she would ever consider abortion to be wrong, stated that it was "up to a woman to make that decision."

For more information about Kamala Harris' pro-abortion voting record, click here.

UK High Court Upholds Ban on Puberty-Blocking Drugs for Minors

In a Monday ruling, a United Kingdom High Court judge upheld the government's emergency ban on puberty blockers for minors because of the "substantial risks" to minors' long-term health.

This past May, former UK Health Secretary, Victoria Atkins, restrained the use of puberty-blockers for children and minors with gender dysphoria. In response, the campaign group TransActual UK, took legal action.

These developments stemmed from an April report released by pediatric doctor, Hilary Cass who noted the lack of research and weak evidence that puberty blockers are safe to use on minors.

The scientific evidence for potential harm to minors was cited in the judge's ruling.

To read more, click here.

California Releases Its 2023 Assisted Suicide Report

Since the 2016 legalization of assisted suicide in California, reportedly 4,287 unique and unrepeatable individuals have died by assisted suicide. In 2023 alone, 883 human lives have been lost to assisted suicide.

The report never clearly states, but does imply, that the deaths were voluntary. The 2023 report notes that since its legalization, over 86% of the reported assisted suicides were White, 6.4% were Asian, 3.8% were Hispanic, and less than 1% were black.

For more facts regarding California's assisted suicide statistics, click here.

Pro-Life Partners Foundation Launches New Educational Video: "She Will Rise Above"

Pro-life Partners Foundation has worked with several other pro-life organizations to create a video campaign aimed at disseminating the message about the devastation of abortion to as many individuals and groups as possible.

"She Will Rise Above” demonstrates that women have long faced struggles and always risen to the challenge. This video is a message of empowerment and courage.

In the research, women did not want to talk about the baby — they wanted to talk

about women. They want to be walked through the process and see success and

empowerment. There has to be a lot of work upfront for women, and this video

facilitates that upfront work.

Baby Born at 25 Weeks Shows Resiliency and Strength and Encourages His Parents

While on a business trip 2500 miles away from home, Claire Lutz's waters unexpectedly broke. She was just 24 weeks pregnant. Within 30 minutes, she and her husband arrived at a California hospital where she stayed for the next week receiving medications to help strengthen the baby for delivery. Their son, Rocky, was born by emergency Caesarian just seven days later.

He remained in the NICU for the next three months until he was strong enough to travel back to their Philadelphia home. Claire continues to marvel at Rocky's resiliency.

Read more about this beautiful triumph of life by clicking here.

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