INspire Her: Foundational certificate in advocacy five-session online program from June 3-24. Empowering participants to become effective agents of change in addressing gender disparities and advancing the well-being of women and girls. Presented by Girl Scouts of Central Indiana and Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Cost: $1,000. Apply by May 14

Attract the right talent: Skillful talent series 101 webinar on May 14 from 9 a.m.- Noon. Learn how to take a skills-based approach to job postings and stop turning away talent. Presented by Institute of Workplace Excellence. SHRM PDCs available. Cost: Free. Register

Taking the pulse of today’s nonprofit leaders on May 14 at 2 p.m. Learn how leaders are navigating the uncertainties of: harder-to-hire talented staff, dwindling budgets, and executive succession. Presented by The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Cost: Free. Register

Public Ally information virtual session on May 14 at 1 p.m. For organizations interested in hosting a Public Ally in a non-profit, school, or local government agency. Presented by INRC. Cost: Free Register

Be a silo-buster: The keys to increasing collaboration in your organization webinar on May 15 at 1 p.m. Understand how silos develop within an organization, the warning signs that you might have a silo problem, and learn strategies for breaking down existing silos. Presented by Blackbaud. Cost: Free. Register

Nonprofit job seeker guidance & Q&A webinar on May 16 at 11 a.m. Gain insights into what nonprofits are looking for in candidates, learn about the latest trends and challenges in the nonprofit sector, and receive valuable tips on resume writing, networking, and interviewing. Presented by Charitable Advisors and Interview Ally. Cost: Free. Register

Make it make sense - The electoral college on June 10 with a hybrid option. Onsite at IUI University Hall, 301 University Blvd, Room 1006, or by Zoom. Understand how the inner workings of the U.S. democracy enrich our perspectives as engaged citizens or motivate us to become one. Presented by Indiana University Indianapolis Professional Development and Continuing Education. Cost: $25. Register