Northwood School Laker

April 12, 2024

Ensuring Safety at Drop-off and Dismissal

Please drive slowly when on school grounds at all times, but particularly during arrival and dismissal. This will help to ensure the safety of other drivers as well as those who are walking to and from the school. Thank you!

Managing Stress

Since 1992, April has been recognized as National Stress Awareness Month to bring attention to the negative impact of stress. Not surprisingly it is a common fact that we all experience stress on some level – yet we may experience it in very different ways. As parents, it seems as though it is becoming increasingly more difficult to juggle children, family dynamics, relationships, and job expectations and responsibilities. 


Because of these experiences, there is actually no single definition for stress. However, the most common explanation seems to come from the World Health Organization, and is identified as the following: “Stress is a physical, mental, or emotional strain or feeling of tension often caused by a specific situation(s), and can manifest itself by feelings of threat, or anxiety.”  For all of us, managing stress is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, and knowing how to manage stress can improve mental and physical well-being, as well as, minimize health-related issues. Still, this is not an easy task to tackle, and sometimes difficult to find assistance during our stressful moments when events seem to be overwhelming.


Here at NWS, we are committed to helping our students, families, and community in the growth process of social and emotional learning, and stress management. As such, I’d like to share this great article that I recently read about “Stress Management for Parents - 50 Tips to Help!” Have a great weekend! ~ Mr. Ling



News from the Library

The Mini Makers Club had our last meeting this week. The students were able to showcase their creativity as they took ordinary items like styrofoam packaging pieces, cardboard, and bottlecaps and transformed them into dollhouse components. We had a blast!

8th Grade Trip Info Night

8th Grade Families: Be sure to mark your calendar and attend the family information night on April 30th, from 5-6 pm in the school library! This meeting will provide all the necessary details about the 8th grade trip to Boston. If you are not able to meet in person, we will provide the meeting information via email.

2024 Literary Magazine

Students are invited to submit original writing to the literary magazine, which will be published at the end of the year. Students may email their poems, stories, plays, or essays to their classroom teacher or to Ms. Carloni.

School & Community Information

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with wonderful kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

Important Dates

April 16 - 3rd grade concert, 6:30

April 17 - School Board meeting, 6:30

April 17 - 6th grade trip begins

April 22 - 26 - April vacation

April 30 - 8th Grade Trip Info NIght, 5:00

May 1 - School Board meeting, 6:30

May 3 - 7th grade field trip

May 9 - 2nd grade concert, 6:30

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
