“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who
fell into the hands of robbers?”
The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
Luke 10: 36-37
These words have haunted, challenged, and inspired me from my earliest memories of
the parable. Am I able to be a good neighbor to all? I know I fall woefully short much of
the time but I’m also very aware of the impact our involvement with Be the Neighbor
has had on me personally, the youth and sponsors who have participated, and on our
congregation. Working in partnership - in community - with so many agencies and
individuals working to make the world more accepting, loving and dignity affirming fills
me with contented joy. It inspires me to do more, to actively seek more ways to connect
with more neighbors. On the other hand - it tangibly reminds me of just how much work
remains and how important every act of kindness is. And this month was terrific!
Over the past 3 weeks our Be the Neighbor guests have:
● Distributed 11,000 pounds of food,
● Packed and prepared 15,000 diapers,
● delivered welcome baskets to Family Gateway for families experiencing
● Harvested, weeded and mulched the garden at Greater Garth Chapel,
● Learned how Rainbow Days works with children in difficult circumstances
● Experienced the challenges of buying groceries with too few resources
● Assisted clients grocery shopping at Jewish Family Services
● Met asylum seekers at Midway Hills CC
● Learned about Ebby House (helping young women who have just aged out of the foster care system) at Fowler Communities
● Toured Bonton Farms and dined at the cafe
● Enjoyed the beauty of creation at the Dallas Arboretum
● Learned about how expensive it is to live in poverty and assisted in the food
pantry and clothes closet at North Dallas Shared Ministries
Through their weeks of service I was privileged to watch the transformation of
individuals into community, of selfless acts rather than selfish ones, and see the
generosity of adult leaders willing to give a week of their time and be examples and
friends to other people’s children.
Finally, I’m so thankful for the volunteers who met us at the garden, hosted Monday meals and swimming parties. For our staff who provide assistance and support at all hours. I see our church hosting Be the Neighbor as the privilege, blessing, and mission that Christ elegantly and eloquently captures in Luke 10!
So Northway…
Let’s continue to “go and do likewise!”
Paul Schmidt
NCC Serve Chair