This Sunday: Faith and Film: Animated Edition

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:13; John 3:16-17

Join us On Campus or Online | Sunday, July 28, 2024

Whether you're a fan of Buzz Lightyear or Cinderella, grab your capes, crowns, and mouse ears and join us in church on July 28 dressed as your favorite animated movie character, or wear a favorite character themed t-shirt.

Worship service begins at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary (or meet us online at

Following the service, we'll close out our "Faith and Film: Animated Edition" series with a family-friendly movie, pizza, and popcorn in Fellowship Hall.

A Note from the Serve Ministry

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who

fell into the hands of robbers?”

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

Luke 10: 36-37

These words have haunted, challenged, and inspired me from my earliest memories of

the parable. Am I able to be a good neighbor to all? I know I fall woefully short much of

the time but I’m also very aware of the impact our involvement with Be the Neighbor

has had on me personally, the youth and sponsors who have participated, and on our

congregation. Working in partnership - in community - with so many agencies and

individuals working to make the world more accepting, loving and dignity affirming fills

me with contented joy. It inspires me to do more, to actively seek more ways to connect

with more neighbors. On the other hand - it tangibly reminds me of just how much work

remains and how important every act of kindness is. And this month was terrific!

Over the past 3 weeks our Be the Neighbor guests have:

● Distributed 11,000 pounds of food,

● Packed and prepared 15,000 diapers,

● delivered welcome baskets to Family Gateway for families experiencing


● Harvested, weeded and mulched the garden at Greater Garth Chapel,

● Learned how Rainbow Days works with children in difficult circumstances

● Experienced the challenges of buying groceries with too few resources

● Assisted clients grocery shopping at Jewish Family Services

● Met asylum seekers at Midway Hills CC

● Learned about Ebby House (helping young women who have just aged out of the foster care system) at Fowler Communities

● Toured Bonton Farms and dined at the cafe

● Enjoyed the beauty of creation at the Dallas Arboretum

● Learned about how expensive it is to live in poverty and assisted in the food

pantry and clothes closet at North Dallas Shared Ministries

Through their weeks of service I was privileged to watch the transformation of

individuals into community, of selfless acts rather than selfish ones, and see the

generosity of adult leaders willing to give a week of their time and be examples and

friends to other people’s children.

Finally, I’m so thankful for the volunteers who met us at the garden, hosted Monday meals and swimming parties. For our staff who provide assistance and support at all hours. I see our church hosting Be the Neighbor as the privilege, blessing, and mission that Christ elegantly and eloquently captures in Luke 10!

So Northway…

Let’s continue to “go and do likewise!”

Paul Schmidt

NCC Serve Chair

9:00 am - Sunday School

10:00 am - Fellowship

10:30 am - Worship Service

You may join us in the Sanctuary or online for Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 am. The service is also available on Facebook and YouTube. Below are some tips for worshiping with us online.

Announcements begin at 10:15 am, with the prelude to follow. Join us early! Prepare your own bread, cup and candle for communion. Turn on and adjust the sound to your computer.

Worship Rocks

(kids age 3 through 5th grade)

Worship Rocks is currently on summer break. Children may join their families for worship in the sanctuary. Worship Rocks will resume on August 11.

Handbell Rehearsal

11:45 am in the Sanctuary

(following the worship service)

After Church Movie & Lunch

11:45 am in F-101

Join your Northway friends in Fellowship Hall for a movie and pizza.

Solomon's Porch (Men's Group)

2nd and 4th Saturdays

7:45 am in the Music Suite.

August Forum

Sundays in August

9:00 am in F-101

Tai Chi

Mondays at 10:30 am

In F-101

Contact Donna for info


Midweek Bible Study

Wednesdays at 12:00 pm

Parlor and Zoom

After-Church Choir Rehearsal

Resumes on Sunday, August 11

11:45 am in the Music Suite

Choir Rehearsal Resumes

Wednesday, August 14

7:00 pm in the Music Suite

Senior Adult Ministry Lunch

Monday, September 9

11:30 am in F-101

Choral Scholar News:

During the summer when Northway's Chancel Choir is on break, the Choral Scholars still have an active schedule! If you've ever wondered where you might find them outside of the choir loft on Sunday mornings, you can click here for a peek at what they've got going on. Check it out! You may discover a great musical event you and your friends might like to attend!  

Intergenerational Service on Sunday, August 4

Join us on Sunday, August 4 as we worship together on Intergenerational Sunday. Children will join their parents in the 10:30 am worship service in the Sanctuary.

We will also be sharing a blessing with our teachers in appreciation of their commitment and service.

August 4: Topic - Essentialism

Pastor Chesna will lead this session with a brief overview of essentialist practice and some time to prayerfully consider what it means to have unlimited good paths in front of us when we can only take one. Can essentialism help us to see that this “one-path limit” is a gift from God?

August 11: Topic - Adult Classes

For our youngest members, we will begin with Promotion Sunday, a chance to meet new teachers and classrooms. For our adults, we will take some time to consider our own goals and plans for our Sunday School classes. What do you want to learn?

August 18: Topic - Music in Worship

Leanne Seabright and Scott Ayers will lead this Forum in a discussion about congregational song and all of the various styles. We will learn about old and new worship styles and formats, and how the songs we sing in worship can help all of us draw closer to God and to one another.

August 25: Topic - Emergent Ministry

Wrapping up our forum time, Pastor Law will teach us about emergent ministry, which includes the four key tenets of community, transformation, worship, and social engagement.

Serving Others with Christ-like Compassion

Volunteers are always welcome!

Mobile Food Pantry

1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesdays

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

Seeds of Faith Community Garden

1st and 3rd Saturdays

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Greater Garth Chapel

2828 Carpenter Ave.

Dallas, TX 75215

Diaper Distribution

2nd and 4th Saturdays

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

You're Invited! Sunday, August 11

Promotion Sunday

During the 9:00 am Sunday School/Forum hour on August 11, children will be meeting new teachers and moving to their new classes.

Backpack Blessing

Bring your backpack with you to church on August 11. During the 10:30 am worship service, we'll be sharing a backpack blessing for students and teachers alike.

Handbells Ring in Worship

We're all looking forward to hearing handbells in the 10:30 am worship service on August 11. Whether you join us in person or online, you'll enjoy this musical treat.

Click here to learn more about the Hidden History Tour!

Birthday Celebrations

Happy birthday to Matthew Giese, Norah Hussey, Madeline Gholston, Joe Semones, Frank Tanner, Natalie Weber, John Ruth, and Brian Brooks.

Parent Connection

Hey Parents! If you'd like to keep up with Northway's activities for children and youth, you'll want to click here to check out our "Parent Connection" newsletter. If you're not receiving this weekly email, but would like to, send us a note.

Financial Update

Week of July 18 - July 24, 2024

Weekly Receipts: $5,754.

Year to Date Receipts: $247,852.

2024 Budgeted Receipts: $464,840.

Financial Update Note: Contributions will be reported at the time they are received, even if they are prepayments of annual pledges. If you have questions, please contact Laura Giffin or call the church office at 214-361-6641.

Giving Options for Northway Christian Church

 Give online at

Give via text message by texting NORTHWAY to 73256

Gifts and offerings may also be mailed to the church office at

7202 W. Northwest Hwy., Dallas, TX 75225