This Sunday: "Friends Fly Free: The Art of Paying Attention"

Scripture: Isaiah 40:21-29

Join us On Campus or Online | Sunday, September 1, 2024

Click here to learn more about the Hidden History Tour! You can also learn more by attending a pre-meeting in the parlor following the worship service on

Sunday, September 1.

A Note from the Pastor

Dear Community,

My mother had a milestone birthday this month and my dad’s birthday is this week. So, on speaker phone, I overheard the server at breakfast ask my dad, “And what is your glorious age?”

I knew I had heard that before when my dear friend Mark Denton reminded me of a question posed at a Brite Ministers' week back in the 90s, during a series of lectures by Maria Harris, a Christian Educator from Columbia University in New York. Dr. Harris was lecturing on the spiritual development of adults, and she began one of her lectures like this:

She said, “In China, when you are introduced to a new person for the first time, the polite, socially expected thing to say is not, ‘How do you do?’ The polite question to ask is, ‘And what is your glorious age?’”

And if you answer the question, “And what is your glorious age?” by saying “I am fifteen," or “I am twenty-seven,” or “I am thirty-two,” then the person to whom you have been introduced shall shake their head gently and say, “That is too bad.”

But if you can answer the question by saying, “My age is forty-nine,” or “My age is sixty-five,” or “My age is eighty-three,” then the person to whom you have been introduced shall smile broadly and exclaim, “What a blessing that must be to you!”

What a gift it is to reframe the world’s standards and place eternal value on the call now on our lives. No matter what age and stage, hear me with your best hearing: What a blessing you are! Reframing is an essential part of our invitation as disciples of Christ.

As a community committed to open hearts, open tables, open minds, open arms, and open Bibles, we are called to see the world through the lens of Christ’s love and grace. This season, let us embrace the opportunity to reframe our perspectives, valuing each moment and each person as a precious gift from God.

Loving you and God more each day. See you Sunday!

Rev. Virzola Law

Senior Minister

9:00 am - August Forum

9:00 am - Sunday School

10:00 am - Fellowship

10:30 am - Worship Service

You may join us in the Sanctuary or online for Sunday morning worship service at 10:30 am. The service is also available on Facebook and YouTube. Below are some tips for worshiping with us online.

Announcements begin at 10:15 am, with the prelude to follow. Join us early! Prepare your own bread, cup and candle for communion. Turn on and adjust the sound to your computer.

Children's Music

Children in grades K-5 will meet at 9:00 am in F-202. Kids will be escorted to their Sunday School class following music time.

Worship Rocks!

Following the children's moment during the worship service, children ages 3 - 5th grade will be escorted to F-102 for their own kid-friendly worship experience.

Pre-Meeting: Hidden History Tour

Sunday, September 1

11:45 am in the Parlor

After-Church Choir Rehearsal

11:45 am - meet in the Music Suite following the worship service.

After-Church Youth & JYF Groups

11:45 am in Youth Hall 

Solomon's Porch (Men's Group)

2nd and 4th Saturdays

7:30 am in the Music Suite.

Tai Chi

Mondays at 10:30 am

In F-101

Contact Donna for info


Midweek Bible Study

Wednesdays at 12:00 pm

in the Parlor & on Zoom

Choir Rehearsal

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

in the Music Suite

Senior Adult Ministry Lunch

Monday, September 9

11:30 am in F-101

RSVP here.

Hidden History DFW Tour

Saturday, September 14

Meet at 9:45 am in front lot.

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Learn more here.

Reform or Revive?

Midweek Intergen. Study

Weds., Sept 18 - Oct 23

5:30 pm - Dinner time

6:00 pm - Study

in E-114 (Education Bldg)

CCSW Men's Retreat

September 20-22

Lake Brownwood Christian Retreat

in Brownwood, TX

Register and learn more here.

In observance of the Labor Day holiday, the church office/campus will be closed on Monday, September 2.

We hope you enjoy a safe and relaxing Labor Day!

Serving Others with Christ-like Compassion

Volunteers are always welcome!

Mobile Food Pantry

1st, 2nd, 3rd Tuesdays

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

Seeds of Faith Community Garden

1st and 3rd Saturdays

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Greater Garth Chapel

2828 Carpenter Ave.

Dallas, TX 75215

Diaper Distribution

4th Saturdays

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Front lot of the church.

Dates to know...

More details coming soon, but for now, mark your calendars!

9/15 Emergent Worship, 9:15 am

9/23 NCC Board Meeting, 6:30 pm

9/29 Intergenerational Service, 10:30 am

9/29 Jarvis Choir (during worship service)

10/5 Blood Drive at Northway

10/6 Candlelight Service, 6:00 pm

10/11 Arts District Choral Concert, 7:30 pm

10/20 Fellowship Chili Cook-Off Lunch, 11:45 am

10/26 All-Church Retreat

Birthday Celebrations

Happy birthday to Angeline Koh and Owen Durrett.

Parent Connection

Hey Parents! If you'd like to keep up with Northway's activities for children and youth, you'll want to click here to check out our "Parent Connection" news letter. If you're not receiving this weekly email, but would like to, send us a note.

Financial Update

Week of Aug 22 - Aug 28, 2024

Weekly Receipts: $6,332.

Year to Date Receipts: $277,061.63

2024 Budgeted Receipts: $464,840.

Financial Update Note: Contributions will be reported at the time they are received, even if they are prepayments of annual pledges. If you have questions, please contact Laura Giffin or call the church office at 214-361-6641.

Giving Options for Northway Christian Church

 Give online at

Give via text message by texting NORTHWAY to 73256

Gifts and offerings may also be mailed to the church office at

7202 W. Northwest Hwy., Dallas, TX 75225