North Plains GCD Board member and GMA 1 President Bob Zimmer, and the General Manager Janet Guthrie will be attending the first of a series of meetings ultimately establishing a Desired Future Condition for the Ogallala and Dockum aquifers serving the North Plains GCD.
Desired Future Conditions or DFCs are defined in Title 31, Part 10, §356.10 (6) of the Texas Administrative Code as "the desired, quantified condition of groundwater resources (such as water levels, spring flows, or volumes) within a management area at one or more specified future times as defined by participating groundwater conservation districts within a groundwater management area as part of the joint planning process."
The Desired Future Conditions are developed with guidance from a technical consultant considering these 9 factors:
1) aquifer uses or conditions within the management area, including conditions that differ substantially from one geographic area to another;
(2) the water supply needs and water management strategies included in the state water plan;
(3) hydrological conditions, including for each aquifer in the management area the total estimated recoverable storage as provided by the executive administrator, and the average annual recharge, inflows, and discharge;
(4) other environmental impacts, including impacts on spring flow and other interactions between groundwater and surface water;
(5) the impact on subsidence;
(6) socioeconomic impacts reasonably expected to occur;
(7) the impact on the interests and rights in private property, including ownership and the rights of management area landowners and their lessees and assigns in groundwater as recognized under Section 36.002 (Ownership of Groundwater);
(8) the feasibility of achieving the desired future condition; and
(9) any other information relevant to the specific desired future conditions.
At the most recent meeting, held July 18, 2024 the committee received a presentation from Intera regarding the aquifer uses and conditions within the management area, including conditions that differ substantially from one geographic area to another.
All meetings of the GMA are open to the public and you can find the Agenda and Meeting Materials here.