North Plains Water News

January 2024

Production Reporting

2023 Production Reporting is well underway and all reports must be in the office by 5:00 PM on March 1st. Of the 2981 reports created, over 500 have been reported using the District’s online portal. For those not confident in using the online system, there is a short YouTube video you can watch to show you how the system works. If you want to download and print the reports you can do that by clicking here.

We will happily accept your reports now. There is no reason to wait until March 1st. District staff are available to assist you with any questions you might have. For producers with more than five reports, we recommend making an appointment so you will not have to wait to receive assistance. 

Groundwater Management Area 1 (GMA 1) Joint Planning

Groundwater Management Area 1 (GMA 1) is beginning the 4th round of joint planning. The primary responsibility of GMA 1 is to conduct Joint Groundwater Planning and establish desired future conditions for the aquifers within the planning area. Desired Future Conditions are defined in Title 31, Part 10, §356.10 (6) of the Texas Administrative Code as, "the desired, quantified condition of groundwater resources (such as water levels, spring flows, or volumes) within a management area at one or more specified future times as defined by participating groundwater conservation districts within a groundwater management area as part of the joint planning process." 

Texas Water Code § 36.108 requires district representatives within a groundwater management area to submit desired future conditions for relevant aquifers in their groundwater management area to the TWDB. Member districts include, Hemphill County UWCD, High Plains GCD, North Plains GCD and Panhandle GCD. GMA 1 includes 18 counties: Armstrong, Carson, Dallam, Donley, Gray, Hansford, Hartley, Hemphill, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochiltree, Oldham, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Sherman, and Wheeler. This process will be conducted over the next 3-4 years and will involve considering several factors pertinent to developing a Desired Future Condition for the major and minor aquifers in the area. The next meeting of the GMA is scheduled for January 10, 2024. You can learn more about the joint planning process and see notices of the meetings by visiting the GMA 1 website here.

Registration Form

District Documentation

The administration department of North Plains GCD requires the applicable forms and request documents be filled out to receive a permit or registration, to inform the district of ownership changes or meter changes, or when establishing a new GPU. Using the forms not only makes completing your request timelier, but also allows us to properly track your request. While paperwork can be an inconvenience, the completion of these forms ensures we have all the information needed to assist you and make the process successful and simple for you.

The most commonly used forms are available on our website.

Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions.

WCC 2023 Demonstration Update: Salvage Operation from the Beginning

We all know that when agriculture is your business, especially in the northern Panhandle of Texas, you never complain about rain, anytime you get it. However, based on the plan we started the 2023 growing season with, we did get too much rain, at the wrong time. Nevertheless, If we look back on the 2023 season, keeping the “rain is always good” philosophy in mind, maybe we could have made some adjustments that would have allowed us to make better use of the extra rain we did get.

Even before planting, the demonstrations turned into a salvage operation. Based on three consecutive dry winters, our farmer/operator, engineer, and crop consultant all recommended substantial pre-watering, which was applied at a rate of 5.2 inches under both pivots and 2.2 inches in both drip plots. However, before any of those crops could be planted, the rain started in early may and dropped 11.25 inches in approximately one month. This unexpected rainfall caused challenges with several aspects of the demonstration plan.

First, the timing of the rain substantially disrupted the scheduled dates for planting. The rains interfered with both cotton and corn, altering a planting date demonstration for cotton. 

Read more here!

Welcome to the NPGCD crew, Angel!

My name is Angel Quiroz, I was born and raised in Dumas Texas. My hobbies are spending time with loved ones, going to the gym, cooking on the grill, playing videogames, and spending time with my best friend Obi, my dog. During my last year of football my coach always wanted me and the team to stay motivated and always do our best for our future. So, I took it into consideration and looked for a job the week after football. I applied at a beef packing plant and right away got hired. I stayed there for a year learning different parts of meat and the rest of the plant and even got a promotion.

After the year came to an end, I was offered the Natural Resource Specialist position for the district. I heard so many great things about the job and the programs I can be involved in. This position gives me an opportunity to gain more experience and be able to learn more about the agricultural process. I plan to stay with the district and build strong relationships with others, and I can’t wait for what the future brings me.

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