North Penn Bridge Bulletin

Greetings to the

North Penn Bridge Community!

Week of 05/06/2024

From the Club Manager

Dave Dodgson

Rehoboth Regional. There were many club members at the Tournament. Congratulations to the winners in these events:

Monday Open Pairs: Mark Cohen & Mark Henderson

Tuesday Bracketed Teams 2: Mark Cohen/Dave Cohan & Mark Henderson/Ala Hamilton-Day

Wednesday Bracketed Teams 2: Mark Cohen/David Venetianer & Kurt Engleman/Randall Berseth

Wednesday Bracketed Teams 5: Roger Milton/Beth Milton & Wendy Miller/ Leslie Degeorges

Thursday Bracketed Teams 3: Dave Dresher/Dave Dodgson & Dave Willgruber/Not Dave Willgruber

Friday Gold Rush Pairs: Steve Binnick & Marc Topaz

Sectional Tournament at the Club.
 STaC is at the club all this week. It’s your chance to win silver points.

The Longest Day
. This year we will hold our Longest Day Event in support of the Alzheimer’s Association on Wednesday, June 19. Check our webpage for more information and to make donations.

May Events.

May 8 Four is Enough Game. Elaine Clair and Mitch Snyder will be in charge. Please contact Elaine at or Mitch at if you need a partner, if you are already partnered or if you have questions. You can also sign up in the book at the club.

May 6-10 STaC Week. Silver points will be available at the club.

May 11 Robot Individual.

May 13-23 Grassroots Weeks.

May 17 0-500 Swiss Team Game.

May 22 0-99 Game.

May 27-31 Club Championship Week. Extra points at no extra cost.

Upcoming Tournaments:

May 6-10 STaC week at the club.

June 1 & 2 - I/N Sectional at the club. Click here for details.

June 24-30 - King of Prussia Regional. Click here for details.


Shuffle & Deal Wednesday, May 8, 9:30 - 11:30 am

Remember, our Shuffle and Deal sessions are open to all who have an interest in supervised play (not just new players.)

Joann Glasson’s Next Lesson: Monday May 20 at 10 a.m. on Zoom. Click here for details.


If you need a partner for a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday Open game, please email We will do our best to match you with others who are looking for someone with whom to play.

Requests for Tuesday and Friday limited games should go directly to Mitch Snyder at


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Ask the Expert

You're 4th seat, all white holding A543 AQ10 - AJ10985. You open in 4th seat with 1C. LHO now comes in with 2D. Partner bids 2N, which is natural in their system. It's your call.

Mitch Snyder. I'm going to shoot it out in 3NT. Clubs should provide some tricks and hopefully partner has enough in diamonds to prevent the opponents from setting them up. Spades are a little worrisome, but I do have 4 of them.

Dennis O’Brien. I really can't see any call other than 3NT. Partner should have a good 9-11 hcp, otherwise he would have passed and bid 2NT over my double.

Bill Bauer. You can call me chicken, or maybe I am just being prudent, but my rebid is 3C. Partner should have 10-11 HCP, but only promises one diamond stopper. If partner has two stoppers, partner can rebid 3NT. Also a club fit and one diamond stopper would qualify for a 3NT rebid.

Elaine Clair. This is a tough one. If I bid 3C it sounds like I have a minimum and could be passed. Partner has to have enough points to be in game territory and he heard the bid from RHO. I would probably trust my partner and bid 3NT. Hopefully he’ll also have some help in clubs.

John Dickenson. Well this is a tough problem.

1) Why is LHO making a 2D bid when he could not open 2D? 4 card M on the side?

2) Why did partner not pass and let me reopen with a double which he could leave in?

I will try 3N and hope for the best. Spades could be problematic, but we should get a diamond lead.

Email your questions, or a pesky hand, or something you’d like to know about bidding or playing to Toysie at She will forward them to the panel, one will be chosen, and the question and answers will be printed in the following week’s newsletter.

We update our Facebook page regularly so be sure to check it out. It’s a great way to stay in touch with all the happenings at North Penn.


Deal of the Week

by Mitch Snyder

A Counting Story

As you know, rabbits love to multiply but they can also perform the more mundane task of counting. In today’s hand, from a recent BBO robot game, my friend Bugs is going to demonstrate how some simple counting can lead to a top result.

Counting may be mundane but it should be an integral part of your bridge game. Sometimes you need to count a suit and sometimes high card points (HCPs). Neither are particularly large numbers. You can make the task even easier by reducing the number of cards or points to be counted by excluding what you see in your hand and the dummy.

For example, if you are declaring and hold 18 HCPs and the dummy has 10, then you only need to count the 12 HCPs held by your opponents. Counting trump is probably the one thing you should always do, but don’t count to 13. If you are declaring in an eight card fit, just count the 5 cards held by your opponents.

Not every hand requires counting all the suits or even all the HCPs, but when the right opportunity arrives, seize it!

Click hare to see Bugs in action

First a word about the bidding. Bugs’ 1S overcall on a 4 card suit is somewhat unusual, but he felt it had two positive effects. It directed the lead should west become declarer and preempted a 1H call that west may have wanted to make.

West would, in fact, have bid a heart but he had to make a negative double instead. Although he was a shade light he didn’t want to miss a potential heart fit.

North’s bid, a jump into an opponent’s suit, is called a mixed raise. It shows a hand with 4 or more cards in partner’s suit and 7-9 dummy points.

The auction ended in 3S.

Bugs could count a combined 21 HCP in his hand and the dummy and giving east 12-13 for his opening bid there’s only 6-7 points left for west.

After a diamond lead, EW took the first four tricks, west showing up with 6 HCPs. Since west should probably not have more than one more HCP, the Jack of spades was the only other honor card he could have.

West led a heart at trick 5 and east ruffed. Bugs won the club switch in dummy.

It was likely that east held both the Q & J of spades so with AKT of trump in his hand Bugs planned on taking the double finesse. If West held the Jack, too bad, this was his line.

He led a spade and surprisingly east put up the Jack, problem solved. West couldn’t have the queen unless east opened an 11 count on what seemed to be a balanced deal. Bugs ruffed a diamond back to dummy, repeated the finesse and claimed.

An interesting side note: We all know it is proper for defenders to play low from touching honors, but in this case a Queen false card might have given Bugs pause for thought.

Thu, May 02

Fri, May 03



Bruce Schwaidelson & Larry Umphlet

James Dowling & Scott Guiser

Useful Links

Recent ACBL Rank Achievements

Results of recent games on NPDBC website

Results of recent games on ACBL Live

Results of NPDBC Online Games on BBO

Info about online games on NPDBC website

NPDBC Home Page

Archived NPDBC Newsletters

ACBL Home Page

BBO Home Page

May Birthdays

Adams, Tay

Baker, Donald

Berman, Connie

Cohan, David

Franks, Suzanne

George, Bob

Godshall, Richard

Heintzelman, Jane

Ingram, P. J.

Lucard, Frank

Shoemaker, Alison

Snyder, Mitchell

Taylor, Robert

North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
(215) 699-4932
Visit our website