North Penn Bridge Bulletin

Greetings to the

North Penn Bridge Community!

Week of 04/15/2024

From the Club Manager

Dave Dodgson

0-500 Swiss Team Game Friday April 19.

ACBL-wide Charity Game Wednesday April 24. Because this is an ACBL-wide game, results will be compared across all North America and an analysis of all the hands will be provided.

Stardust Week April 22-26. Winners will receive 25% GOLD points.

Hoagie Day Monday April 22
. This is also the first Stardust Day so come for lunch and earn gold points.

Board Meeting Monday April 22. All are invited. Start time 10 a.m.

0-99 Game Wednesday April 24.

4 is Enuf Wednesday May 8. Pat Andrews will be away for May and June. During her absence, Elaine Clair and Mitch Snyder will be in charge. Please contact Elaine ( or Mitch ( if you need a partner, if you are already partnered or if you have questions. You can also sign up in the book at the club.

Upcoming Tournaments:

April 26-27 Sectional in Allentown, PA

April 29-May 4 Regional in Rehoboth Beach, DE

May 6-10 STaC week at the club.


Shuffle and Deal Schedule for the Rest of April:

Sundays 1-3 pm. April 28 will be the last date for Sunday S&D for the season. There will be no Sunday S&D over the summer.

Wednesday, April 17, 9:30 - 11:30 am

Remember, our Shuffle and Deal sessions are open to all who have an interest in supervised play (not just new players.)

Tuesday Evening Series on Forcing Bids. Linda O’Malley’s last class is April 16. Click here for the flyer.


If you need a partner for a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday Open game, please email We will do our best to match you with others who are looking for someone with whom to play.

Requests for Tuesday and Friday limited games should go directly to Mitch Snyder at


Click here to see a file you can enlarge.

Ask the Expert

Email your questions, or a pesky hand, or something you’d like to know about bidding or playing to Toysie at She will forward them to the panel, one will be chosen, and the question and answers will be printed in the following week’s newsletter.

We update our Facebook page regularly so be sure to check it out. It’s a great way to stay in touch with all the happenings at North Penn.


Defensive Tips Cont.

“Playing high-low feigning a doubleton when dummy has a doubleton and partner has led from the ace-king may provoke declarer into ruffing the third round high. This, in turn, may promote a trump trick for your side.”

From Defensive Tips For Bad Card Holders

by Edwin B. Kantar

Deal of the Week

by Rex Saffer

Unreasonably Great Expectations


In December 1996, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Alan Greenspan addressed the American Enterprise Institute at the beginning of the “dot–com bubble”, which culminated in the stock market crash of 2002. In his speech, Greenspan famously coined the term “irrational exuberance” to describe market volatility based on psychological factors rather than objective ones. Bridge players can be susceptible to similarly excessive optimism, which we sometimes describe as “falling in love with our hand.”

In a consistently fair and just world, such lapses in judgment would invariably lead to well–deserved consequences, but blind luck can play a significant role in our beautiful game, and reasonable auctions occasionally result in doomed contracts, while conspicuous overreach can be unfairly rewarded. In this week’s Deal, declarer should have paid the price for her partner’s irrational exuberance, but a rare combination of two advanced lines of play brought a highly improbable slam home.

The Deal of the Week

Our players were registered in a Sectional hosted by a local Optimist International Club. A special tournament rule required that all players be incurably optimistic fictional characters. Pollyanna and Charlie Brown were seated N/S, with Voltaire’s naïve Candide and his irrepressible mentor Pangloss playing E/W.

The Auction

Pollyanna briskly opened the 5–loser North hand 1♠, and Candide passed in tempo. Charlie Brown responded with a Jacoby 2NT showing a balanced game–going hand with 4–card support. Pollyanna rebid 3♣ to show her shortness, and with his soft values and the club honors likely wasted opposite a singleton or void, Charlie Brown should have scaled back expectations and settled for game. Instead, Pollyanna heard a rose–colored 4NT keycard ask, and playing 1430 she responded 5 showing zero or three. Unless she had rebid 3♣ with a stiff king, it seemed near–impossible for her to have opened missing three keycards, so Charlie Brown assumed possession of all five. Most would have been content to bid the small slam, but Charlie Brown continued with a 5 trump queen ask! Holding the queen but no outside king, Pollyanna signed off in 6♠, and Charlie Brown finally subsided.

The Play of the Hand

From the auction, Candide knew the 9–card trump fit included the top three honors and selected a safe 8♠ for the opening lead. The dummy came down, and Pollyanna saw that Charlie Brown might have modestly overestimated his values. She could see only two potential losers, but where were the winners to come from? A dummy reversal featuring two club ruffs in the closed hand would net six trump tricks, and driving out the K could set up three heart winners, but the minor suit aces would bring the trick count only to eleven. Perhaps an endplay or some other miracle would provide a twelfth. But first, she needed to attend to business.

Pollyanna won the opening lead in dummy with the A, cashed the A, and ruffed a club with the J. She crossed to the 10 in dummy, trumps nicely splitting 2–2, then she ruffed the last club in hand. There was no way back to dummy to attempt the heart finesse, so she cashed the A and continued a low heart. Candide won the K perforce and found himself inextricably endplayed. On a club return, Pollyanna could sluff a diamond in dummy and ruff in hand, while a diamond would allow the Q to score.

Click here to view or play the deal in the BBO Handviewer. Use the Next button to advance trick by trick or the Play button to choose your own cards and explore alternate lines of play.

Closing Thoughts

Dear Reader, Pollyanna was very lucky to find the K doubleton in Candide’s hand. If there had been a third heart, then upon winning the king Candide could have safely exited, and Pollyanna would ultimately lose a diamond to sink the slam. As it happened, the unfortunate philosophers were well and truly fixed.

True to form, Pangloss put an optimistic, teleological gloss on the episode:

It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for all being created for an end, all is necessarily for the best end.

Candide had finally had enough:

Only fools admire everything in an author of reputation.

All the best,


Thu, Apr 11


Bruce Schwaidelson & Dan Jacobson

Useful Links

Recent ACBL Rank Achievements

Results of recent games on NPDBC website

Results of recent games on ACBL Live

Results of NPDBC Online Games on BBO

Info about online games on NPDBC website

NPDBC Home Page

Archived NPDBC Newsletters

ACBL Home Page

BBO Home Page

April Birthdays

Abel, Constance

Brennan, Deane

McAleer, Anna

Michaud, Peggy

Milton, Roger

Myers, Joel

Schwaidelson, Bruce

Yanoff, Jay

North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club
(215) 699-4932
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