NS silent
West’s 3S response to the Jacoby 2NT shows a hand worth 16+ and is asking partner to show a control. (With 14-15 you would bid 3NT and with anything less, 4S; this is a good example of bidding less with more in a game forcing auction to allow as much space as possible for slam exploration). Anyway, west accurately bid 4C which was followed by 4 more control bids. West, with no further controls to bid ended the auction at 6S. Note that the 5 level control bids in this auction show 2nd round control. In both cases the ace had already been shown.
Either player might have bid Blackwood once they knew partner had the ace in their small doubleton suit, but control bidding can sometimes get you to a better spot. (Not the case in this hand).
S opens 3C
3C would not be everybody’s choice, especially given the vulnerability, but some will make the bid. East’s 4C is a cuebid, forcing to game with spade support. It may or may not show a control. 4D and 4H are control bids. West had nothing else to say and bid 4S, but east wasn’t done. 5C showed first round control and continued slam interest. West accepted.
N overcalls 2D
In this auction East’s 3D is a cuebid. It promises a limit raise or better and once again the bidder may or may not have a control. West bid 4S, accepting the invitation. Again, east wasn’t done. After 3 control bids, west bid the slam.
These three auctions demonstrate the use and flexibility of control bids. Either partner can start the process and continue it even after a suggested signoff. This slam could not be safely reached without control bidding.
In the common game 75% of east-wests scored +680 or +1430, obviously playing in 4S or higher. But only 16% of all east-wests bid the slam and got almost all the matchpoints.