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May 2024 Newsletter

From Our Administrators

Dear North Linn Community School Families,

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Mr. Brendan Schott as our new elementary school principal! With a passion for education and a commitment to fostering a positive learning environment, Mr. Schott brings a wealth of experience to our school community.

When asked through a survey what qualities our elementary families are looking for in a new principal they responded with: a principal who is responsive, caring, active with families and students, is present, dedicated to the school and community, has a clear set of standards for all students and holds that line, core classroom experience, a strong leader with a caring and compassionate heart, experience with diverse communities, a good communicator, holds students and staff accountable, not afraid of confrontation, a good listener, consistent, and kind. 

Meet Brendan Schott

A Dedicated Educator

Mr. Schott has been an integral part of our district for several years, serving as a high school teacher and demonstrating unwavering dedication to our students. His enthusiasm for creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences has left a lasting impact on countless young minds.

Vision for Excellence

As our new principal, Mr. Schott is committed to maintaining the high standards of education that North Linn Community School District is known for. He envisions a school where students and staff feel they are part of an even closer community than they are now. For the future of the students, Mr. Schott sees an environment of highly engaging activities where students want to come to school every day. For the future of the staff, he sees an environment where the staff feel supported and are excited to come to school every day as well.

Building Strong Relationships

One of Mr. Schott’s core beliefs is that strong relationships are important in every aspect of life. He believes that strong relationships are the foundation that enables students and staff to be successful and collaborative.

Community Engagement

Mr. Schott was born and raised right here in the North Linn Community School District. While attending school here, Mr. Schott participated in FFA, choir, FBLA, Student Council, National Honor Society, football and wrestling. He chose to come back to North Linn as an educator because he is passionate about our community. Mr. Schott wants to increase community partnerships that provide opportunities for community members to be in our school working with our students. Mr. Schott also plans to provide additional opportunities for the community to be in the school to showcase the work the students and staff are completing.

A Warm Welcome

Please join us in welcoming Mr. Brendan Schott to his new role as elementary school principal. We are confident that his leadership, dedication, and vision will continue to elevate our school and empower our students.


Leisa Breitfelder, Superintendent

The 2023-2024 District Calendar can be viewed on the

North Linn website.

Follow this link:

2023-24 District Calendar

Events Calendar

Important Dates:

May 01: Leadership Day

............1:15 Dismissal, Teacher Learning

May 06: Elementary Concert, 3rd-5th grades, 6:30 PM

............Board Meeting, 7:00 PM

May 09: PTO - VIP Breakfast, Preschool-5th Grade (last name A-L)

May 19: PTO - VIP Breakfast, Preschool-5th Grade (last name M-Z)

May 15: Seniors Last Day

............Fine Arts Night, 6:00 PM, HS Library

..............Senior Awards Night, 7:00 PM, HS Gym

May 17: Middle School Dance, 6:30- 8 PM, HS Cafeteria

May 19: Graduation, 2:00 PM

May 24: 12:15 Dismissal, Last Day of School for 2023-24 School Year

May 27: Memorial Day- Band and Vocal performances

North Linn Website
Electronic Backpack
Growing Greatness

꧁༺From the Nurse's Desk ༻꧂

The end of the school year will be here before we know it. With the start of a new school year around the corner it's time to start thinking of the health requirements/information for the next school year. Please see this list below about the health related requirements for the next school year.

3 and 4 y.o. Preschool

  • An updated immunization record (4 Dtap doses, 3 polio doses, 1 MMR dose, 1 varicella dose, 3 Hib doses)
  • Health Physical form
  • Vision screening- not required but recommended. Three options available (a completed vision screening certificate, student vision card, or a Kidsight consent form)


  • An updated immunization record (5 Dtap doses with one after the sage of 4, 4 Polio doses with one after the age of 4, 2 MMR doses, 3 Hepatitis B doses, 2 Varicella doses or reliable history of disease)
  • Health Physical form
  • Lead Screening
  • Vision Screening- Three options available (a completed vision screening certificate, student vision card, or a Kidsight consent form)
  • Dental screening

3rd Grade

  • A vision screening (either a completed vision screening certificate or a student vision card). I screen any students that don't have a form turned in by December. You will be notified if further testing is recommended. 

7th Grade

  • Updated immunization record (1 Tdap dose, 1st Meningococcal dose)

9th Grade

  •  Dental Screening certificate

12 Grade

  • Updated immunization record (2nd Meningococcal dose)

MS/HS Student-Athlete Participation Physicals (Sports Physicals)

  • These are turned into the high school office.
  • The new form is 4 pages long. Page's 1-3 stay with your doctor's office and page 4 is to be completed by the doctor and signed by the parent/guardian. Only page 4 needs to be turned into the school.

Self Administration Doctors notes

  • For those students carrying inhalers, epi pens, or authorized prescription medications on their person while at school, a new note from the doctor authorizing this is due each school year. Please contact Nurse Ashtin with any questions.

General Reminders from the nurse

  • Students must be fever free (without fever reducing medications), vomit free, and diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Students of any age are not allowed to carry prescription medication with them unless approval is obtained from the nurse. If you think your child needs any prescription medication while at school please contact the nurse to discuss the details. 
  • I do track communicable disease trends within the school. If your child is diagnosed with a communicable disease and you want to share with me it would be greatly appreciated, so I can track trends/outbreaks. 

Nurse contact information

Lost and Found

Any of these items look familiar? The lost and found at both the Elementary and Secondary levels have many items that have been left behind. Pictured above are just some of them. Items not claimed by the last day of school will be taken and donated. You can have your child look or give the office a call.

New Class at North Linn

Many have reached out in curiosity about North Linn Community and Service Learning. NLCSL is a new Social Studies elective course being offered this year! Mr. Schott advises the first ever students of the course in designing and executing service projects throughout the community. Please follow along with their awesome work throughout the rest of the school year! There are some amazing service projects highlighted on their Facebook page. Click below to see their great work.

NLCSL Facebook Page

Pictured left to right: Mr Schott, Levi Benesh, Jaylene Lowder, Moya Folkers, Paisley Carpenter, Gretchyn Kane, and Carly Myers-Helms

On Thursday, April 18th, Sophomore Levi Benesh presented to the elementary students about bike safety along with Officer Kellie Hughes. They began by giving a 20-minute interactive safety presentation to the 3rd-5th graders, followed by the K-2nd graders. Each presentation was capped off by a bike and helmet giveaway. Two male winners and two female winners each received a bike along with a helmet. Eight other students also won helmets. The bikes were supplied by Goldfinch Cyclery, a bike shop out of downtown Cedar Rapids. Officer Hughes and the Linn County Safety Department donated the helmets. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this happen.

#NLCSL #GrowingGreatness #lynxcountry

A Heartfelt Thanks to The Volunteers!

On Friday, April 19th, Camp Courageous celebrated the Spring Break Bash Festival with school-aged campers from around the state! Campers came from Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, Epworth, and Cedar Ridge to name just a few. Along with the campers that attended, volunteers from the Clarke University Nursing Program, North Linn High School National Honor Society students, and several individuals helped with the event.

Spring Break Bash Volunteers: North Linn High School -National Honor Society Students 

front row (left to right): Kassy Conway, Skylar Benesh, Kylee Shoop, Alana Ries, Molly Boge, and Kamryn Kurt

back row (left to right): Kelby Reierson, Mackenzie Bridgewater, Jersey Peyton, Ty Pflughaupt, and Aubrey Wade

These students assisted with set up of the festival in the morning, then helped with activities throughout the festival. Volunteers are crucial to making events like the Spring Break Bash happen.

Thank you to all of those that made a difference at this event and all of the other elements of Camp Courageous. Camp could not do it without YOU, the volunteers.

Senior Awards Night

Wednesday, May 15th 2024

7:00 PM

North Linn High School

All seniors, parents and guests are invited to a night of presentation of awards and scholarships for the graduating class of 2024

Join students from North Linn Art classes, Band program, Vocal program and Speech Teams as they present their work from this school year. Fine Arts performances will be held in the High School Library, with art exhibits located throughout the school.

Words cannot describe how awesome it was to host our first ever Leader Day at North Linn! Our students showcased their leadership skills with community leaders by sharing all they have learned about the 7 Habits. More pictures and videos to come!

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Address: 3033 Lynx Drive
Coggon, Iowa 52218
Phone: (319) 224-3291
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