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September 2024 Newsletter

From Our Administrators

Dear North Linn Families,

We hope this message finds you well as we continue our commitment to supporting your children’s education and well-being. We are reaching out to inform you about important changes to our absenteeism procedures, as outlined by recent state legislation, Senate File 2435. These changes are designed to encourage regular school attendance and to address absenteeism in a supportive and timely manner.

Definitions and Procedures:

1. Chronically Absent: Any student who is absent for more than 10% of the days or hours in the grading period will be considered chronically absent.

2. Truant: A student who misses 20% or more of the days or hours in a grading period without a valid excuse, and is not exempt under Senate File 2435, will be considered truant.

Compulsory Attendance Law:

Iowa law requires all children between the ages of 6 and 16, by September 15th of each year, who are in proper physical and mental condition, to attend school. Students must attend school for the total number of hours as outlined by the school calendar. It is important to note that the new legislation does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences—all absences are counted toward the total time missed and are included in the 10%, 15%, and 20% absenteeism thresholds. 

As a result, notification and intervention processes will be triggered when students reach these thresholds, regardless of the type of absence. However, the term "exempt" will be used to determine whether an absence will factor into absenteeism and truancy rules. Exemptions do not affect the overall absenteeism rates.

Exemptions from Truancy:

There are specific exemptions that excuse a student from being considered truant, including:

1. Completion of requirements for graduation or obtaining a high school equivalency diploma.

2. Excusal for sufficient reason by any court of record or judge.

3. Attendance at religious services or participation in religious instruction.

4. Inability to attend school due to legitimate medical reasons.

5. Attendance affected by an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

6. Attendance affected by a Section 504 plan under the Federal Rehabilitation Act.

Parent/Guardian Communication:

If a student becomes chronically absent (10%), a school official is required to notify the parent or guardian and the county attorney by certified mail. This notice will include details about the student’s absences and relevant disciplinary policies. In some cases, a notification may be sent before chronic absenteeism occurs based on prior agreements with the county attorney and outlined in our student handbook.

Engagement Meetings:

If a student reaches 15% absenteeism, the school will investigate the cause and initiate a school engagement meeting. This meeting will include the student, parent/guardian, and a school official. Together, we will develop and sign an absenteeism prevention plan aimed at addressing the causes of the absences and improving attendance.

The school will monitor compliance with this plan, and regular check-ins will be conducted for the remainder of the school year. If the plan is not followed, or if there is a lack of participation, legal action may be taken by the county attorney.

Truancy and Legal Actions:

The county attorney is responsible for enforcing attendance laws. If a student reaches the threshold of 20% absences without a valid cause, the North Linn administrators will reach out to the county attorney to alert them to the student’s absence rate.

These procedures reflect our shared responsibility to ensure that every student receives the education they deserve. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your cooperation and partnership in promoting consistent school attendance and student success.


Leisa Breitfelder  


North Linn Community School District

With it being a few weeks into the new school year we’re already seeing great progress in the classroom! Teachers have been busy setting the stage for an exciting year of learning, and students are diving into new material with enthusiasm. With the first few weeks behind us, now is a good time to establish strong study habits and stay organized. Remember, maintaining good attendance and completing assignments on time are key to academic success.

Homecoming week kicks off on September 23rd, bringing a week of fun activities. The homecoming game is scheduled for Friday September 27th with JV starting at 5:00 pm and varsity to follow at approximately 7:30pm. Coronation will take place at halftime of the JV game. We will have our HS dance Saturday September 28th at 8:00pm - 10:30 pm in the high school cafeteria.

Clubs and activities are officially getting underway and there are so many exciting opportunities to get involved! If you’re looking to join a new club, don’t hesitate to reach out to learn about something new. Getting involved in extracurricular activities is a great way to make new friends, explore interests, and build skills outside the classroom. Don’t hesitate to join in and make the most of your middle school & high school experience!

Please reach out to me with any questions regarding the new attendance policy from Senate File 2435 that Mrs.Breitfelder outlined in this newsletter. 

Ms. Schmidt has some scholarships available through the following links provided. Please be sure to look into these opportunities for our students.

Junior Scholarships

Lynx Pride Scholarship

Kaitlyn Stoll

MS/HS Principal

September Newsletter

Elementary Kick Off Assembly

Starting the year as the new Principal of North Linn Elementary, I knew that we wanted to kick off the new school year with an exciting assembly that set a positive tone for what’s to come. The energy in the room was contagious as our students, staff, and special guests gathered to celebrate school spirit.

We started with a warm welcome, accompanied by some upbeat music to get everyone in the mood. It was great to see our senior football players and cheerleaders join us—as they act as role models for our younger students. The cheerleaders got everyone pumped up with a high-energy performance, followed by a few of our football players sharing some words about their season and what it means to be part of the North Linn family.

One of the highlights was a fun and competitive relay race, where teams of students battled it out to see who could get the most balls into a basket in just one minute. The excitement was palpable, and the kids were all in, cheering each other on.

We then introduced our amazing staff with a “cheer off” where students showed their appreciation for their teachers by cheering as loud as they could. It was a wonderful way to recognize the hard work and dedication of our educators. Another interactive activity had everyone on their feet for a dance competition that included both students and staff. Enthusiasm and creativity were on display as it was a joy to see everyone letting loose and having fun.

We wrapped up the assembly with some closing remarks, thanking everyone for their participation and encouraging our students to make the most of the school year. With the help of our cheerleaders and football players, we ended with a big school chant that left everyone feeling pumped up and ready to take on the year.

As students exited, we played one last upbeat song to send them off with a smile. It was a fantastic way to start the year, and I’m confident that the excitement and positive energy from the assembly will carry through into the classroom and beyond. Here’s to a wonderful school year at North Linn Elementary!

-Mr. Schott

The 2024-2025 District Calendar can be viewed on the

North Linn website.

Follow this link:

2024-25 District Calendar

Events Calendar

Important Dates:

September 11: Early Dismissal- 1:15

September 18: School Board Meeting - 7PM

September 23- September 27: Homecoming week

September 25: No School

September 28: Homecoming Dance, HS Cafeteria- 8-10:30 pm

North Linn Website
Electronic Backpack
Growing Greatness

New Elementary Playground

We can’t wait to show off the new playground! Special thanks to our custodial staff and high school helpers for doing the finishing touches. The swings even got a test run and they appear to be very enjoyable!

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Address: 3033 Lynx Drive
Coggon, Iowa 52218
Phone: (319) 224-3291
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