Message from the Executive Director

I don't like waking up late. The first few days of Daylight Saving Time is a bit rough, but knowing spring is around the corner makes it easier. This time of year, we all start ramping up for events because everyone is ready to get outside. Maybe that's why you voted for event planning resources over other topics in last month's poll; we compiled some for you. The launch of our Nonprofit Events Hub has been well received, but we can also use your help spreading the word. Speaking of marketing, I'm thrilled to work with a conference planning team that has designed something you don't want to miss. There is much more in this issue, but my intro is already too long.

Growing This Spring: The NPC Online Resource List

As you probably know by now, the Nonprofit Center posts new resources in one or two content areas each month. Last month, we posted multiple fundraising resources as well as how to incorporate equity, diversity and inclusion in your work. We also asked you to select which topic you wanted us to provide next. Your response was... drum roll, please... event planning.

In addition to general event planning content, we've collected the information you need to host an event on county property. From reservations to permits, we've compiled the relevant links for you in one place. Just click the "Resources for Nonprofits" link on webpage.

National Council of Nonprofits is an Advocate and Resource

The National Council of Nonprofits (NCN), based in Washington DC, was founded over 30 years ago to improve the operating and policy environments on which nonprofits rely to do their work.

NCN tracks trends and policy issues, researches many aspects of the nonprofit sector, and provides resources about running a nonprofit.

Because the Nonprofit Center is a local government program (most similar centers are nonprofits themselves), we will rarely take a position on a particular piece of legislation at the state or federal level. However, it is important that you are aware of the issues and have the information you need to make advocacy decisions.

One way to stay up-to-date is to subscribe to NCN's Nonprofit Champion newsletter. It is FREE and worth a quick scroll. You can subscribe HERE. Maryland Nonprofits is a member of the NCN and publishes priorities that are specific to our state. You can find information on their Advocacy page.

Conference Registration Opens Soon!

The conference planning committee has been working hard to create a program that you won't want to miss, and registration opens later this month. Details will be added to the conference webpage as they become available. Sessions include:

  • ABCs of Annual Reports: Assessing Work, Building Relationships, and Communicating Impact
  • Artificial Intelligence as a Communications Tool: A Primer for Beginners
  • Crafting Connections: Branding and Communication Plans Matter
  • Internal Communications Impact on Organizational Effectiveness
  • Leveraging the Power of Traditional Media: Media Relations for Nonprofits
  • Maximizing Your Communication Resources: Tools and Software
  • Storytelling for Fundraising: How to Say What Matters
  • Visual Messaging to Boost Engagement
  • What Matters to Funders (and how to communicate with them)

There will be ample opportunity to meet, mingle and network with nonprofit-sector colleagues. Enjoy coffee and pastries during registration in one of Chesapeake Arts Center’s galleries and talk with similar organizations at our rect-tables (rectangular roundtables) during lunch.

The entire day is only $35 per person. The Nonprofit Center is honored to partner with the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County to present this event.

Say What Matters Webpage

Poll: Do you like Nonprofit NEWS?

Which best describes your opinion of the Nonprofit NEWS? Click a button below to let us know.
I love it! I read every issue and the topics are great
I like it, but it's missing relevant information [Note: NPC seeks feedback]
I rarely read it, but will stay subscribed

If you selected option 2, we want to know what information will be most useful for you. Contact us at

Grant Information (and a Spotlight) Each Week

Nonprofit News is published monthly, so we've partnered with the Office of Community Engagement and Constituent Services to share information weekly. The NPC section, near the bottom of the newsletter (you may need to click "view entire message" in your browser), is where you will find brief NPC updates, available grant opportunities, and a nonprofit organization spotlight each week.

And, of course, the CECS newsletter is a great way to stay on top of all things Anne Arundel County Government. To subscribe, click the button below.

Sign Up Here

“A big part of finding the right resources is knowing what to look for and what to avoid.”

 Matthew Lesko

Spring Ahead Means More Events: Share Them on the NEH

It might have been a bit more difficult to wake up this week. Whether it was because of Daylight Saving Time or because spring event season is ready to blossom, the Nonprofit Center wants to help. In addition to the event planning resources referenced above, we want to remind you about the new Nonprofit Events Hub (NEH). Since last month's launch of the online site, we've received several submissions daily.

At the same time, we're promoting the tool to the public. Information cards with QR codes are at county libraries, recreation centers, and senior centers. We're leaving cards with local businesses, handing them out at parades, and will distribute them at the county's annual River Days events. Last week's article in the Baltimore Banner was a great boost, but we could also use your help.

If you are hosting (or know of) a large festival or gathering where we can promote the NEH to the public, please contact us at or call 410-222-1386. We will deliver the cards to you.

Other Nonprofit News and Announcements

The County Executive's Community Support Grant (CSG) application deadline was February 22, 2024. The program, funded at less than $700,000 in fiscal year 2019, has grown to $2 millon under the current administration. One hundred thrity (130) applications totaling over $5 million dollars in requests were received this year. Decisions will be announced shortly after County Executive Pittman's budget speech on May 1st, but the final budget must be approved by the County Council.

How does the nonprofit sector determine best practices? It happens through research.

The Nonprofit Center supports the sector's research endeavors, but cannot endorse any specific project. The NPC can, however, share opportunities for you to consider. If interested, check out how you can participate in a study of nonprofit leadership practices by contacting Columbia Interational University doctoral candidate Chelseahi Carr.


The Nonprofit Center is a program of Anne Arundel County government. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Each NPC-sponsored event includes information about how to request an ADA Accommodation.

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