Announcement from the Committee on Nominations
Consider Serving Our Diocese
Elections Will be Held at Convention on November 7
Would you like to think about joining diocesan leadership by running for a diocesan committee position? This November, Diocesan Convention will be electing new members for almost all diocesan committees. Please read about the committees, what they do, their current memberships, and whether the incumbents are eligible to run again in the Nomination Booklet . If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, the nomination form is available here . Deadline for nominations is August 30, 2020.
The following positions are open for election at the 119th Convention of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts:
The Standing Committee : One clerical and one lay member.

The Diocesan Council: One clerical member (Pioneer Valley Corridor) and two lay members (one each from the Worcester and Pioneer Valley Corridors).

The Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral: One lay member (Berkshire Corridor) and one clerical member (Berkshire Corridor).

Disciplinary Board: One clerical and one lay member.

Provincial Synod: No positions open

General Convention Alternates: Three clerical alternate deputies and one lay alternate deputy.

Thank you for considering service on a diocesan committee, or for nominating someone for this important work.

The Committee on Nominations
Ms. Nancy Lowry
Mr. Michael Young
The Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts | 413-737-4786 |